Kristopher Fleet

[Legendary Pilots]

Pilot license number: 138130

Commander Fleet has shown innate skills and a privileged mind as Mech pilot and strategist, capable to create in a few days a crew and lead it with astounding success. He harvested most gold medals in the lead of a 1st Division Clan than any other, and there hasn’t been created higher honors than those he has already conquered with his stellar dream team of Legendary Pilots: Fusion.

As it couldn’t be in a different way, the Commander Kristopher Fleet development, planning and perspective to approach the Mech Warfare is totally different than any other CO could have.
Fusion is not as large as the big factions like Affiliation, Black Star, Brotherhood, Dragons or the Mercury Battlegroup, to mention some, but he leads the stronger and mightier mech clan from the entire known Galaxy, capable to sweep all other force with no casualties.

In his words:
“There isn’t anyone really who can beat me anymore outside of Fusion, and a couple guys in Zeon.  I have slipped a bit myself recently, but I will get back on my game when I have more time.
For a long time I didn’t think I was nearly strong enough to even be in Fusion myself, but I have proven myself more with specializations and through strategy and planning to feel as if I belong now.”
Weapons of Choice (at level 228):

Laser, Fire & Missile: 116
Ice: 81 
Cannon: 56

First Gold Medals:
CW: December 3268 – Champions in CW IV, 3rd Division with War Machine.
KotM: August 3279 – Champion of a Red Ant Rush.
FW: December 3282 – Champion with Northwind Highlanders in the 1st Division.
Circuit: April 3283 – Champion.

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Recorded videoptics archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Kristopher Fleet.
Date: March 15, 3318
Location: Leander LaSalle's Club, Cogwerk Port.

I have the honour to meet Kristopher Fleet, (Co-CO of Fusion with Cdr. Don Davis); in the lead of Fusion, the highest and mightiest of the mercenary mech clans in the whole Galaxy. 

Where are you from and how did you happen to become a Mech Pilot?

Kristopher Fleet. - I am but a simple traveler who happened upon the mecha on a whim.
A friend of mine introduced me, and I picked up on it rather quickly

M. - A fortuity move of Fate that turned to make the leader of the greatest of clans currently now... Did you join any mech force before you got hired by the merc clans?

K. - I was briefly in a clan called Tiger Sharks for maybe a week.  That was a clan forged by the gentleman who introduced me this world.   He soon went in his own way leaving me on my own to find my way into my inaugural tournament, the Second Clan War.  I had limited time, but decided to make my own clan called War Machine, by assembling random pilots in less than a day.  We got eight folks and entered henceforth.  We nearly took gold on our initial go, if not for two no shows we would of taken gold, but instead ended up 2-1 along with another 2-1 clan.  The only war I have seen where no clan took a gold medal.

M. - That is quite impressive. So we could say you have such a natural leadership that bloomed as soon as you had a chance. 
From that first battle in the Second Clan War till our current days, what other Clans did you belong, Sir?

K. - I’ve only ever belonged to really one true clan where I did not lead, and that was the Northwind fusiliers where I was XO.  I did make most of the decisions, but leadership went to Andy Conover, who was a veteran of the brotherhood, and I was just a new recruit at the time after leading war machine into a merger with the brotherhood, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

After War Machine I merged with the brotherhood. We joined Andy Conover and Don Davis, Aaron Margold, and a few others to make the Northwind Fusiliers.  After a rift in the leadership group when Ted Liolis retired the strategic group of the brotherhood separated to make Fusion.

M. - Andy Conover, more than a veteran, a Hero I heard who happened to pass away during the war against Droch'ah in which the Chroniode got shattered thanks to braves as him.
. . .
What were the reasons and goals when you created Fusion? I noticed that the departure of those who left the Brotherhood was not yet seen with good eyes.

K. - Well, when Ted led the Brotherhood, our strategic group aided him in many decisions regarding lineups, strategies, mech builds, etc.  When he left he did not designate a replacement.  The military ranks suggested Deb (Deborah Roache) should take charge, but she did not see eye to eye with our strategic group.  She tried to prevent us from doing things we felt necessary for the group to improve as a whole.  This rift caused the strategic group to walk away and forge our own institution.  Don Davis, Gary Alsop and I were able to get Ian Deeks to join us, and I believe that alone spelled the end of CyberStorm.  We essentially defeated them without firing a shot.  They declined to enter that next war, and then regrouped under the PhoenixStorm banner.  After several wars we asserted our dominance, and now await a new challenger to dethrone us.

M. - In the opinion of many analysts and unless Fusion split, you are not going to find any opposition for a long term of time as you keep improving in a fast almost geometrical ratio (if that was even possible).

K. -  Well, we play by a different strategy then most of the galaxy.  We gain power not only by equipment and weapons, but we level as well.  Until, other pilots decide to level, as well as gain power by remaining stationary they have little chance.  It is a popular misconception that level doesn't matter.  Some lower level pilots cite evidence of this by attacking inferior high level pilots.  What they do not realize, is that leveling, combined with strategy is a near impossible combo to topple.  We have several pilots racing to level 300.  That is going to make us a Goliath until other pilots can put on levels themselves.

M. – Agree, the wise pilots should not ignore your words as certainly there is the key of success.
Do you think the lack of a true opponent for Fusion might undermine the continuity of Fusion in any sense? 

