Nova's Missions

[Military campaigns and missions]

In his personal crusade against piracy and other Galactic menaces, General Nova caught a glimpse of what seemed to be an important new artefact: the existence of something known as the Chroniode. The Chroniode is an artefact suspected to be Forerunner technology that was stolen by pirates and shipped to an unknown destination. General Nova's thoughts directed the efforts of the group of mercenary pilots he commissioned, researching and following the clues of the Chroniode towards its ultimate destination in the hands of the infamous arch villain Droch´ah.

Mission Stages:

Alpha → Tremulus (Pirate Moon), between Cogwerk and Shogunate sectors.

Nova´s Intelligence services report an increase in the pirate activity on the Pirate Moon. Pilots were sent to dismantle the pirate’s operations before they could realise their plans.

Beta → Cogwerk Port, in the Society of Cogwerk Planets (SoCP).
Kilgore, a local pirate captain from Pirate Moon mentioned something about a Chroniode being shipped to Cogwerk Port, a trading emporium. Gen Nova demanded further information about the subject.

Gamma → Vupa 6, in Cogwerk space (SoCP).
The despair of the purple mist has led to madness for many who dare to remain on Vupa 6. But the tracks of the Chroniode led here and Gen Nova requested more data in what should have been a relaxed mission.

Delta → Novum Dolorum, a research colony of the Illyrian Hegemony.
The trace of Chroniode was tracked to the scientist Illyrian colony. A task for infiltration and research is the perfect job for a brave Mecha pilot.

Epsilon → Rizpah, the verdant moon of Ecclesia IV, in the Legion sector (SoCP).
After dispatching Novum Dolorum security forces to Rizpah, the head of security, Cmdr. Tory, gained some information about Droch’ah the Forerunner, who had been using the Chroniode to build an army for his plans of galactic domination. Rizpah might have be a haven for the Droch’ah forces.
Zeta → Yomi Reefs, an infernal planetoid in the Shogunate space.
Finally the research found its conclusion, allowing the great powers to release the mercenary clans against the League of Ages and defeated Droch’ah at the final battle of Yomi in 3315.

Every commissioned pilot will be fully covered by a Mecha pilot’s insurance plan (Rescue from enemy field and medical surgeon are included)

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(By GJ - 685605)

General Nova

[Legendary Characters]

Nova has been an exceptionally good skilled mecha pilot, taking part in several raids against the common menace of the pirate clans, times in which he reached great success even risking his own personal integrity (he lost his left eye in action, that got replaced by the characteristic bionic eye that so well characterizes him now). At that time Nova made himself a name as a dangerous and effective tactician and strategist. Gifted by the nature with an exceptional mind, he has so much to give to the Galaxy. 

During his long career, he has been reaching fame as a true legend alive; as Chairmen of the Security Committee; as Head of his own business NovaStar Industries, an Engineering and Consulting Consortium and as Director of the Mecha Games and Tournaments.

Nova, the General

Along the years, he reached the military rank of a three star General during his service with the SoCP, and later promoted to the position as Chairman of the Security Committee, an organization supported by private budget, with the tasks to keep a continuous fight against common threats as the Piracy and other menaces like Gorax or Droch’ah and his League of Ages.

Particularly, the Security Committee has been a successful tool to gather Intel about the first Chroniode and against Droch’ah, leading to the point in which the Mercenary Clans defeated the Drochah army during the Battle of Yomi.

To be allowed to reach the different and hard tasks assigned in the subject of security, the General Nova hired a high amount of rookie mercenary pilots, becoming almost an Institution by himself regarding the whole community of the Mecha Pilots, many of whom have grown in skills and capabilities under his command or in the commission of his quests and missions.

The designer and businessman

Nova´s long career as expert pilot, tactician, strategist and factotum in the subject of mecha warfare, gave him a deep perspective that he used to bring to life a new design, the Fext, one of the most impressive and destructive mecha BFM classes.

To materialize his ideas, he created NovaStar Industries, an Engineering and Consulting Consortium, whose very first design was the Fext, but since its establishment, the Consortium has also been consulted for the creation of the Humbaba, produced by GDI.

