Harlan Harrison

[Notorious Personalities]

Harlan Harrison, known as "Half-Baked" is an eccentric charlatan and meddler with the ability to sell his mother  for a few niodes.

Some veteran pilots say that Harrison earned his pseudonym "Half-Baked" after being a victim of cruel genetic experiments in the laboratories of the infamous Dr. Drake, where his mind got injured. Although it is nothing more than a malevolent rumour, that would explain a few things in relation to this anodyne personage.
"A fool is more dangerous and harmful than the evil one."
Old wisdom quote.
For a long time, before many mech pilots were weaned, Harrison was already an old acquaintance in most of the dens for mecha pilots, always in search of some absurd proposal or adventure of which to scratch a few Niodes that their unsuspecting partners would surely lose.

Although the fate of Harrison has always been quite erratic, from the year 3317 it began to change, as he become a character as recurrent as the jack in a deck of cards.

In 3318, after the turmoil caused by the desperate search of Evil Santa for a new chroniode supposedly buried in a carboniferous deposit. Of which the facts meant that the artefact was a reality and not simply the delusions of the madness of Evil Santa. Be that as it may, Harlan was the lucky soul that looted the artefact, finding it before the mad Xmas villain could put his hands on it. Harlan had discovered the second chroniode of the galaxy, the only one in functionality after the Droch'ah's one was destroyed during the battle of Yomi.

This fact was for some a cause of alarm, and for many others a cause of surprise and expectation, that would shock our galaxy and trigger the third confrontation against Unification.

In 3319 Harrison started research projects and of course, always willing to profit from them, he created the company ChronoPower Inc. associated with David Buchanan, a member of the unstoppable Clan Fusion.
But not everything would be joyful. During their research of temporal fields with the Chroniode, the space-time continuum suffered major alterations generating a gateway twice as large as any known in the middle of an AFF base. Unification, in anticipation of a threat of our dimension, counterattacked, putting in check most of the mercenary clans.

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(By GJ - 685605)