K. - I don't think it will matter.  Most of us have accepted the fact that most pilots don’t care enough about winning to level, either that or they accept the false notion that leveling is too expensive.  What they don’t realize is that once you reach a certain level, you don’t even need to bother filling out your slots.  Skill points alone coast you to victory in many cases.
We are all students of the mecha.  Most of us can pilot every single specialization, and all have one or two we make our pet specialization.

M.- Along your long and successful career, who happened to be your best allies and who your greater nemesis?

K. - As I was leveling, the single pilot who was my most fierce nemesis was Shawn Wretham. He and I battled out numerous kotms.  That is one reason we made him a top priority to join Fusion.  As a clan, the one clan who provided the most competition was the Isle of misfit Toys.  Many wars came down to us and them when I was in the brotherhood.  Going way back we have many skirmishes with Dark Angels as well.

Our best allies have always been our strategic group.  Don Davis, Gary Allsop, Shawn Wretham.  We have come up with more schemes then I can even recall.

M. - Looking behind, is there anything you could have been changing now under the knowledge you have?

K. - I somewhat camped D2 for a long time.  I wish I had taken the plunge to D1 sooner than I did.

M. - About your role as CIC, what do you like from it and what do you hate?

K. - Speaking of CIC.  I remember Richard Millich asking me questions as a new pilot. I like to think my answers played some role in the creation of RND, however, I still don’t know where he got that whole camping idea from...certainly not me (laughs)…
I don’t really see myself as a CIC.  We are a strategic group.  We bounce ideas off of one another.  I may call shots and who to attack who, and when to attack in wars, but most all of our decisions are group efforts.  We are a team.  I am part of a team, not a leader.

M. - Let's turn our eyes into the most recent events in the galaxy.
What did you think when you realized that your counterpart in the parallel galaxy is trying to wipe out our own world? I am talking of course about Unification.

K. - I was taken aback by his inferior spelling skills.  Clearly Unification lacks spell-check.

M. - Well, this is a cultural perception; they come from a different galaxy in which the timeline seems to keep some variations.

Anytime along your career before the mighty Fusion did you kept thoughts of domination alike those who moved Xeon, the counterpart of Zeon in their galaxy to try to impose a galactic tyranny?

K. - I try not to get too involved in the history of an enemy.  I'm more the type to just blast them and loot the coffers afterwards

M. - I am meaning... Fusion is clearly an overwhelming and unstoppable force that no one could oppose right now... Didn't you ever have any fantasy about domination?

K. - Even when Fusion was in its infancy, and pre-development, Zeon was simply a D6 or so clan. Honestly, clans outside of the top 3 divisions aren’t even on our radar.  They are so much lower in level that it’s a waste of our planning time to analyze them.

One could argue we already dominate.  We have never lost a battle since our inception, and even splitting into fusion/Radioactive we maintained our undefeated streak.

M. - Well... Now Zeon is your direct opponent. Do you think they will need a so long time to catch up to the Fusion capabilities?

K. - Zeon could challenge us if they were to break into two segments.  Their top level guys are formidable, but from Travis on down they pose little threat to us.  The big difference between the elite Zeon and our elite guys is that we not only have good main formations, but we also have dominant specialties, and many of them just have good main formations with a couple exceptions.

M. – All right. Let’s turn our eyes towards the technology you develop. 
What are the capabilities that you prefer on a mech and why?

K. - I prefer building mechs to battling them.  I am a student of the various effects of equipment and weapons.  I enjoy testing theories, and planning more than I enjoy battling or even winning.
I don’t really have a 'favorite' effect.  I guess I prefer finding working combinations rather than individual effects

M. – Yes, the planning of a battle... the control of the field as the skies and know yourself as to your enemy is what delivers to you the fruit of victory.

Do you happen to have a favored mech?

K. - Funny Story, I never got to pick my mech when I was nominated to be a legendary pilot.  My nomination was a surprise, and Deb wrote my introduction into the Galactic Mech Manual.  I was nominated for the Skriag mech class, but only ever had a single Skriag.  My favorite Niode mech is probably still the Dilo.  It is so versatile.  It can have 100% 2x/3x, or it can be a crit boat.  I still use them in my formation today.  No other high level pilot does other than me to my knowledge.  My favorite crystal mech was the Luison for a long time, but now I think the Ballista has surpassed it.  Ballista is a fun mech.  I still think it to be the most powerful crystal mech ever created. 

M. - Quite interesting indeed, one would think you may introduce us into some of the latest Niode BFMs instead... Those are inputs to be taken in count.

K. - None of the BFMs have been nearly as versatile as a Dilo or a Torrent

M. - Not now, but I am guessing in a future, as the Manufacturers created a wider bow of choices to equip a BFM, some of them will become as versatile or more. The Fext perhaps shows attitudes.

In your opinion, from the known mech pilots... who is the strongest one?

K. - I believe the strongest pilot in the galaxy for a long time was Don Davis, but rumors are now that Fabio Favaro may have passed him.  Level for level the strongest pilot conversation would also have to include Ben Rail, Gary Allsop and Dexter Berry.

M. - Fine... time to put an end to this interview... Any word that you might send to our readers?

K. - We are accepting applications for new challengers. Inquire within at the level 200.

M. - Any message to the younger pilots starting their path in the dangerous ways of the Mechs?

K. - Keep your chin out, and don’t be afraid to level.  You may lose to campers for a bit, but eventually you will crush them after you pack on some levels

M. - Has been a real pleasure Commander Fleet. Waiting to watch your future success into the next wars as to how Fusion kicks the Unification away from our Galaxy.

K. - Thank you sir.

(By GJ 685605)
Interview with Kristopher Fleet (138130)