The Games & Tournaments Manager

As the ascendant of General Nova was in its highest spot, the Craftsmen, who have been the main hosts of the Mecha Games and Tournaments, decided to offer to General Nova the position as Director of the Games in 3317. This was seen as a win-win plan, as everybody could benefit from the promotion. General Nova could contribute with his fame, integrity and expertise knowledge in matters of Mecha warfare, technology and Games surveillance, watching and keeping the fairest possible in the competitions.

With his incorporation to the Games and Tournaments, he adopted a new model of Circuit Fights, pushing that modality of games with a new vigour and higher participation.

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(By GJ - 685605)

Dinochrome Brigade (IPG)

[Mercenary Clan]

Dinochrome Brigade belongs to the Independent Players Group. Clan License # 5668.

Motto: “Number one in Bolo support” 

CO: William Morris 
In February of 3313 Morris was recruited fresh out of college into the training clan "Noob City". Green as grass and looking for action he gained his first experience in a clan war that same month in which they walked away with a bronze medal in division 16. 

In their garrisons, rumour was that they were to beginning training for something big, as it turns out that something big was the April 3314 Faction War. Noob City joined the "Battle Royale" {FW} group. After a year of gruelling training they managed to earn a Division 8 bronze medal. 

They were coming together as a team but they were ill prepared for the sudden Clone Purge. In an instant, their leaders were gone. With the December 3315 Clan Wars looming, word was passed around the clan that they needed someone to assume the leader role in order to participate. With no one stepping forward, William Morris took the job with the caveat that after the raid he would step aside for anyone who wanted the title. Just in the nick of time management was petitioned to grant him leadership and allow the clan to join the battle. 

Despite a low active participation, they managed to earn a silver medal in division 13. 

With most of the clan MIA, a  clan meeting was held and Morris was asked to continue as their permanent leader. It was also  agreed that major changes needed to be made. The clan needed re-branding and a fresh start. 

Messages went out across the galaxy to all the passive clan members that a clan purge was coming. With no replies the purge took place three days later. The Noob City now consisted of the three active pilots.

The clan needed to find a purpose, a way to make a name for itself . One evening at the local water hole  Morris overheard a conversation  between two command officers. They were discussing how frustrated command was becoming over trying to find units to provide support for the Bolos (Local slang for the BFMs). Bolo support is known for having the highest casualty rates than any unit. 

With word being "one stray shot from a BFM equals one less support mech" it was a hard sale to the clan. Morris insisted that if they truly wanted to make a name for themselves, they should strive to be the number one in bolo support (this became their motto).

To drive the point home, their name was changed to Dinochrome Brigade in honour of the historical legendary heroes. 

After mostly unsuccessful recruitment attempts, and being called insane, they missed the 3316 Clan Wars. Morale hit an all-time low but hope was reignited during a dialogue between Morris and Argus (an IPG CO). He spoke well of this new group 'IPG' in which every team is independent. A request was made to the founder of 'IPG' for membership in help in filling their ranks. 

Their membership was approved and they merged with clan "Wolf" for the Baconary 3317 Squad Wars. 

Wolf-Dinochrome Brigade (IPG) won no medals in division 15 but came together as a cohesive unit.

Following the war 'Wolf" was dropped from the name thus Dinochrome Brigade (IPG) was conceived.  

In August 3318, the clan won a Division 10 bronze medal on the Clan Wars. 

As their officers said, Dinochrome Brigade (IPG) may get knocked down but know this: We always get back up!"

  • Jan-Feb 3313. Creation of Noob City training clan.
  • Feb 3313. Clan Wars. Noob City achieves bronze in division 16.
  • Apr 3314. Faction War. Noob City achieves bronze in division 8.
  • 3314. The Clone Purge hunts the Noob City's CO. William Morris ranks up as new CO.
  • Dec 3315. Clan Wars. Noob City earned silver in division 13.
  • 3315-3316. To counter the inner sabotage, the passive pilots are removed.
  • 3316 Clan Wars. Unable to join as not committing the required crew size, the clan misses the event.
  • 3316-3317. Noob City joins the IPG Faction and renames as Wolf-Dinochrome Brigade.
  • Bac 3317. Squad Wars. Wolf-Dinochrome Brigade participates in division 15, but with the menace of the Unification threat, no medal is won.
  • Entering 3318. The clan renames as "Dinochrome Brigade (IPG)".
  • Aug 3318. Clan Wars. Achieved bronze in the 10th division. 
  • Jul 3319. Clan Wars. Participation medal in the 9th division.

