Clarke Federation Missions

[Mission Location]

Unlock the Clarke Federation missions by defeating the mini bosses of Vupa 6.

After the awakening of the Yoram in Vupa 6 and the bloody battles against them in a desperate attempt to expel them from the galaxy, they withdrew towards the outer confines of the galactic disk, in the distant regions of the halo and the fringe of the zones inhabited by humanity.
Clarke Federation Flag

But new rumors and signs of his persistence in the Clarke Federation Sector will move General Nova to send agents to the Federation, following the trail of Yoram, Unification and Xeon.

Travel to the distant Minor Power of the Clarke Federation, in the end tail of the Orion Arm, near the fringe, explore its colonies and meet the legendary Federation Rangers.
Federation Rangers Banner

The Clarke Federation Missions have three mini bosses stages or menaces to be defeated before confront the final boss raid:

Related Entries:

(By Mechanomicon)

Unlocking the Clarke Federation Missions

[Missions, Locations]

The Clarke Federation Mission Location will become unlocked by clearing the mini bosses in Vupa 6

With the only exception of the Clarke Federation missions, there is a logical sequence to unlock each of the Mission Locations.

Once the mini bosses have been defeated, General Nova will assign you new duties in the next location and the Final Boss is exposed to your assault. Although Clarke Federation is the exception: The missions in Clarke Federation will be ordered by General Nova, only when the location of Vupa 6 became cleared.

Why? Is there a direct link between the Yoram and the appearance of Xeon in our Galaxy.

It seems that the awakening of the Yoram and the subsequent confrontation between the major powers and the mercenary clans against this new predatory race, caused them to move in search of an easy prey, at the expense of which to gain weight and thrive before attacking our galaxy again.

This easy prey was the spoils of Unification and Xeon, at which time the Yoram came from our world, sweeping and controlling Unification as puppets.

General Nova is very interested in clarifying these facts, gathering as much information as possible in order to plan the next steps to take.

Related Entries:
(By Mechanomicon)

Clarke Federation Rangers

[Factions, Elite Units, War]
Because of the omnipresent threat of pirates, always present in the deep fringe, the Clarke Federation created one of the most efficient elite units, the Rangers, whose prestige has reached, through the time, each of the corners of the civilized galaxy.

The Rangers have a large arsenal and all kinds of Mechs at their disposal, many of which are confiscations to pirates, with important modifications.

One of the Ranger's favorite models, which they use in operations that require speed and maneuverability, in the Warg modified with Federation technology. The nature of these modifications constitutes a secret for unauthorized personnel.

Undoubtedly, the Federation Rangers, are one of the most powerful units, only surpassed by a few of the elite mercenary clans of the first and second divisions and some elite units of the remaining Powers.

(By Mechanomicon)

Xeon Renegades

[Factions, Menaces, Politics, War]

Final Boss on Clarke Federation Missions.

In the year 3337, a new conatus of invasion of the Unification, was defeated, after which, remains of the Xeon appeared.

Xeon was one of the two main factions of a parallel universe, which faced each other to the ultimate consequences, close to completing the exhaustive genocide of humanity in their world.

In their ruthless struggle, our universe was accidentally detected and identified as an integral part of each of the two enemy sides, each one taking us for their enemies and therefore, assuming a double threat.

Although the greater powers, with the help of the mercenary clans, could reject the invasion attempts of Unification, the enemy of Xeon, and later of the Xeon themselves, this didn't end the problem, to which the Yoram were added, infesting the spoils of the parallel universe and employing both Unification and Xeons against us.

Transcription from a Renegade Xeon Commander's message:

"We came to this universe to escape the persecution of Unification, we hoped that the enemy of our enemy would at least become an ally if not a friend.Your so-called Mercenary Clans have dealt a great blow to Unification, but even in its weakened state we could not overcome them, but then you committed the greatest crime of all and unleashed the Yoram of your galaxy to ours.

Unification has always used genetically modified strains of Yoram spores for their select favorites. How do you think the mind became hive? How do you think they controlled almost an entire galaxy? By infecting each citizen with a tension that kept them served. Why do you think we opposed them? But now, with the uncontrolled Yoram, our entire dimension faces dominance for something even worse than Unification.

As a last resort, we thought to join our Zeon brothers here only to discover that you killed them too. And for that, there can be no forgiveness. We will put this domain under our control and from there we will collapse the rest of their fractured governments one by one. Soon, this whole galaxy will greet Xeon."

(By Mechanomicon)

Gregori Toranto

[Missions, Menaces, Personalities, War]

First mission enemy encounter at Clarke Federation Sector.

