Acronyms & Abbreviations

[Warfare, Glossaries]

0 - 9

0G (ZG) - "Zero Gravity".

0K - "Zero kills" (also OK).

1DDA - "First Digital Dark Age" (c. 1960-2090).

1S1K - "One Shot, One Kill". (Crit-Kill).

2IC - "Second in Command".

32 - Hoplite's colloquial name, the "32" stands for 3x2, in reference to a maneuver where the Hoplite is deployed using defensive bracketing.

4LM - "Four Legged Mech".


AA - "Assembly Area".

AAC - "At any cost".

AAHA - "Awaiting Action Higher Authority".

AC - "Armored Core". An old mercenary faction

AFF - "Affiliation". The Death´s Squads, a wide mercenary faction.

A.I. - "Artificial Intelligence". The aboard Mech's supercomputer which the pilot connects to control and drive the Mech.

A/L - "Approach and Landing".

ALCORP - "Alpha Corporation", the unique Mech Manufacturer of the Illyrian Hegemony.

AM - "Artificial Mind". An A.I. self-awareness that became a thread for the Galaxy. Allocated in Vupa 6, but reported to have support in the cyberspace, where no one is able to destroy it physically.

A.N.N. - "Asterion Network News". An editorial group of galactic News and entertainment for Pilots.

A/P - "Auto piloted". A few A.I.s were developed with capability to autopilot a Mech with disastrous results.

AR - "Auto repair". A Mech capability to auto repair structural damage received.

ASH - "Asgard Heavy, LTD" Mech manufacturer.

AXE / AXB - "Axe Bot" Mech class.


BAT - "Basic Attack Training".

BCDC - "Big Chief de Cuisine". Call sign of the Craftsmen CEO.

BFM - "Big F*ck*ng Mech / Monster" also the more civility term "Battle Functional Machine". Abbreviation that designates the heavier of the Mech classes attending by their tonnage an encompasses Mechs between 90 and 105 tons.

BHG  - "Battlegroup Mercury" (B stands for battlegroup, HG is the chemical symbol of Mercury). A large mercenary faction, born as a Split of the lower MMI clans after internal disagreements with the High Clans Head. 

BSB - "Black Star Bandits". A mercenary unit belonging to the Black Star Faction.

BSLR - "Black Star Lycan Rangers". An elite mercenary unit belonging to the Black Star Faction.

BZ - "Bravo Zulu". Shorthand for "great job!"


C´s - "CyberStorm". An old division one champion mercenary clan.

CD - "Charlie Delta" or "Colony Drop". An especial tactic developed by the elite mercenary clan Zeon.

CELL - "Clone Engineering Life Laboratory".

CEO - "Chief executive officer".

CF - "Circuit Fights". A type of Mech competition that constitutes an important resource of crystal.

CBM - "Cherry Blossom Mechworks". Manufacturer of the Sengakuji Reaches.

CIC - "Commander in Chief". Leader of a Mercenary Faction.

CK - "Crit-Kill". The capability to knock down an opponent Mech with a sniper shot in a critical device/structural part.

CO - "Clan or Commander Officer".

COMECH - "Consolidated Mecha". One of the five main Cogwerk Manufacturers. 

CPER - "Craftsmen Pilot Evaluation Ratio". Grade or rank assigned to the Mech pilots, according to their skills.

CTS – "Cosmic Top Secret". Higher confidentiality rank tan TS.

CW – "Clan War". Mecha Tournaments organized by the Craftsmen and the Mecha Games Committee, in which several mercenary clans participate to keep well trained and brag about the best one.


DAG - "Direct Action Group". An elite Illyrian Hegemony military unit.

DILLIGAF – "Does it Look Like I Give a F*ck?". There is a sleeping clan that with this name, participated in the Mech Tournaments (Clan Wars) between 3288 and 3292.

DRB - "Double Rainbow". A specialist formation in which a squad is composed by as much as two mechs of each class, no more.

DW - "Defense Win". Mech Tournament & Games term for those fights in which a squad scores for his clan while in defense stance.


ETA - "Estimated Time of Arrival".

EZ - "East Zone".


FAN – "Feet, Ass, and Nuts". A common acronym which describes the smell of a cockpit in which a pilot have stayed long time without natural ventilation.

FASCAN -  "Field Artillery Scattered Mines".

FISH – "Fighting In some one's Home". Acronym describing urban warfare.

FNG – "Freaking New Guy". A ubiquitous acronym for new members of a group.

FW - "Faction War". Mecha Tournaments organized by the Craftsmen and the Mecha Games Committee, in which several mercenary factions (agrouping various clans) fight each other.


G (GW) - Gateway.

GAS - "Galactic Senate".

GDI - "Galaxy Development Incorporated". An important Mech Manufacturer.

G.G. - "The Galaxy Gathering". An editorial group of galactic News and entertainment for Pilots.

GUS - "Gateway Under Siege".

GW (G) - Gateway.

GWP / GWPT - "Gatewaypoint".


HF - "Highlander Forces". A wide mercenary Mech faction.

HQ - "Headquarters".

HR - Hatoraide. 

HME - "Hostile Mech Environment". Exceptionally adverse conditions for the movement and maneuverability of a Mech, such as extreme gravities, abrupt, marshy or similar terrain. 


IH - "Illyrian Hegemony". One of the Three Great Powers of the Galaxy.

INA - "Indo Nusa Alliance". Mercenary Clan that congregates numerous pilots of Indonesian origin (Indonesia was an Asian nation of Old Terra).