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(By William Morris - 961732)

ChronoPower Inc.

[Corporations & Manufacturers, Technology]

ChronoPowerr Inc. is a corporation created in 3319 by Harlan "Half-Baked" Harrison after his discovery of a Chroniode that was hidden in a coal deposit in a location only known by him.
ChronoPower Banner (By GJ)
At its inception, the company's experiments triggered what some analysts have called the "Harrison's Folly", accidentally creating a large, uncontrolled gateway in the confines of an AFF base. The incident was almost recorded as one of the greatest terrorist attacks in history by accidentally provoking the third attack of the Unification against our dimension. Only the voluntary collaboration of the founder trying to find a way to reverse the process has allowed the continuity of ChronoPower Inc.

The security of the company is overseen by the Fusion clan, which has also provided advisory services to the founder of ChronoPower Incorporated.

President and main shareholder: Mr. Harlan Harrison.
Executive Advisor and Head of Security: Mr. David Buchanan.

After severe experimentation, ChronoPower Inc. was able to develop a temporary powerful enhancement module for either the Skriag or Nakshi-class living mecha, and after allowing the pilots to decide which of the two would occur, ChronoPower produced the modules for the Nakshi class.

The improvement involves the manipulation of the Lisi energy fields, allowing for a one-year tripling of the upgrade capacity as well as an improvement in the mecha dodge capability quantified at 11 Mega-Newtons of repulsive force (+11 dodge).

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(By GJ - 685605)

Harlan Harrison

[Notorious Personalities]

Harlan Harrison, known as "Half-Baked" is an eccentric charlatan and meddler with the ability to sell his mother  for a few niodes.

Some veteran pilots say that Harrison earned his pseudonym "Half-Baked" after being a victim of cruel genetic experiments in the laboratories of the infamous Dr. Drake, where his mind got injured. Although it is nothing more than a malevolent rumour, that would explain a few things in relation to this anodyne personage.
"A fool is more dangerous and harmful than the evil one."
Old wisdom quote.
For a long time, before many mech pilots were weaned, Harrison was already an old acquaintance in most of the dens for mecha pilots, always in search of some absurd proposal or adventure of which to scratch a few Niodes that their unsuspecting partners would surely lose.

Although the fate of Harrison has always been quite erratic, from the year 3317 it began to change, as he become a character as recurrent as the jack in a deck of cards.

In 3318, after the turmoil caused by the desperate search of Evil Santa for a new chroniode supposedly buried in a carboniferous deposit. Of which the facts meant that the artefact was a reality and not simply the delusions of the madness of Evil Santa. Be that as it may, Harlan was the lucky soul that looted the artefact, finding it before the mad Xmas villain could put his hands on it. Harlan had discovered the second chroniode of the galaxy, the only one in functionality after the Droch'ah's one was destroyed during the battle of Yomi.

This fact was for some a cause of alarm, and for many others a cause of surprise and expectation, that would shock our galaxy and trigger the third confrontation against Unification.

In 3319 Harrison started research projects and of course, always willing to profit from them, he created the company ChronoPower Inc. associated with David Buchanan, a member of the unstoppable Clan Fusion.
But not everything would be joyful. During their research of temporal fields with the Chroniode, the space-time continuum suffered major alterations generating a gateway twice as large as any known in the middle of an AFF base. Unification, in anticipation of a threat of our dimension, counterattacked, putting in check most of the mercenary clans.

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(By GJ - 685605)


[History, Society, Science]

A clone (also known as an "alt" between the mecha pilots) is an individual identical to another obtained by genetic techniques, although the cloning has advanced enough to create clones with differences in the phenotype of the original individual, that is, with different appearances.

The ancient race of the Forerunner reached a pinnacle of genetic engineering that humanity has not yet been able to match. Current human knowledge of cloning has not even come close to the shadow of the mountain that Forerunner knowledge represented.

It is recorded in Forerunner texts that man was created as a servile race, retaining some genetic similarity, although with shorter lives and less intellectual capacity. But the seemingly distant threshold of the Forerunner Science never intimidated human scientists, who, since the digital age, have been working on experiments with cloning.