Gregori Toranto (or Toranato) is undoubtedly one of the richest and most influential men of the Clarke Federation, owner of the Exportation Empire "Corporation Toranto", which is the main supplier in the Federation, with important contracts with Defense.

To the public, Toranto is, in addition to a great businessman and a celebrity, a philanthropist. But everything in Toranto is excessive, and thus, behind the scenes, the magnate hides an ominously long shadow, enough to extend his influence towards business and criminal plans in his eagerness to increase his patrimony and power to the limit.

Gregori is also a Fext pilot quite capable, although devious and always willing to control all  circumstances so that they work in his favor, although that supposes the murder.

His excessive ambition has led him to obscure plans that if exposed to the authorities, would make him guilty of high treason.

(By Mechanomicon)

Children of the Stars

[Missions, Menaces, War]

Second encounter boss-fight in the Clarke Federation.

The children of the stars are a group of ruthless and dangerous bandits, who are speculated to have fallen under Yoram influence.

They nourish their ranks with the most dangerous scum of the galaxy that tries to hide in the confines.

Their bodies show evidence of corruption after prolonged exposure to the spores of the Yoram or one of the numerous viral plagues developed in the past by the nefarious doctor Gorax, with mutations that give them a more severe insectoid appearance as well as infection be more advanced.

The infection undoubtedly affects their minds, which show various stages of dementia, but also a blind obedience to their mysterious master.

They also have surgical scars that they apparently use to distinguish their ranks.

(By Mechanomicon)

Locked Mechs

[Mech Technology]

A technological measure implemented at the beginning of 3323, in the artificial intelligence and control systems of the Mechs by the Manufacturer, at instance of the Craftsmen  has been to block access to their piloting, until reaching a level of determined pilot.

Of course, this measure became quite unpopular not only among the novice pilots but also among some veterans.
The main reasons were that often, a Mech obtained as a reward in the tournaments and clan championships, were blocked at higher levels than those to which they could be purchased, or were obsolete or inadequate awards at the level of competitors .

The way to determine this level, was initially totally arbitrary, and changing from event to event.

Finally, the protocols seem to have stabilized and most of the Manufacturers have reached an agreement, establishing the following limits or requirements to unlock a Mech for the new incoming rewarded units:

For Mechs above 60 Tons:

If the pilot is too low level to buy that Mech, it will be locked until he became within twelve (12) levels of the minimum level to buy it.

For Mechs from 10 to 55 Tons:

If the pilot is too low level to buy a Mech, it will be locked until he were within eight (8) levels of the minimum level to buy it.

How to unlock a locked Mech:

Go to your base section, where all available formations and Mechs are displayed. On the right side of the screen, you will see a message from your AI indicating at what level you can unlock your Mechs. If you have that or a higher level, you can select the option to unlock them.

(By Mechanomicon)


[Mech Technology]
During 3337, the Metaverse anomaly was reproduced for the third time in a new plane of existence
, which was called Multiverse, once it was found that our universe is not really unique and inimitable, but that our reality is repeated again and again, with small or great peculiarities, reflected like a drop of water in the infinite mirror of a confused eternity.

The story was already known: the Forerunner known as Droch'ah rose for the first time in that young and pure world, free of stain and therefore defenseless against the calamities that faced. In need of mercenary clans, they managed to send a message of help beyond time and space, which would reach to be received by the advanced Craftsmen, who managed to contact their partners in the alternative reality of the Multiverse.

As a colophon and definitive defense machine, developed by the Craftsmen of the Multiverse, the Redeemer was created. An authentic juggernaut, capable of making precise and devastating attacks once an individual objective is set, with a firepower unknown until now, superior even to that of the Fext.

The Redeemer is born. Mortareii Gustorae!

  • Release Year: 3337
  • Manufacturer: Multiverse Craftsmen
  • Quality: Special, Elite 
  • Class: UFM (Ultraheavy Fighting Machine)
  • Role: Assault
  • AI: Redemption System
  • Tonnage: 105
  • Armor (base): 290 
  • Heavy skill required: 65
  • Pilot Qualification for acquisition in legal markets: Special
  • Cost: Special

2. EQUIPMENT: Redeemer can get at his max upgrade the following equipment modules:

Cockpits: 8 (Excellent)
Progression: 2, 38, 76, 104, 142, 168, 196, 234.

Chassis: 7 (Superior)
Progression: 20, 58, 94, 122, 188, 216, 252. 

Engines: 8 (Excellent)
Progression: 10, 48, 86, 114, 150, 178, 206, 244. 

Shields: 5 (Standard)
Progression: 30, 66, 132, 160, 224.

