[Legendary Pilot]
Star League Officer ~ Pilot License number: 627184

A veteran of several battles against the numerous threats of the galaxy and old known in all the modalities of the circuits in the King of the Mountain (KotM) modality, Sten Hugo Hiller has become in its own right a well-known pilot.
His experience in the KotM has given him a brilliant career in the editorial world, in which he became as Mecha War Games Correspondent for the Asterion Network News first, Mechanomicon later, spreading his chronicles of the circuits, through fresh and interesting analyzes that contribute to the diffusion of the competition, as well as to introduce the events among the youngest drivers.
As a mercenary pilot, he is part of the veteran Star League led by Commander Paul Knight (Paulzilla) and has successfully led, winning a silver medal as CO of a Star League unit during the first Squad Wars on 3320.
In Sten own words, he is a man of several parts. Foremost a doting husband and father. His career as a Mech warrior took up a lot of time, but he cherish the time he has with his family. But he is also bound by duty, and loyal to his friends, clan and crew. While he always try to accomplish tasks set for him to the best of his abilities, sometimes he fail, and sometimes his abilities aren't up to the tasks.
Recorded videoptic archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Sten Hugo Hiller.
Date: October 12, 3322
Location: VIP's room at Leader LaSalle's Club, Cogwerk Port.
Mechanomicon - I am before a bizarre Mech Pilot. His grassy coverall had patches on the patches, the hands had both mining scars and inkblots. His glasses was at an angle and there was an unpleasant odour that reminded me of the Jungle moon. But since the front desk had let him in, I guessed he were in for some interview, so I put on a friendly smile, sat on my integrated micro and greeted him.
Now that I look better to you, Sir, I recognize the very own Sten Hugo Hiller, a renowned pilot from the Star League Clan.
As introduction, mind you talk about your origins? What system or planet are you coming from and how were your first steps as Mech Pilot?
Sten Hugo Hiller - Well, I come from the outward rim, the planet Noruga in the Scandia system. When pirate attack seemed imminent they scraped the barrel to find enough qualified pilots. I wasn't quite there, but as I was just outside the parameters they looked for I was included in the training battalion. My instructors were very unhappy with my lack of performance, and I was regularly sent on punish detail,mountain climbs in a Red ant carrying tons of rocks. During one of those Climbs the pirates attacked. I saw the formation mercing beneath me and dropped the bag.
The resulting Avalanche buried the pirate Squad, and i got a Warhorse for my heroic efforts.
M.- A great debut for a Mech pilot indeed. For how long did you serve in the Scandia defenses?
S.H.H.- Oh, just ill the pirate threat was over, then I was dismissed without prejudice. They wanted real Warriors not clumsy ne'er-be-goods like me.
But I had My warhorse and a couple others from my training squad without the Family Connections needed to stay in the forces joined me and we went in search for fame, glory and enough cash and spare parts to keep Our Mechs in working order.
Maybe at that time you was nothing but a rookie, but now we can affirm you are a real Mech warrior. In your opinion, what makes a "real Mech warrior"?
I wouldn't say I am quite there yet, the team of warriors under my command, the friends willing to brave fire to shield me from enemy fire, is what makes me still breathing. As for what a real Mech warrior is.. Here I am influenced by the Codex of my clan, the Star League. A real Warrior is one who unflinchingly does his duty, even when he faces certain defeat. never uses more force than necessary, and Shields civilians to the best of his ability. Remembers that the opponent is just that, an opponent, not an enemy. Always willing to lend a hand to those in need, and if necessary, let the payment wait a bit.
I know it might be out of date to be so Paladin's, but that is what we strive to be.
M.- Was that starting band that you formed the seeds of the Star League?
S.H.H.- Oh no, they were just my command. It took about a year for us to attract the attention of a Clan leader and be invited to a Clan. We ended up in the Smoking Aces. and spent the following six years there. But when the other Aces kind of semiretired in `81 I joined up with the Star League. But I was not one of the fonding members.
What memories do you keep from the Smocking Aces?
Ah, the thrill of finally being among Warriors who actually told me how to do things. I had done some serious mistakes at that time. Worst I think was when I impatiently speed leveled an Red ant from level nine to ten because it took so long time to do it regularly. I had no idea of anything, and they managed to correct the worst mistakes i did. For instance I stopped BUYING Force Ion Beams, and had it explained to me in graphic detail that kickback was not retaliatory strike when opponents managed to hit me. At that point I had spent and spent on Kickback weapons and Equipment. Also we managed two Silvers. that was a thrill. Prize Mechs! Wow.
M.- Do you remember what menaces besieged the galaxy by those years?
S.H.H.- No, I cant, I was to busy fighting my way through the other players and the missions. didn't really give the wider galaxy any thought at all. Wars happened and raids happened, against whom and for what didn't matter as long as there were good loot, well at least some loot involved.
M.- How was your debut in the Star League?
S.H.H.- I think Brently Gill still was leader at that time, and William Howell was there as well. It wasn't so much that they told me what to do, more like leading With example and giving disapproving looks when I kept repeating mistakes. They , and the rest of the crew, managed to get me into shape as a person, not a paid killing machine.
M.- When did you happen to step up in the ranks of Star League and how did it happened?
When and how did you...
S.H.H.- Step up in ranks? I am a glorified Clerk! My R&D hat is Reports and Dispatches. But since I brought quite a crew with me I have a Company Commander position. If you refer to my Temporary leadership during the Squad Wars in `20 it was because the others had to much to do, and Paulzilla was on a vacation With the Bunnies, When he learned of my handling of the situation he came back and demoted me immediately.
(Paulzilla is the call sign for Paul Knight, the Star League leader)
M.- Since your inception in Star League, what have you learned to grow as an expert Mech pilot?