At the beginning of the thirtieth century cloning was banned in many countries, although the Great Powers never ceased their investigations. However, human cloning has always  been a taboo subject, poorly accepted and looked upon with suspicion by most governments, including those who supported its study.

The advances made in cloning, until a few centuries ago, were not sufficiently refined enough to allow the creation of many clones in a reasonably short period.

The discovery of the Gateway jump in 2287 was a boom in both human expansion and demographic growth, which made human cloning unnecessary for colonial purposes or for obtaining armies quickly, which was also tremendously costly.

In the last century, renewed studies in the genetic field, sponsored by mysterious sources of funding, began to stimulate some scientists of the Novum Dolorum colony leading to all types of scientific investigations. Among them was Doctor Drake, the infamous archvillain that came to create a clone army, who made unauthorized use of the facilities of the scientific colony. But after the defeat of the army at the hands of the mercenary clans, the hegemony decreed the closure of all investigations at the facility. Drake, foreseeing all possibilities and having hacked the security system of Novum, escaped to the uncharted regions, where he continues his nefarious investigations.

But before creating his own army, Dr. Drake's knowledge had already fuelled Drochah's army, known as the League of Ages. This enabled the forerunner to shed wave after wave of armies seemingly out of nowhere in their attempt to seize the known galaxy.

3313 to 3315. The Clone Purge

The threat created by Dr. Drake rallied the Great Powers of the galaxy against the uncontrolled existence of clones, triggering very negative reactions to the clones and the tightening of immigration and demographic control laws against them.

The hostile tendency towards the clones culminated between the years 3313 and 3315 in which a purge was initiated against them, This established a limit to the times that an individual could be cloned by common agreement by the three Great Powers. 

This limit was fixed at eight, since several studies demonstrated psychopathic behaviours in the ninth and later clones. In some cases, lower limits were enforced.

Following the new clone rulings, many clones feared for their lives. Some tried to flee to the uncharted areas, others abandoned the lives they led to join pirate clans, and there were also clones that grouped together and tried to resist. This created numerous rebellions and riots that led to a stronger answer on the part of the galactic authorities, leading to the creation of Death Squads, whose aim was to locate and execute the illegal clones.

Although the existence of a small number of clones is now tolerated (far from what some commanders eventually created), they are still looked upon with suspicion and remain under the watchful eye of the authorities.

For their part, the Craftsmen echoed the anti-cloning laws, establishing a maximum presence of alts in their tournaments similar to the limits imposed by the various governments. This also eliminated an excessive presence of clones in some clans that in the past had led to several issues and unsportsmanlike conduct.

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(By GJ - 685605)

Independent Players Group (IPG)

[Mecha Clans and Factions] 

In 3278, a group of independent mecha pilots came together to work as a team under the name of “Merlino e Morgana”. Their goal, to participate in the Mecha Games and Tournaments with a child-like enthusiasm.
IPG crest by GJ
They came together because they believed there are too many hardcore clans that forget about the joy of participating in the Mecha Games. That these clans focus so much on the goal to reach victory, they forget the sweetness of piloting formidable mecha as well as many other aspects of the Tournaments.

The success of this mercenary group in tournaments is an option, not a goal. It is for this reason, the team leaders contacted pilots who were known to pilot mecha simply for the sheer joy it brought them. Therefore, their main recruitment was held in some of the most famous clubs and bars among the galaxy, like LaSalle’s, Plank, Inferno Bar or the Blue Bunny Resort.

For the Clan Wars XII in 3278, their first unit achieved a bronze medal in the 12th division, with a team organized in record time, considering the randomness of the pilots that had joined, this was a great success for their leader Stefano Zaccaria. After that event, many more clans were formed and disbanded but they all held the same belief of being rookie pilots with higher aspirations for better results.

During 3310, the faction renamed their group as “Independent Players Group (IPG), after a council meeting in which every team leader suggested a name in a democratically unbiased pool, where no one pilot had more prominence than the others, such is the fellowship and spirit they keep (The term "players" refers to their participation in the Mecha sportive Games and Tournaments, for which they formed the group).

They fiercely defend their independence as a mercenary family, in which every team leader is fully able to submit a motion or to decide how to pursue their battles, without a higher dependence or the need of internal agreements.