Equipment progression by level 
(Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
  • Level 2: (1 / 0 / 0 / 0) 
  • Level 10: (1 / 0 / 1 / 0) 
  • Level 20: (1 / 1 / 1 / 0) 
  • Level 30: (1 / 1 / 1 / 1) 
  • Level 38: (2 / 1 / 1 / 1) 
  • Level 48: (2 / 1 / 2 / 1) 
  • Level 58: (2 / 2 / 2 / 1) 
  • Level 66: (2 / 2 / 2 / 2) 
  • Level 76: (3 / 2 / 2 / 2) 
  • Level 86: (3 / 2 / 3 / 2) 
  • Level 94: (3 / 3 / 3 / 2) 
  • Level 104: (4 / 3 / 3 / 2) 
  • Level 114: (4 / 3 / 4 / 2) 
  • Level 122: (4 / 4 / 4 / 2) 
  • Level 132: (4 / 4 / 4 / 3) 
  • Level 142: (5 / 4 / 4 / 3) 
  • Level 150: (5 / 4 / 5 / 3) 
  • Level 160: (5 / 4 / 5 / 4) 
  • Level 168: (6 / 4 / 5 / 4) 
  • Level 178: (6 / 4 / 6 / 4) 
  • Level 188: (6 / 5 / 6 / 4) 
  • Level 196: (7 / 5 / 6 / 4) 
  • Level 206: (7 / 5 / 7 / 4) 
  • Level 216: (7 / 6 / 7 / 4) 
  • Level 224: (7 / 6 / 7 / 5) 
  • Level 234: (8 / 6 / 7 / 5) 
  • Level 244: (8 / 6 / 8 / 5) 
  • Level 252: (8 / 7 / 8 / 5)   Maximum Development


Weapon Focus: Redeemer is a gunslinger unit obtaining an enhancement to projectile weapons of + 140% damage. 


 Weapon Slots: 14 base + 1 weapon every 3 upgrades
  • Level 50: 30
  • Level 100: 47
  • Level 150: 64
  • Level 200: 80
  • Level 250: 97
  • Level 300: 114
  • Level 350: 130
  • Level 400: 147
Redeemer comes from manufacture loaded  with the following 9 weapons:
  • Culverin (Elite Projectile 200 dmg; 125 speed; 2x dmg 40%; 3x dmg 40%)
  • Long Tom x2 (Elite Projectile 150 dmg; 108 speed; 2x dmg 30%; freeze 35%)
  • Leveler x2 (Common Projectile 84 dmg; 103 speed; 3x dmg 7%)
  • Arbitrator x2 (Common Projectile 72 dmg; 104 speed; 2x dmg 10%)
  • Dynamo Cannon x2 (Common Projectile 19 dmg; 103 speed; 2x dmg 2%)


Redeemer comes from assembly line with:
  • Speed - 26
  • Projectile Damage +10%
  • Shield (20)
After reaching maximum skill development at level 264, the Redeemer class will possess the following skills (without equipment):
  • Precision (16)
  • Speed - 2
  • Offensive Skills:
    • 1.5 x Damage 20%
    • 1.6 x Damage 15%
    • 3 x Damage 10%
    • Projectile Damage +140%
    • Crit-Kill 10%
  • Defensive Skills:
    • Shield (160)
    • Fork Shield 40%
    • Laser Shield (200)
    • Missile Shield 60%
    • Missile Shield (300)
    • Splash Shield 50%
  • Vulnerabilities:
    • Fire Vulnerable 20%
    • Ice Vulnerable 30%


