Dinochrome Brigade (IPG)

[Mercenary Clan]

Dinochrome Brigade belongs to the Independent Players Group. Clan License # 5668.

Motto: “Number one in Bolo support” 

CO: William Morris 
In February of 3313 Morris was recruited fresh out of college into the training clan "Noob City". Green as grass and looking for action he gained his first experience in a clan war that same month in which they walked away with a bronze medal in division 16. 

In their garrisons, rumour was that they were to beginning training for something big, as it turns out that something big was the April 3314 Faction War. Noob City joined the "Battle Royale" {FW} group. After a year of gruelling training they managed to earn a Division 8 bronze medal. 

They were coming together as a team but they were ill prepared for the sudden Clone Purge. In an instant, their leaders were gone. With the December 3315 Clan Wars looming, word was passed around the clan that they needed someone to assume the leader role in order to participate. With no one stepping forward, William Morris took the job with the caveat that after the raid he would step aside for anyone who wanted the title. Just in the nick of time management was petitioned to grant him leadership and allow the clan to join the battle. 

Despite a low active participation, they managed to earn a silver medal in division 13. 

With most of the clan MIA, a  clan meeting was held and Morris was asked to continue as their permanent leader. It was also  agreed that major changes needed to be made. The clan needed re-branding and a fresh start. 

Messages went out across the galaxy to all the passive clan members that a clan purge was coming. With no replies the purge took place three days later. The Noob City now consisted of the three active pilots.

The clan needed to find a purpose, a way to make a name for itself . One evening at the local water hole  Morris overheard a conversation  between two command officers. They were discussing how frustrated command was becoming over trying to find units to provide support for the Bolos (Local slang for the BFMs). Bolo support is known for having the highest casualty rates than any unit. 

With word being "one stray shot from a BFM equals one less support mech" it was a hard sale to the clan. Morris insisted that if they truly wanted to make a name for themselves, they should strive to be the number one in bolo support (this became their motto).

To drive the point home, their name was changed to Dinochrome Brigade in honour of the historical legendary heroes. 

After mostly unsuccessful recruitment attempts, and being called insane, they missed the 3316 Clan Wars. Morale hit an all-time low but hope was reignited during a dialogue between Morris and Argus (an IPG CO). He spoke well of this new group 'IPG' in which every team is independent. A request was made to the founder of 'IPG' for membership in help in filling their ranks. 

Their membership was approved and they merged with clan "Wolf" for the Baconary 3317 Squad Wars. 

Wolf-Dinochrome Brigade (IPG) won no medals in division 15 but came together as a cohesive unit.

Following the war 'Wolf" was dropped from the name thus Dinochrome Brigade (IPG) was conceived.  

In August 3318, the clan won a Division 10 bronze medal on the Clan Wars. 

As their officers said, Dinochrome Brigade (IPG) may get knocked down but know this: We always get back up!"

  • Jan-Feb 3313. Creation of Noob City training clan.
  • Feb 3313. Clan Wars. Noob City achieves bronze in division 16.
  • Apr 3314. Faction War. Noob City achieves bronze in division 8.
  • 3314. The Clone Purge hunts the Noob City's CO. William Morris ranks up as new CO.
  • Dec 3315. Clan Wars. Noob City earned silver in division 13.
  • 3315-3316. To counter the inner sabotage, the passive pilots are removed.
  • 3316 Clan Wars. Unable to join as not committing the required crew size, the clan misses the event.
  • 3316-3317. Noob City joins the IPG Faction and renames as Wolf-Dinochrome Brigade.
  • Bac 3317. Squad Wars. Wolf-Dinochrome Brigade participates in division 15, but with the menace of the Unification threat, no medal is won.
  • Entering 3318. The clan renames as "Dinochrome Brigade (IPG)".
  • Aug 3318. Clan Wars. Achieved bronze in the 10th division. 
  • Jul 3319. Clan Wars. Participation medal in the 9th division.

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(By William Morris - 961732)