
[History, Faction]

Hegemonic and single faction of an alternative Galaxy, close to our divergent but near timeline  (and the counterpart of Fusion), which brings together an Alliance of the free stellar governments and the surviving clans that coalesced to defeat the common threat of the all mighty enemy faction: Xeon. Unification defeated Xeon, but at a high price in which about half of the inhabited galactic nucleus got annihilated.

A Grand Council directs political control as supreme organ of Unification, and account supervision for the Unification Army, commanded by a victorious General Andrew Conover, hero against the Xeon threat, in charge of the Central Command Staff.

During the years 3316 and 3317, the Unification Army attempted to invade our Galaxy, using unstable gateways created after the Chroniode devices got destroy.

A extended hypothesis postulates that the Chroniode acted as a temporal and dimensional key in several dimensions of existence, and its destruction in 3315, after the defeat of the Forerunner Droch'ah caused a distortion in the nature of the reality, creating unstable and erratic gateways that Unification used to invade our Galaxy, in their pursuit of any Xeon remnant that they identified into the Zeon faction clan (the Xeon counterpart in our Galaxy).

A brief history of Xeon and Unification.

Recently declassified information indicates the existence of an alternative dimension in which the history would be like ours, but with some divergences.

In this Beta Galaxy, a clash between two largest military factions: Xeon (alternate version of Zeon) and ADF (alternate version of AFF), would collide in a war in which Xeon obtained a total victory, coming not only strengthened but hungry for total war.

Without further opposition Xeon began attacking and annexing smaller factions and even planets in a frantic race towards total domination of their Beta Galaxy. Of course, there was some resistance, but nothing could stand up to the Xeon's unstoppable advance.

There was no line that Xeon wasn't willing to cross over into their plan of global domination, even resorting to massive annihilation, destroying several of the largest cities through colony drops.

The other factions and states that had not yet fallen under the growing power of Xeon, learned the lesson and entrusted a joint army to be led by the major ally clan: Unification (counterpart of our Fusion clan in our galaxy) and one of their most capable military: General Andrew Conover (the incarnation of his counterpart in our galaxy, the Cdr. Andy Conover, Brotherhood and Fission staff officer).

A genocide war broke out between Xeon and the Unification Army, where more than half the beta galaxy settlements and inhabited planets got destroyed.

But General Conover had taken the pulse of Xeon, and although Xeon's forces seemed superior at first, the greatest talent of General Conover as strategist offered to Unification some capital victories, which he widely exploited to reverse the Unification weakness.

3315. The Doomsday.

When the situation was favorable to the plans of General Conover, he developed a trick sending different messengers carrying fake secret plans that, as expected, got intercepted by Xeon. In the plans it was ordered to concentrate all Unification forces in the Megiddo system, with the purpose to launch a strong blow to the enemy. Apparently Xeon got hooked and sent their entire fleet to annihilate the Unification Army.

But what Conover didn't count on was that Xeon developed the definitive weapon, hoping to make sure Unification wouldn't survive their victory if Xeon got defeat. By manipulating the existing Chroniode of their alternative reality, they created what they called "the Doomsday", the last weapon of definitive genocide.

When Xeon engaged in the simulacrum of Unification, in which real units were mixed with false ones to simulate a huge concentration of forces, they got surprised by the authentic Unification vanguard, reaching the Xeon Command Centre in the rear. Maybe this action anticipated the activation of the Doomsday, as suddenly, the whole stellar system disappeared from existence with the Chroniode, and the Gateways that the bulk of Unification forces were waiting to cross, became inert. This saved most of the Unification Army, while the crazy and genocide Xeon got defeated in a definitive and terribly expensive Unification victory.

3316. Transgalactic Invasion.

As the destruction of the Chroniode used to power the Doomsday created a fissure in the continuum time-space, opening erratic and unstable portals to other realities, Unification scientists saw those gates as a possible evasion way for the Xeon, and General Conover, persuaded that small Xeon cells had escaped their fate, sent out reconnaissance groups to track any Xeon evidence.

When Unification scouts reported the presence of the Zeon Faction in our galaxy, this was interpreted as a link to the gone Xeon, and General Conover planned invade our galaxy to complete the eradication of the Xeon curse.

Srixin, a key planet for the Hegemony as being a knot of confluence of gateways, was the main battleground for the most important battle between the Illyriam, asisted by the mercenary clans,  and the threat of the Unification Army.

So much was at stake and although that battle was won by the alliance Illyria and the Clans, by being able to reject back to its original galaxy to the invading forces, the losses were numerous, as to be considered a Pyrrhic victory.

3317. Second phase of the Transgalactic Invasion.

The calm didn't last long, and after the initial assault, the General Conover took the initiative to resume his attack, persuaded of the nefarious links of our galaxy with the enemy Xeon.

Scientists from Unification developed new devices that allowed to manipulate the fluctuation of the erratic gates to launch surgical attacks in the form of several spearheads throughout the galaxy and that took to the Clarke Federation like initial victim of this new Phase of the trans-galactic war.

Related entries

  • Chroniode
  • Clarke Federation
  • Direct Action Group
  • Gateway
  • Galaxy Breach
  • General Conover
  • Illyrian Hegemony
  • Srixin
  • Xeon

  • (By GJ - 685605)