Dragons Officer - Pilot license number: 702128.
There are different types of heroes among veteran Mech Pilots.
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CO of the 5th Div Champions Brotherhood Dragons Beta, for the 1st Squad Wars. 3320. |
Others are silent heroes who build their own path with humble hard work and patient steps until they can make their own print on the history of the galaxy. To this second type of heroes belongs Joshua Bourne, a living example that it is possible to reach a great success without possessing either great riches or a lineage whose origins go back to mythical heroes of old.
He is an insomniac pilot who has reached the highest ranks within one of the most prestigious mercenary factions: Dragons. Joshua is one of Dragon's senior officers and proof that any bold pilot can get to where his willpower may lead him.
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Recorded videoptic archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Joshua Bourne.
Date: April 16, 3322 (Easter)
Location: Meeting room in the temporary Northwind Dragon's Training Facilities, at Cogwerk Port.
Mechanomicon - We have the pleasure to meet a daring veteran Mech pilot. Greetings Commander Joshua Bourne.
Joshua Bourne - Thank you for giving me the pleasure to talk with you today
M.- Talk to us about your origins, what corner of the wide galaxy are you coming from, Sir?
J. B.- I am from the outer rim of the Galaxy, not known for its technology or trade, but once, a recruitment ship came through our Sector asking for would be pilots to come and train, I had to take the chance. All my life I had heard stories of the pilots in their Mecha suits, protecting our Galaxy and earning fame for themselves as well as the people they fight alongside. I had always wanted to become one of them, and I still do now. I spent years training to the best of my ability, taking part in training exercises, patrols on the campus and the like. After much effort and focus, I was finally ready to become a full Mecha pilot and went out into the Galaxy with my trusty Red Ant in search for action and adventure
M.- Which one was then your first adventure as Mech pilot?
J.B.- I first went towards Pirate Moon, where I fought to clear out one of the most notorious pirate holdings in the Sector, and after a series of gruelling fights and engagements, they were finally removed from their hold
M.- Quite an achievement dare enter that rats lair armed with a Red Ant... or did you owned some serious force by that time?
J.B.- When the time came to fighting at their lair, I had upgraded from a Red Ant to a Hoplite, a far nimbler Mecha with a hefty punch when used correctly
M.- How long time passed until you joined your first Mercenary Clan?
J.B.- Gosh, it must be 35 years now. I joined up with the Blazing Aces back in 3285
M.- Tell us a little about your experiences with Blazing Aces.
J.B.- The Aces are a bunch of brilliant Pilots, and great people through and through. I spent many years amongst them and making friends and comrades when it came to fighting in patrols or even the yearly Clan Wars. After 10 years I had earned my place amongst the Command team within the Aces, and from there built on diplomacy as well as leadership roles.
M.- I noticed long time ago that the Mercenary Clans work as small nations, with their complex politics and relations between themselves... In your diplomatic role did you managed any successful alliance from Aces with any other clan or faction?
J.B.- To begin with, we had little success with the larger factions, however we were able to band some units together in the "Faction Wars" through diplomatic means. After five years, I was able to make a diplomatic agreement between the Aces, and the Highlanders to combine forces and become one unit
M.- The HF Highlanders or the Brotherhood Northwind Highlanders? *grins*
J.B.- The HF Highlanders. Apologies, I should have made it a bit more clear as there are two separate units of the same titles.
M.- What happened with Blazing Aces that we wouldn't have hear of that faction since 3301?
J.B.- At the year 3301, the Blazing Aces merged entirely with the Highlanders, joining their clans for the most part, whilst keeping their previous units either dormant, or used within the HF forces for their own means
M.- Did you played any paper in that merge?
J.B.- Although I put a lot of effort into the merger, I did not fight within the alliance myself. There was a bit of negativity that I was not fond of, whilst I also received an invitation from Commander Scott Abbot himself to join the Faction {AFF}
M.- What Affiliation clan did you join by that time and how was your experience among the Affiliation?
J.B.- I had only brief connections with AFF members prior to joining them. I fought with them in previous Faction Wars but other than that, once I joined my first AFF unit, back then it being "Avengers {AFF}", there were a good few new faces to me.
M.- Who was your CO?
M.- Who was your CO?
J.B.- My commanding officer if my memory serves me well, was a pilot that followed the orders of Commander Scott Abbot closely, but I cannot remember the pilot's name.
M.- Talking about. What do you think about the pilot clones?
J.B.- Personally, I didn't see any issue with them. They helped fill out Clan War fights as well as defend the Galaxy from invasions
M.- And so, what opinion do you keep about the Great Clone Purge of 3313 and 3315?
J.B.- I understand the reasoning behind the Purging of the Clones, especially with Drake's current meddling with them, but they were being used for the Galaxy and not for evil
M.- So in your opinion the measures adopted were so extreme?
J.B.- I do believe they were rather extreme, given the circumstances of there not being any rules on the limit of clones before, why the sudden banishment of them?
M.- I do believe their existence menaced the establishment of the Craftsmen in some sense as they were who forced the Great Power's authorities to start the purge...