IPG team compositions.

They keep a simple rule: if any commanding pilot wanted to join their faction, they simply need to raise their banner as to show the IPG label in the registration form for the Mecha Games and Tournaments. During Faction Wars, the pilots are rearranged to regulate and optimize their skills and abilities in accordance to their level qualification as pilots.

For sentimental reasons, Captain Stefano Zaccaria chose the banner of his clans and factions using a vintage cartoon greenish bear or cat called “Mou Mou”. Maybe this is not the fiercest of banners and definitively won’t create panic in the enemy lines, but as Zaccaria could say “everyone is free to raise the flag they love”

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(By Stefano Zaccaria - 961268)

Galactic Standard

[Linguistic, Trade, Science]

Since the origin of mankind, when different societies and cultures developed different languages, there has been a need to create a common language. One that would work as an intercultural bridge, a vehicular language, to make communication possible between different groups with diplomatic, scientific or commercial goals.

Commerce has been the primary reason for the expansion of a bridge language, or as it was called in the ancient past, a 'Lingua Franca' (from Classical Latin, a "free language").

With the re-discovery by Falco Lisi of the Gateway Jump, and the progressive expansion of mankind through the known Galaxy, a Lingua Franca became necessary. For this reason, the language we now know as Galactic Standard was developed, mainly by means of intense economic and scientific activity.

The Galactic Standard or Galaxy Standard, has its origins in a mix of the most spoken languages from the Old Terra, containing mainly Euro-American and Asian languages or vocabulary.

The way in which the Galactic Standard has influenced the Major Powers is huge. The Shogunate, where in the beginning the Pan-Asian (a mix of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Tagalog and other tongues) was spoken, and the Illyrian Hegemony, whose language is based on European tongues, now have many similarities with the Galactic Standard. A Shogunate citizen could easily understand Galactic Standard in the odd case he hadn´t already learned it.

There are still minorities who keep their original languages, although this is an anomaly. The linguistic analysts prophesize a future in which there will be a single and universal language spoken by everyone. They call it Unix (from Unitarian), and many scholars have already started to consider Galactic Standard as the young shape of Unix.

(By GJ - 685605)

John T. Mainer

[Faction Leader, Legendary Pilot]

John Thomas Mainer (aka Ol' Bunny) - Pilot license number: 28840.

Never misjudge or underestimate a pilot by the size of his mecha or by the seemingly innocent rabbit of his clan banner.

John is a warrior of ancient beliefs and traditions. A mecha pilot with a strong sense of honour and duty which are infused with a heroic mysthicism transmitted by his Viking ancestral lineage. A strong lineage that can be traced back over many generations and many centuries.

Almost every time we meet a clan or faction leader, we find an experienced commander, forged in the fires of countless wars, by fire and ferrite in the forge of war and this can be applied to him.

In John's words:

"I am a warrior and a skald. I see the poetry of struggle. I am one who sees the enemy in the mirror and the friend across the field. I am old enough to know better, and wise enough to know I will do it anyway".

~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~

Recorded videoptic archives.- Subject: Live Interview with John T. Mainer.
Date: April 11, 3319
Location: The Blue Bunny Resort, Tremulus (Pirate Moon).

Mechanomicon: We are meeting the Commander in Chief of the bloodthirsty, stubborn, bizarre and fierce bunnies. Yes, you have read right, our galaxy has two kind of bunnies, one can be seen as an inoffensive pet, or even a meal… the other… embrace yourself if you meet the others in the wrong side of the battlefield, as they are not little angels!

It is a pleasure to meet you, John T. Mainer.

John T. Mainer – Funny you should say that as the origins of Bunnies lies in the Angels. The hierarchy of Angel’s clan.
When I was a starting (and young) pilot, my daughter Alyssa and I were accepted into the Angels’ ranks, but they wouldn’t go to participate in the Clan Wars.
When my daughter took a week off for her academic studies, since the clan didn’t participate in the tournaments, they cut her from the roster. That made me leave the clan.

We started together our own clan to defend her bunnies. Thus, was born the Defenders of Bunny.

M. - *laughs* Funny indeed. But I have seen when time comes to fight you, this is not laughing time. How did you became a Mecha pilot?