S.H.H.- Oh to many things to really mention. To take the most important: Equipment trumps weapons. Placement in the Line mostly trumps mechs, weapons should be suited to the mechs, And know your capabilities.
M.- In one word: Synergy
S.H.H.- Yes, you could Call it by that name,
How was the experience to run as CO of the Star League Squad during 3320?
S.H.H.- I was temporary Commander during the Squad War, but Paulzilla is the CO. What I learned in my stint as temporary Commander is that the weight of command is extremely heavy. Paperwork multiplies, and the unit depends on you to make the right choices, or should I rather say, to make the best Choices among the options available. This requires a profound and deep understanding not only of Your own and the members capabilities, but also a deep familiarity with possible and probable opponents. Luckily for me Star League consists mostly of crack units, (me being the exception) and they were more than willing to help ease the burden of a New Commander who was way over his head.
M.- You show to be a humble pilot, but thirty one golds in the KotM circuits hosted in Cogwerk Port speaks about certain success.
S.H.H.- Thirty two now (grins) but I have found my niche in the mid to low Level tonnage. My most successful formation, Snooze Company, have been instrumental in most of these successes. I simply don't have the resources to be a top contender in the Heavy formats.
Yes, it is noticeable your specialization in light formations.
I have also managed to get some Equipment for my heaviest mechs, enough to make me a dark horse in the front line and Point Mech.
M.- Which one is your favourite Mech among the large variety produced by the Manufacturers?
I have also managed to get some Equipment for my heaviest mechs, enough to make me a dark horse in the front line and Point Mech.
M.- Which one is your favourite Mech among the large variety produced by the Manufacturers?
S.H.H.- For favorite Mech, I am currently in love With the Antithesis. its blend of precision and Dodge, combined With speed and critical strikes makes it a favorite of mine, at least in the paper. The one I have named Ballerina is still not fully developed, but will hopefully make my formations somewhat better..
M.- All mechs have, or at least can, With the right gear, acquire several capabilities. While I feel all of them are important, what stands out as the most important is precision and Dodge. Speed also Plays a huge role, and getting a decent critical probability never hurts. But if I have to chose among these I would say precision is most important. The only way to win Battles is to hit the opponents..
S.H.H.- Most of my formations is formed more out of necessity than wish. While I have more BFMs than I currently field, I don't have the Equipment needed to make them surpass my heavies, so I still use mechs down to 65 ton in my main formations. Another restraining factor is weapon availability. I have not had surplus resources to buy the New and shiny weapons for more than two decades. what I have is the old weapons and what I can scrounge on the Climbs, in the Wars and in the raids.
M.- You have learn your lessons. I bet your strenght has to grow in future as much as your tech knowledge.
S.H.H.- Yes it will have to, otherwise I will fall to far behind those who have already mastered these lessons. Always New horizons to see, always New ways to do Things that can be learned from friends and opponents alike.
M.- You mentioned Scandia as your origin system. Do you have any heritage with the Terran northmen lineages?
S.H.H.- After the 2990 disasters (Oh the glacial melt, and the disruption of the golf stream made most parts of the British isles, and the Scandinavian peninsula more or less uninhabitable) many of the People from the Northern countries emigrated. In the Scandia system they consisted at one point for over 85% of the population. New Waves of immigration brought these percentages Down, but the Heritage is evident in buildings and customs.. Most Peoples however discarded their old Earth national ties and became Scandians first and last. I Guess I have a Heavy dose of Northern blood in my veins, and I can see the advantages of the system they imported, as well as some drawbacks.
M.- How do you envision yourself in the future?
S.H.H.- None of us are getting younger, but the years have not dealt to harshly With me yet. I hope to continue my career for at least another five decades. Now, I am hoping to stay where I am clan wise and having the same friends around me, but Star League have lost about half its original members already, and New ones have stepped up and filled their shoes. What I hope is to learn more, become competent over a wider Field, and stay mentally flexible enough to react to changes and adapt With them.
M.- You will have to be glad to the several medical advances that keep most of us, pilots, alive beyond the standard life expectation.
S.H.H.- Yes, some speculate that the Extreme amounts of Hatoraide and Stim packs reverses the normal oxidation in the cells, but as these substances are expensive and regulated, and many non pilots seem to develop allergic reactions when subjected to large doses over time, no conclusive proof have been provided.
M.- I am sure some scientists as Dr. Oki or Dr. Drake already arrived to their own conclusions.
For some time you turned to be a quick reporter for ANN news, covering the KotM circuits in your own section... What that extra job report to you?
S.H.H.- Well, it serves several purposes. Firstly it gives me a better feel of who to watch out for as likely and coming opponents, secondly, it gives me an added incentive to be in the KotMs, and thirdly, it provides a 2-3 digit amount of Niodes each week.
M.- Do you have anything else you might want to mention?
S.H.H.- While there are plenty (you included) who have a deeper and wider understanding of the intricacies of the machines, weapons and Equipment we use, I am always willing to try and answer those who are stymied by something. The best advices I can give to up and coming opponents is: Join a clan! they will help you develop and learn New tricks. Never be afraid to ask for help or advice. Most of the senior pilots are willing to help out those who need it.
M.- Well said. It has been a pleasure count with you, Sir.
M.- Well said. It has been a pleasure count with you, Sir.
S.H.H.- Pleasure entirely on my side. please Accept my apologies for the grease stains on Your Chair.
M.- Don't worry, I am pretty sure the LaSalle's waitress will care about that.
(Grabs a Carnidium La'Feat of 3201)
- ¡Salud! ("Cheers" in Spanish from Old Terra)
- ¡Salud! ("Cheers" in Spanish from Old Terra)
S.H.H.- ¡A su salud!
Entry & Interview with Sten Hugo Hiller (627184) by GJ (685605)