KotM Reports

[Mech Tournaments]

Since 3220, the pilot and journalist Sten Hugo Hiller started a series of reports on the "King of the Mountain" circuits (KotM), which soon acquired a growing number of followers among the avid spectators of the Mech Games and the lovers of the indiscriminate destruction of metal, crystal and niobium produced in such kind of events.
Classic ad of the competition
Soon, the ANN contacted and hired the services of the intrepid journalist, who often participated in the action himself, transmitting his articles on stage, with a high risk of personal injuries during the hard competition. Later, as the winter came on 3330, Sten got a contract with Mechanomicon, starting his own section there to continue his chronicles of the most famous of all circuits celebrated in the whole galaxy.

These reports are generally made available to readers sometime between the end of the last KotM and the beginning of the following KotM.

The reports contest varies a bit, because the KotMs have different formats, but they in general consists of the following:

1) Heading. Presentation of the contest, including name and the standard galactic time.

2) Personal experiences from and around the contest.

3) List of winners of the various divisions. There is generally a some other info as well; 
  • Amount of contestants in each division. 
  • Name of winner and (an abbreviated) name of clan if they are members of one. 
  • How long the top position was held. In Chrono`s this is changed to how many points lead they had to second place.
In case of Pointmech the model of Mech used is also included.

4. Total numbers of contestants, and of Medals claimed.
  • In case of weight limits there is a list of how many Medals in each division and total went to overweight formations.
5. Comparison to the last event regarding number of contestants and unclaimed Medals.

6. An analysis of the results, including what clan got most Golds, repeat and/or unaligned winners.

7. If possible, an interview with one of the winners. Here the reports have some limits:
  • Must be from the Contest presented.
  • Must be at least 2-3 (standard months) since last interview.
  • Must get in touch with the article writer, and both must have free time (it takes about an hour and the Interviewed gets 30 Niodes).
8. Presentation of the upcoming KotM, including name, format and considerations to be aware of.

9. End time of the upcoming KotM. (Standard time)

10. Highly optional. A presentation of some Mech, weapon or equipment that should or could be considered in the event by at least some of the contestants.

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(For Mechanomicon, by Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184)