IPG - "Independent Players Group". Mercenary Faction that stands for the joy of the Mech Tournaments and Games.



JACK - "Just Another Clan Killer". It has two uses or interpretations. 
1. A bloodthirsty clan member that is often the cause of bloody results in mech tournaments.
2. Someone for whose bad practices a clan ends disbanded.


KISS – "Keep It Simple Stupid". A derogatory advice requesting to keep common sense and simplicity for something so easy that shouldn't go wrong. 
When the 99th Chessmen RND Core left the RND faction in recession, they adopted this nickname as a statement.

KOTM - "King of the Mountain". Main Mech competition circuits that often run under a certain specialist set of rules.


LIT - "Lost in Transit". A disturbance in which a gateway suffer a dysfunction, losing those who travel across into the nether.

LoA - "League of Ages". A military organization with which the Forerunner Droch'ah attempted to implement his plans for total domination.

LOGT - "Legionnaires of Galactic Trade". A SoCP faction.

LP - "Legendary Pilot". A pilot who has received galaxy wide renown and the special status of Legend by the Craftsmen. Each legendary Pilot acquires a "symbolic or totemic" Mech attached as their Mech of choice in the Craftsmen Records of Legendary Pilots.

LZ - "Landing Zone".


MB - "MurderBots". Legendary old mercenary clan, long time ago disbanded.

MECH / MECHA - "Mechanized Assault Unit".

MG - "Mecha Galaxy". A way in which some pilots refers to the Galaxy as the Mech Warfare is capital to keep the safety of mankind.

M&L - "Myth & Legends". Large mercenary faction.

M&M's - Pilot Slang for Mission Miniboss.

MMI - "Misfits of Mayhem Incorporated". A successful mercenary faction that operates in the higher divisions of the Mecha Tournaments.

MN - "Mechanomicon". The Great Galactic Encyclopedia.

MP - "Mech Point".
1. First Mech in the front line of a Mech formation that leads the walk. Considered to be frequently the first one to spill the blood in the battle.
2. A type of specialist formation in which only the Mech Point will fight, as in a duel. One to One.

MPA - "Mech Point Academy". A Pilot-School organization, unsuccessful in their original program that maintain a few number of clans participating in the lower divisions of the Mech Tournaments & Games.


NWHL - "Northwind Highlanders". A veteran Clan under the Brotherhood flag.

NOD - "Novum Dolorum". Scientific colony of the Illyrian Hegemony.

NZ - "North Zone".


OC - "Operations Center".

OK (0K) - "Zero Killed". No casualties.

OL - "Offensive Lose". Term for the Mech Tournament & Games, referred to an unsuccessful attack in which the opponent pilot scores a point for his faction, clan or squad.


PSD - "Portal Stabilization Device".


RA - "Red Ant" Mech class.

RECON - "Reconnaissance".

REF - "Retrofeed". Operation of dismantle damaged Mech to use the pieces to repair or improve others to keep them functional.

RND - "Research & Development". Name and let motif of one of the most prestigious Mercenary Clans, active between the years 3267 and 3295. Founded by the Legendary Cmdr. Richard Millich.

RNG - "Randomly Number Generated". A technical way of referring to the inherent randomness of every small event of life, in particular, applied to Mech combat.

RV / RVP - "Rendez-Vous Point". A meeting or appointment to meet at a specified time and place.


SoCP - "Society of Cogwerk Planets". One of the Three Major Powers of the Galaxy.

SOG - "Special Operations Group".

SP – 1. "Start Point"; 2. "Stimpack".

SR - "Sengakuji Reaches". A secessionated region of the Shogunate.

SRB - "Single Rainbow". A specialist formation in which a squad is composed by a Mech of each type, without repetitions.

STAF / SF - "Star Factories".

SW – "Squad War". Mecha Tournaments organized by the Craftsmen and the Mecha Games Committee, in which several mercenary squads (smaller format than clan) participate to keep well trained and brag about the best one.

SZ - "South Zone".


TAAR - "Talbus Arms". One of the five greater factions and manufacturers in the SoCP.

TB - "The Brotherhood". A veteran and large mercenary faction.

TBD - "To be determined". Expression that refers to a date or time that has not yet been specified.

TRB - "Triple Rainbow" - A specialist formation in which the squad is composed by no more tan three Mechs of each class (3 Notos, 3 Fext, etc).

TS – "Top Secret".


UG - "Upgrade". Each of the electro-mechanical actions and maintenance in which a Mech is enhanced to increase its combat capabilities.

UK / UGK - "Upgrade Kit".


VET - "Veteran". A pilot that has several years of successful combat experience, and who usually has participated on several Mech Tournaments as in Real War Action through many raids. Capable of undertaking the most difficult missions and succeeding. 


WACO - "War Acknowledges Certain Options".

WH - "WarHorse" Mech class.

WTF – "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot". Military alphabet code for "What the F*ck". Derogatory expression of surprise.

WYPT - "Waypoint".

WZ - Various meanings: 1. "War Zone"; 2. "West Zone".


X - "Posittion Error".

X - "Ex-" (former). Like in XCIC would refer to a former Commander in Chief.

XBQ - "Radio-controlled assault drone"

XO - "Executive Officer".


ZG (0G) - "Zero Gravity".

ZT - "Zero Tolerance".

ZTB - "Zap the bastards".

ZOC - "Zone Of Control".

ZOOM - "Zone out on missions".

ZULU - Galactic/Universal Time Zone indicator.

(By GJ - 685605)