Rainbow KotM

[Circuits and Tournaments]

A Rainbow KotM is a King of the Mountain event in which you cannot repeat any Mech more than one, two or three times, depending on the type of Rainbow Formation.

The modalities of Rainbow KotM are:

1. E Pluribus Unum (Single Rainbow). Only one of each Mech class is allowed in formation.

2. Double Rainbow. Up to two of every Mechs class are allowed in formation.

3. Triple Rainbow. Up to three of every Mechs class are allowed in formation.

Entering perhaps in a Double Rainbow KotM (second formation above), allows you to keep in your formation 2 Red Ants, 2 Anzus, 2 Shocklites, etc. If the formation entering combat in a Double Rainbow event, had 5 Boreas, 3 of them at random will be removed from combat before it started.

As any other KotM modality, a Rainbow event can be released combined with a Chrono, and/or Blitz.
  • A Rainbow Chrono will add the special rules of a Chrono event to the requirements of a Rainbow.
  • A Blitz Rainbow event will have a extremely short duration.


This modality of combat is also present in the Tournament specialists (CW, FW and SW), so is of high interest to keep updated a formation for each Rainbow type (single, double and triple).

The usual practise will be to start placing in formation the stronger Mechs, whatever were their spot inside the formation. How are they set will depend of every strategy, well in the front, the middle lines or the rear.

If you recently added a new Mech to the main formation and your remaining formations had free slots, check them because said Mech could have been added in any of their empty slots, which can sometimes cause some unpleasant surprise when breaking the requirements of the competition through this unexpected addition.

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(By GJ - 685605)