Mech Pilot

[Mech Warfare, Military]


I. From Knights to Mech Pilots
II. Mech Pilots Origin
III. Neural Connection
IV. Mech Pilot Lifestyle
V. Mercenary Pilots

I. Mech Pilots, Modern Knights

In the Dark Ages of Old Terra, War had developed martial excellence through the units of cavalry. Units that were able to overwhelm and trample any infantry in their lethal charges, or to alter the course of the battle thanks to their great versatility and mobility.

The Knights constituted an elite unit, in whose origins, was formed with members of noble class and later evolved in the form of professional units. 
Regardless of the black legend or the romantic myths that enveloped them, they formed a class of formidable and exceptional warriors.

For their extraordinary training, discipline, excellence in combat, as well as for their mobility and the equipment they carried: armored armament and all an arsenal of weapons, the Knight was considered one among thousand and called in Latin "Miles" (from were derived the word Military).

At present, a Mech pilot is very much like the Knights of Ancient Times.
  • Like the ancient cavalry, which enjoyed an enviable mobility in the old battle scenarios, today the Mech are unparalleled in mobility and maneuver.
  • Like the cavalry, which was protected by almost impenetrable armors, the Mechs have armors and shields with which to endure great punishment before they became inoperative.
  • Like the cavalry, which had a mortiferous attack given their privileged height when mounted, and the power of their charges, dismantling enemy troops like leaves in the wind; the Mechs are able to trample through the enemy, ignoring all type of barriers capable to stop a conventional army.
  • And as the cavalry, whose knights stood out for being a precious and rare resource, counting them as one among a thousand men, the Mech pilots, who need to posses a rare mental configuration capable of successfully connecting with the Mech AI plug in, are so rare as one percent of the galactic population.

II. Mech Pilot Origins

The origin of the Mech Pilots is in the first operators of the Red Ant class automatized extraction units. These operators began to receive combat training clandestinely when the Radix Tribe began to modify the Red Ant, creating the first Mech army, that received the baptism of fire in the battle of the Markets, on 3087.

Since then, the Great and Minor Powers of the Galaxy, began to create their own Mech armies and to train their pilots in Mech Academies, after designing rigorous training courses in which the pilots who completed successfully their formation, were considered to be warriors belonging to an exclusive elite in the galaxy.

III. The Neural Connection

To pilot a Mech requires in first instance, a neurological compatibility with the Mechs A.I. systems that control the actuators and remnant operative sensors. Typically, only about 1% of the galactic population possesses the ideal neural pattern.

This is necessary to effectively pilot the mech, through plug in with a rig or neural link that gives to the pilot direct mind control over the Mech Main Systems: Maneuvering and motor systems, Sensors to interact with the outside, receiving and computing data, ballistic support, combat systems, etc.

These systems will interact with the Pilot through the neural link, so that the Mech may move under the Pilots stimulus, and through the sensors systems, could provide feedback to the pilot, who virtually can see and actuate through the Mech's systems as if the own Mech were an extension of the pilot's body and mind.

For this reason, Mechs with anthropomorphic form are easier to pilot than Mechs with exotic forms, such insect with numerous legs, or flying Mechs as the Novum, or Mechs anatomically different forms than the humanoid. 

In second instance, the pilot needs a rigorous and exhaustive training, that in fact never ceases, always in pursuit of the excellence as a Mech warrior in the battle fields.

IV. An Unparalleled Lifestyle

The career of a Mech pilot may have no end, and constitutes an unparalleled lifestyle.

Their training and resources are extremely costly, so that the powers of the galaxy can only choose the best of the best, while the mediocre ones, who are still able to connect with the Mech AIs, can end up as mercenaries of dark clans without reputation, or become as pirates and bandits.

In addition, for the development of their work and intensive training, they are exposed to agents that subject their bodies and minds to almost imperceptible biological changes, but that transform them into superior beings, well above the human standards.

Powerful and addictive (and expensive) stimulants as the Stims and the Hatoraides, modify their neural patterns and physical endurance.

Their training in cardiovascular stimulation rooms, combined with those stimulants and their necessity to realize daily rigorous programs, makes them develop enviable physics proper to the Olympian gods.

And in general, and opposite to the opinion that the life of a Mech pilot must be exhausting, pushing them to a shorter existence, the reality is that their longevity extends over time, granting them a longevity up to 100% superior in some contrasted cases.

V. The Mercenary Pilots

Although some of the pilots who have gained renown as legends across the galaxy belong to one or other of the Great Powers, it is a fact that the most deadly and skilled pilots of the galaxy are counted among the Mercenary Clans.

These pilots choose to join one or another Clan or Mercenary Faction to enjoy a greater freedom and better bounties, always lower in the service of the diverse governments.

The best among the best are frequently seen in the Circuits Fights as in the King of the Mountain host in Cogwerk Port, as well as the great Clan Tournaments, through which they can measure their skills and maintain higher levels of training, not to mention the access to special rewards from the several sponsors of the Mecha Games.

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(By GJ - 685605)