J. B.- Personally, I believe that the "issue" with the clones wasn't as bad as it was broadcast to be. Since they have been purged from the Galaxy, we have not seen a Faction War for many years, and even in the normal Clan Wars, the Divisions have been a lot smaller than what we were accustomed to seeing. As for the Galactic Security, it puts a lot more pressure on us pure blood pilots to patrol and protect the citizens of the Galaxy, whereas we could have made it all easier for us with keeping the clones in our service
M.- Possibly the whole issue was the fierce competition with those clones lurking in the trainee academies and stalking in the low tournament divisions?
J. B.- That is very true, there was a lot of clones fighting and "dominating" the lower Divisions of each War, and indeed King of the Mountain events year after year. Although, I believe that personally there would have been better ways to go about this issue than purging them entirely. For instance, preventing certain clones from entering King of the Mountain events till a specific Division, and then with the Wars, it's a bit more difficult to sort out, but I'm sure there is a solution better than clearing them all out entirely.
M.- How would you summarize your presence in AFF?
J.B.- Although my stay within AFF was no where near as long as it was for the Blazing Aces, I enjoyed it. I was fighting under the AFF banner for three years, getting tips and tricks on my piloting abilities and how to utilise my equipment effectively
M.- Where did you learn more as a pilot? With the Blazing Aces or between the Affiliation?
J.B.- I learned more from being in AFF than I have anywhere else. They had some highly talented pilots within their ranks
M.- Could you mention some of them?
F.J. Bros, Chris Zimmer, Brian Vaughan, Scott Abbott himself, these are just to name a couple
M.- Yes, talented elite Mech Commanders and Pilots of Renown. Then, why did you left the Affiliation Death's squadrons?
J.B.- I left along with a number of others to follow Commander Scott Abbot in making a brand new Faction, called the Dragons.
M.- When you marched along Scott and those other fellows who would start the Dragons Saga, you did it as a soldier or as a ranked officer?
J.B.- I did so as an officer of Dragons.
M.- So do you think your previous experience as an officer among the Aces, deserved you a rank among the Dragons, or you had more to learn after Aces?
J.B.- Personally, I didn't think I deserve such a rank of honour. I still don't. But I always believe there is something to learn, even if you don't realise it yet.
I believe the entire life is an opportunity to learn, until you reached the last of your days. But in the while time, we can also show to those less experienced a glimpse of our path.
M.- How do you envision the young Dragons after the rupture with AFF and how have Dragons maturated?
J.B.- I don't think anyone could have seen Dragons becoming as it is today, but every pilot knew they would make a huge impact on the Wars, as well as on the Galaxy. This is down to the fact that we were led by Scott Abbott. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have the Dragons today
Well, some had the clear thought that AFF was losing their elite pilots at middle and lower divisions by the time the Dragons were created.
M.- Use three words to describe each one of the three factions you have been or how they have impact to you.
J.B.- For The Blazing Aces, I would refer as training, as I got the basics and "onto my feet" as it were, among them. Then with Deaths AFF, I would affiliate my time with them as "success" as I have learned a lot whilst also gaining power from the Clan Wars and using the knowledge to my advantage. Then finally, with the Dragons, "home", as I haven't felt so comfortable around other pilots
M.- In your memory, what clans were your closer enemies when you was at each one of the three groups, Aces, AFF and Dragons?
J.B.- I wouldn't say I had any enemies. We had rivalry through competing for Golds, but not enemies as such. In Aces, our goal was to get at least Bronze in the Clan Wars, but were quite relaxed in our fights. In AFF and Dragons although, I think my main competition would have been 99th Chessman back in the day, when those skilled Pilots fought against the clans I was in for close to a decade, always putting out incredible results
M.- Fine, let's talk about real enemies. From all the menaces you have been fighting within the mercenary clans, what are those you feel as the most dangerous and frightening?
J. B.- I think it would have to have been the Clone Crisis' that were happening around the Galaxy, bringing strife wherever they went as when we looked and tried to fire upon them, we were either destroying a corrupt clone of a renowned pilot, or shooting the pilot themselves. It made it quite difficult to differentiate between the targets and allies
M.- Talk us about your preferences as pilot on the Mech capabilities, and your favoured Mech class.
J. B.- When it comes to my Mechas, I prefer them to have a high amount of Shielding, to be able to weather the storm of fire to them deliver a punishing blow on the opposing Mechas in their way. As for my favoured Mecha, as of right now it would have to be the Boreas. It's such an incredible mecha that consistently provides the pilot on board incredible results battle after battle.
M.- Then, could be safe to say that you are a conservative pilot, one who relay in the defense capabilities of his Mech to later strike with analytical precision, rather than a berserk able to trample and smash not caring on shielding?
J. B.- That is indeed true. I prefer to keep my lines alive and well, taking time to deal with my opponents rather than risking it all to get a quick victory
M.- Final words that may help the reader to know you better?
J. B.- I'm possibly one of the most relaxed pilots you will meet in this Galaxy, whether I'm patrolling the Outer Rims, or even fighting in Wars. Never be afraid to say hello or ask for assistance. You never know, I might even be able to help.
M. Thank you for your words Sir.
Entry & Interview with Joshua Bourne (702128) by GJ (685605)