John – I believe that war is a business best left to warriors. I have heard someone said that war brings no perfection to soul… the author of this quote should have been a civilian. War is the anvil and the fire in which our impurities are hammered out and the true steel of ourselves is found. Leave it between warriors and it is something clean and pure. Drag civilians into it and it becomes suffering and waste.

Pilots and machines contending against each other on the field in open combat, what could be more pure and perfect than that?

M. - I see a strong mysticism in your words… also denoting traces of the Norse Mythology. Wotan/Odin and the warriors’ life path of the north men in old terra, am I right?

John – Many of the founding members in the Defenders of bunny follow the teachings of the Northern Gods of Ancient Terra. Indeed the ways of the Aesir and of Odin have travelled with us wherever we went. When warriors face each other across the field, and find themselves united in admiration for a worthy foe, the understanding that Valhalla unites us more than our flags divide us seems to be accepted easily by pilots od many faiths and origins.

M – All those mentions to the Norse myths lead me to the thought that you keep links with Norse ancestors… Could that be true?

John – My family origins lay in Canada, a nation from Old Terra. We come from the ice covered mountains that hearken back to the Fjords of the old countries from which many of our line were descended.

M – Well, despite what many historians could argue to that, there are ancient records about Vikings landing into Terranova, in the Canada northern territories, so actually some of that history could keep being truth.

John – Oh yes, some of them are our ancestry. Not Erik the Red or Lief the Lucky, but we did have kinfolk who sailed with them.

M - Talking about family... What does your T name means?

John - Thomas. Our family only has a few male names. During the Great War (Old Terra WWI) seven brothers went to the war, only two came back. The five who fell will not be forgotten. So all our male children bear only the names of the fallen: John, Ran, Benjamin, Robert and Thomas.

M - Names to feel proud to bear.
Is it right to assume that you became from the start of its creation the Leader of Bunnies?

John – I became the leader at the founding, and my primary joy from the start was teaching. I must be fairly good at it as I passed on everything I learned as I developed to my pilots and my wife and children. As a result, I actually was the last in the family and clan to win a KotM. I was scored as highest level by the Tournaments Evaluation System and paired in so high divisions, but prevented them from making my learning mistakes in the process.

M – Something that has been always weird to me is your clan and faction names as your totemic use of the Bunnies… When other pilots talk about the bunnies, most of them frown and look at your family clan with a deep misconception and confusion. How do you synthetize the looking of the naive and inoffensive creatures that bunnies are with that fierce warrior spirit? How can bunnies and mecha warfare be even mixed?

John – One of the things you have to get used in the mecha combat is dump shock. Your mecha gets killed and you are supposed to disconnect. You are supposed to let your valiant machine go down into the dark oblivion alone.
Well, I don’t.
Most of the best pilots don’t do it.
We ask to our machines to fight to the end, to fight even when our weapon systems have been pounded offline and shut down.
We ask them to fight until they die, so we don’t let them die alone. We stay linked until the mecha dies… and you get dump shock.

Here, the bunnies play an unexpected role, helping so much in the recovery process from the dump shock. They ease the physical tremors, help you getting your head back together and accepting that you are still alive and ready to go back to the combat and fight again.

A mecha bay with lots of rabbits jumping and hopping around means a tough fight, lots of casualties. Zeon fights are very rabbit filled.

M – So the Bunny pilots keep marching to the fight with a rabbit pet in your cabinets?

John – Alyssa always goes into battle with Easter (her bunny pet) when she is fighting her 70 tons lineup. I often let two of the rabbits together participate in the link to pilot one of my Novums in my own limited tonnage lineups. Females can’t steer, but surprisingly they add an enhancement to your gunnery skills. Male rabbits provide unbelieved natural dodge and help making our pilots better warriors while before the controls of a Novum.

M – Well, that said I have to admit I am quite surprised as never could have been figuring such a symbiosis between mecha pilots and harmless rabbits. Live to see…

John – It helps that rabbits don’t tend to overthink things. When you are looking at facing a Dragon clan for the Defenders of Bunny, or Fusion for the Spirit of bunny clan, you need to just throw yourself into the fight with joyful abandon, because if you look seriously at the Intel reports about relative strength, you might decide to retire and become an accountant. Who wants that?