  • Level 1  Speed - 26 (Acc. -26)
  • Level 1  Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 10%)
  • Level 1  Shield (20)  (Acc. 20)
  • Level 4 Crit-Kill 2%  (Acc. 2%)
  • Level 6 Precision (2)  (Acc. 2)
  • Level 8 Missile Shield 12%  (Acc. 12%)
  • Level 12 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 25)
  • Level 14 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 20%)
  • Level 16 Splash Shield 10%  (Acc. 10%)
  • Level 18 1.5X Damage 2%  (Acc. 2%)
  • Level 22 Fire Vulnerable 4%  (Acc. 4%)
  • Level 24 Speed + 2  (Acc. -24)
  • Level 26 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 50)
  • Level 32 Fork Shield 8%  (Acc. 8%)
  • Level 34 Crit-Kill 2%  (Acc. 4%)
  • Level 36 Shield (20)  (Acc. 40)
  • Level 40 Speed + 2  (Acc. -22)
  • Level 42 Ice Vulnerable 6%  (Acc. 6%)
  • Level 46 Precision (2)  (Acc. 4)
  • Level 50 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 75)
  • Level 52 1.5X Damage 2%  (Acc. 4%)
  • Level 54 Missile Shield 12%  (Acc. 24%)
  • Level 60 Speed + 2  (Acc. -20)
  • Level 62 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 100)
  • Level 64 1.6X Damage 5%  (Acc. 5%)
  • Level 68 Splash Shield 10%  (Acc. 20%)
  • Level 70 Fire Vulnerable 4%  (Acc. 8%)
  • Level 74 Shield (20)  (Acc. 60)
  • Level 75 Laser Shield (200)  (Max value 200)
  • Level 78 Speed + 2  (Acc. -18)
  • Level 80 3X Damage 2%  (Acc. 2%)
  • Level 82 Fork Shield 8%  (Acc. 16%)
  • Level 84 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 125)
  • Level 90 Crit-Kill 2%  (Acc. 6%)
  • Level 92 Ice Vulnerable 6%  (Acc. 12%)
  • Level 96 Speed + 2  (Acc. -16)
  • Level 98 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 150)
  • Level 100 Precision (2)  (Acc. 6)
  • Level 106 Missile Shield 12%  (Acc. 36%)
  • Level 108 1.5X Damage 2%  (Acc. 6%)
  • Level 110 Shield (20)  (Acc. 80)
  • Level 112 3X Damage 2%  (Acc. 4%)
  • Level 116 Speed + 2  (Acc. -14)
  • Level 118 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 30%)
  • Level 120 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 175)
  • Level 124 Splash Shield 10%  (Acc. 30%)
  • Level 126 Fire Vulnerable 4%  (Acc. 12%)
  • Level 128 1.6X Damage 5%  (Acc. 10%)
  • Level 130 1.5X Damage 2%  (Acc. 8%)
  • Level 134 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 40%)
  • Level 136 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 200)
  • Level 138 Fork Shield 8%  (Acc. 24%)
  • Level 140 Speed + 2  (Acc. -12)
  • Level 144 Precision (2)  (Acc. 8)
  • Level 146 Shield (20)  (Acc. 100)
  • Level 148 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 50%)
  • Level 152 Missile Shield 12%  (Acc. 48%)
  • Level 154 Ice Vulnerable 6%  (Acc. 18%)
  • Level 156 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 225)
  • Level 158 3X Damage 2%  (Acc. 6%)
  • Level 162 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 60%)
  • Level 164 1.6X Damage 5%  (Max value 15%)
  • Level 166 Speed + 2  (Acc. -10)
  • Level 170 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 250)
  • Level 172 1.5X Damage 2%  (Acc. 10%)
  • Level 174 Splash Shield 10%  (Acc. 40%)
  • Level 176 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 70%)
  • Level 180 Fire Vulnerable 4%  (Acc. 16%)
  • Level 182 Shield (20)  (Acc. 120)
  • Level 184 Precision (2)  (Acc. 10)
  • Level 186 Fork Shield 8%  (Acc. 32%)
  • Level 190 1.5X Damage 2%  (Acc. 12%)
  • Level 192 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 80%)
  • Level 194 Missile Shield (25)  (Acc. 275)
  • Level 198 Crit-Kill 2%  (Acc. 8%)
  • Level 200 Speed + 4  (Acc. -6)
  • Level 202 Missile Shield 12%  (Max value 60%)
  • Level 204 Missile Shield (25)  (Max value 300)
  • Level 208 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 90%)
  • Level 210 Ice Vulnerable 6%  (Acc. 24%)
  • Level 212 Precision (2)  (Acc. 12)
  • Level 214 1.5X Damage 2%  (Acc. 14%)
  • Level 218 Shield (20)  (Acc. 140)
  • Level 220 3X Damage 2%  (Acc. 8%)
  • Level 222 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 110%)
  • Level 226 Splash Shield 10%  (Max value 50%)
  • Level 228 1.5X Damage 2%  (Acc. 16%)
  • Level 230 Fire Vulnerable 4%  (Max value 20%)
  • Level 232 Speed + 2  (Acc. -4)
  • Level 236 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 120%)
  • Level 238 Fork Shield 8%  (Max value 40%)
  • Level 240 Crit-Kill 2%  (Max value 10%)
  • Level 242 Precision (2)  (Acc. 14)
  • Level 246 1.5X Damage 2%  (Acc. 18%)
  • Level 248 3X Damage 2%  (Max value 10%)
  • Level 250 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Acc. 130%)
  • Level 254 Speed + 2  (Max value -2)
  • Level 256 Shield (20)  (Max value 160)
  • Level 258 1.5X Damage 2%  (Max value 20%)
  • Level 260 Ice Vulnerable 6%  (Max value 30%)
  • Level 262 Precision (2)  (Max value 16)
  • Level 264 Proj. Damage + 10%  (Max value 140%)

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