M – The Mecha Games and Tournaments are, after all, unbloodied competitions where only the proud of a pilot can be lost (accidents aside)… But when talking about the real battles against the many menaces for our galaxy, would you also keep trampling like a berserk, away from all hope, instead try to keep a cold mind and your life alive to fight another day?

John – It really depends on the situation. There are times when the Spirit stands defending the flanks of Fusion and Zeon during a heavy raid where we don’t have the power to match either of those clans, but to retreat is to expose them to being flanked and seriously damaged.

We may be second tier in the Upper Divisions, but there is no one else our equal elsewhere. The Spirit and the Highlanders top Division must fight on, regardless of our fate, or those lower division class clans will be swept aside when Fusion and Zeon are left to die alone.

Then we must rely on fury and defiance, for we have not the weight or level degree, or niodes to match our own foes, now allies. Then, we must abandon sense and embrace duty… Oh, and mead! Mead helps a lot. Some raids you don’t face sober.

M – A look to your medal records in the Mecha Tournaments and Competitions show a humble start, and as what you above mentioned, your first steps as mecha pilot weren’t the better you could have done… From all your early mistakes, what have you learn?

John – I learned late, but learned well that you need to look at the whole picture, not get bedazzled by the shiny weapons. Look at forming each line as a cohesive unit, mixing the strengths and weapon capabilities to achieve a combined demolishing effect.

I learned to stack equipment that complimented my mecha’s own abilities, shield for the weaknesses at the end once you were done equipping, and only look to where your weapons would be best employed.

Equipment trumps weapons. Time and again I have proved this. Thirteen KotM golds against people firing better weapons than me have put some proof behind this doctrine.

M – Quite agree, I always gave priority to build rightly my squad’s mechas prior to load better weapons, while I acquire them mostly from the KotM competitions.

While your debut as mecha pilot in the competitions was in 3266, earning bronze, your first gold delayed, but finally arrived on 3284, as a Circuit Fight Gold. Can you remember the feeling?

John – That was a magical moment for me. I could have won earlier a Red Ant tournament on KotM that my Red Ant mafia were supposed to take. But Zeon begged me to let one of their pilots to get it instead as he was at the top of his division and would advance after that fight. He wouldn’t have another chance to grab a gold after that singular KotM. I agreed and let him take it.

When I was next free to fight the golden journey to win, I called upon those few Zeon remaining in my division and they formed up beneath me. I could take and hold the Mountain, but in the last day, you can only fight so many fights. Without their aid, I don’t know that I could have held the whole day that it took.

My first Nephillax is thus named ‘Friendship’. For it was the friends across the battlefield who aided me to acquire it.

M – Many have notice there are some friendly links between Zeon and bunnies, as to the point to ally in some Faction Tournament, despite being pummeled by them Clan War after Clan War. It is commendable that competition hasn’t sourced such relations.

John - You learn the character of a Clan when you face them in battle.  Our battles with Zeon and with the Highlanders have forged not only great rivalries, but friendships as well.  You truly know a person only when you have seen them pushed to their limits, either fighting with you, or against you.

M - Well said! So your first KotM gold, was in a double Rainbow specialization in 3284... The one in which Zeon supported you?

John - That is right, I do best in the limited tournements.  I generally am at a disadvantage unlmited against the top one.  I lack the 100 ton elite monster supply of the top pilots.

M - From your current thirteen KotM golds, which one was the more tastyful for you and your fellow rabbits, and why?

John - I would say my tastiest win would be my Double Rainbow in 3318.  I beat out Bob Schlomer and Shiela Retherford, both strong competitors who I can't beat in their chosen lineups, but could match or narrowly edge out in this one.
Bob and I ran each other out of fights and were left watching the clock to see when one battle would refresh, all our Superhateorades spent, every last Large and Small Hatorade already drunk.  I held it at the bell, but I have never had one closer.

M - I am familiarized with that feeling, and is hard to descript as also a strong drug there.

John - The ones that you win by a landslide or without challenge will never be as sweet, whether on the Mountain or in Clan War.  I remember battles with the Highlanders that went into overtime, campaigns won or lost by a single fight.  Those are magical, win or lose.

M - In the personal field, as a pilot, what have you learn while fighting in the competitions, whether circuits or King of the Mountain?

John - I found on the circuits a most amazing thing, level matters less than you would think. 
There are players lower than you that can take you, and those far higher that you can take. It is this knowledge that made getting top five in Faction War possible.  Dare the heights; don't let level fool you

M - The expert pilots know quite well what the level system quatify on the pilots, and only expert pilots know how to take profit from their learnings, turning them into higher skills and capabilities to beat those who lost their lessons behind.

John - Knowledge is power in a very real sense. I encourage all new pilots to seek out a clan for this reason.  You never get a second chance to spend your skill development, and it will shape your performance for years.  Seek out a clan that does teach and nurture their pilots, and you will see what you are truly capable of.

M - Bunnies have been reaching several silver awards, among bronzes during your career... But there shines a gold medal, I remember that's one as many got surprised your emblem unit could reach gold as being often of not always surround by super strong Clans as Zeon or Misfits... We talk about the year 3309, in which Spirit of Bunny was champion in the Second Division, as Zeon and Isle of Misfit Toys strugled in the Third Division and Fusion and PhoenixStorm were facing in the First one. Something like to be in the eye of the hurricane we might say... How do you remember that event?

John - This was to be the triumphant debut of Fission, the second division of Fusion that had taken the place of fallen Cyberstorm as master of Division One.  Everyone knew that Fission was favored, but when we did our combat drop and saw Fission's beacons on our Heads Up Display, I told my Bunnies that this was it, this was the gold medal fight right out of the gate.  HIt hard, hit smart, communicate, give up one loss to scout, but never a second one.  We knew where we stood relative to each other so the battle tapes showed us who we cold hit and win, and who we could not.  We fought hard, but smart.

We won that fight, and Mecha Galaxy did a double take.  The next two were narrowly in our favour odds wise, but we were riding the high of the Fission debut victory and we really performed above our normal by quite a lot. 
We earned that gold, and partied pretty hard afterward.

M - Talking about communication... As CIC what are the virtues that you value above any other?

John - As a leader you must know your people, not only their battle abilities but their nature. You can get into a lot of strife trying to fit square pegs in round holes, or you can learn your people and use them in ways that play to their strengths.
We vowed win or lose to get there together.  We don't move people around much in the Bunnies, so we get to know each other well.  We fight together, and we learn from each other.

M - We have seen you are not only a competent Mech Pilot in the single combat, also a leader able to guide your fellows to the victory when the chance opens a window, despite being surround by titans... But your duties are not ended there... You happen to be aswell the Chief Editor of Asterion Network News... How did you happen to join in that news group?

John - Moe Lee of the Misfit Toys recruited me a long time ago. I began to record the battles of the Smufs and the Bunnies because we were fighting in the lower divisions that no one noticed.  I thought our fights should be remembered too.
Moe brought me in as correspondent, and then let me see the power of the ANN  Niode card at a bar to get pilots to share their stories, and the rest is history.

Moe Lee and Justin Verret founded ANN way back in the early days when Cyberstorm, Murderbots, and the Northwind Highlanders were battling for the top, and no machine had ever achieved level or tonnage of one hundred.

M - When did you became Director of the ANN?

John - Moe turned the keys to the editorial liquor cabinet over to me about the 3304, time  in which he focused his efforts on the Gordon family and their plight.  Since then his efforts have been split between battle and humanitarian efforts.  I have strived to maintain the same editorial standards that he had.

M - A couple technical questions. Which one is your favoured mech?

John - My favourite mecha will always be the Red Ant.  This machine rewards a pilot for his ability and daring, and the equipment available for it does not favour the rich over the poor.  Only your ability to set up a lineup and pilot your machines will matter.

M - Well said. What are your favourite mecha capabilities (skills)?

John - My favourite capabilities in a mecha are Critical Kill and Freeze.  Damage stacking is sexy, but against raid opponents who are vastly more powerful, or enemy better shielded than your weapons can deal with, you need to stop them shooting back.  Critical kill, or freeze does that.

M - Thank you John, this meeting has allowed me to get to know you better, as I hope it will serve to the readers and scholars who come to this entry.

John - Thank you German, it is always a pleasure to talk with you as well. Luck in battle my friend.

Entry & interview with John T. Mainer (28840) by GJ (685605)