Daniel Scott

[Renowned Pilot]

Leviathan Pilot - Pilot license number: 164961
HF CIC: Daniel Scott

Daniel Scott is a pilot of bold and solid skills.

Approach to his mech when he is inside, and do it alive, is something that you can only do when he is in routinely maintenance checking, because do it in the battlefield is as safe as give a walk through the Yomi Reefs without a pressurized mech. 

The cockpit of his Commanding Mech keeps the scares of the last battle in defence of the Clark Federation against the Unification intruders… Large brown and dry patches, which could be ketchup, or more likely dry blood, partially cover his painted last call sign: “Monty Python”, one of those hilarious vintage movies’ gangs.

Behind the reinforced triple vitrilium crystal panel, we can spot the bizarre Daniel Scott, a man of Scottish ascendance who managed to make his path and renown as veteran elite pilot and efficient leader for a clan almost as old as the Clan War Tournaments, the Highlander Forces. Nowadays he is part of the First Division Subchampion Clan Leviathan.

In his own words:   
“I am an old dog, but still learning new tricks; a veteran of many wars, long time member and current leader of the HF. An avid mecha collector (currently proud owner over 500 mecha and at least one of every available class) and always looking to new ways to sharpen my skills”.

Weapons of Choice (at level 223):
Cannon: 101
Laser 83
Ice, Fire & Missile: 59

First Gold Medals:
February 3268: Circuit Gold.
February 3271: CW VI, 4th Division - Champion in the led of the Clan Highlanders. 
October 3295: Point Parade champion.

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Recorded videoptics archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Daniel Scott.
Date: November 26, 3317
Location: HF hangar bay # 001 in the HF HQ.

Mechanomicon – We have before if not a legendary pilot, an elite veteran that fully deserves the title. Your name is well known among the veteran and elite pilot circles... You even happened to successfully lead the Highlanders unit in the Sixth Clan War (Feb 3271) reaching the appreciated gold in the fourth division.

So greetings, this is a pleasure to introduce your name in the Mechanomicon for future reference as you are certainly a living piece of the galactic lore, aside a formidable warrior to keep safe our galaxy.

To let our scholars know you better, could you say from what corner of the galaxy do you come?

Daniel Scott - I first piloted mecha for the Clarke Federation. I was part of the initial officer exchange between Clarke and Cogwerk, after graduation from Cogwerk's Military College I was offered a position in the prestigious Federation Rangers. After a short tour with them I felt I could do more than hunt bandits in the fringe. I resigned and headed into the heart of the galaxy to seek my fate.

M. - Fighting bandits and pirates in the fringe of the Cogwerk Society of Planets is kind of the specialty of the Legionnaires of the Galactic Trade... Does the federation Rangers to keep links with the Legionnaires?

D. - The Rangers rarely leave Clarke Federation Space other than to hunt those who attack our home worlds.  While they are an elite force I felt their isolationist views (held by most of Clarke citizens) was too restrictive. There are dangers to the entire galaxy and I felt I could do more to keep the galaxy safe.  In a personal note; the Legionnaires are a fine unit but are no match for the Rangers. In my opinion this is why Cogwerk sends their pilots to train under the Rangers.

M. - Sounds like the Federation Rangers have no paragon in their job. Well, I noticed your presence in the Highlander Clan in the year 3267, in which your crew achieved silver none the less, only beat by the champion Vision Clan.
After your affiliation as a Ranger, how did you happen to join the Highlanders mercenary clans?

D. - When I first left the Rangers I mostly fought in King of the Mountain events while I was trying to decide what I should do. I was recruited by the Highlanders shortly after my arrival.

M. - The Highlanders are old veterans of many wars... How do you envision them and how do you think they evolved along the many years among them?

D. - The Highlanders are an old unit.  We were a single clan for a long time. We absorbed the remnants of several clans who were destroyed or disbanded: Omega Marauders, Virtue, Grey Death Legion and several others.  Our first expansion clan was the Black Company (after a time they split off on their own and were eventually absorbed by the Bunny Clans). We continued to grow and recruit.  We teamed with the Blazing Aces for Faction Wars 3. We both felt this was a beneficial arrangement and merged into a larger force and the HF was born.

M. - There is a hiatus in your career as Highlander... as you happened to join the AFF files for some years, in 3285. Was there any particular reason to leave the Highlanders, Sir?

D. - I was far above all other pilots in the Highlanders at the time and would have been a negative impact on CW placement. I continued to lead the Highlanders from a strategic point of view (I became leader after CW V); It was during this time a pilot could finish their raid and then join another clan who had not finished. It was a great way to score extra loot. Once we had recruited enough higher level pilots I returned to the Highlanders to lead the premier clan.

M. - What has been your greatest success as leader of the original Highlander forces?

D. - That would have to be a Gold in CW VI.

M. - Yes, you obtained a gold in the Sixth Clan War where you lead the Highlanders in the Fourth Division. That had to be a glorious taste for your comrades indeed.

D. - Sadly most of them have since retired. There is only one other pilot from the original clan besides myself still active.

M. - Now, for profanes, there has been a long time of mistakes and controversy between the Highlanders clans and the Brotherhood Northwind Highlanders... Are both families linked in any way or are just separated families?

D. - There has never been a connection or relation. It’s just a coincidence that we have similar names.

M. - Why the name of Highlanders was chosen and who founded them?

D. - I don't know why the name was chosen. The clan was founded by Damien McClean, who retired after CW V.

M. - MacLean, a name with links that redirect us to the earthen Scotland realm, in the ancient dark ages... Casually your own surname shares some familiarity with Scotland and the Highlanders... mere coincidence Sir, or do the highlanders claim any blood lineage?

D. - I do claim heritage to old earth Scotland... as do several in our clans

M. - That must have been forge a strong link of... brotherhood ship, and excuse me for the little wink. All right, as pilot, the Senate records show you specialized as cannon and laser gunner. What are the capabilities you focus for those type of weapons and what mech class are your favoured one in which to load that projectile and laser arsenal?

D. - A good pilot will adapt to any environment and not limit themselves to only one load out. I am working on being able to field a full squadron of every max tons specialist for Clan Wars/KotM.  Currently I can deploy any formation 75 tons or below at full tonnage. I have also found that as you go up in levels the rainbow formations become more and more effective.

M. - Yes, the true strategist is above such small considerations and search to master all the factors that really distinguishes a master and commander among the military minds, as counterpart with the ronin warriors who kind of like to focus in some chosen weaponry and mech, polishing it till turn it a deadly weapon... What kind of mech warrior are you, which one is your favoured mech class?

D. - I like all classes for different reasons, but the BFM's are great for sheer destruction. For a single favourite mech I would say the Ignis is often overlooked, but is quite deadly when properly equipped
I think I would lean on making one of your weapons as deadly as possible before trying the next. Especially for those with limited resources, make one specialist formation rather than spread yourself thin

M. - Along your career as elite pilot and sometimes CO, which one has been the greatest threat for the galaxy you and your fellows have been forced to fight?

D. - I would have to say Gorax. Of all the enemies we have faced he is the only one to make a permanent impact. He caused the Shogunate Civil war and also we still are benefiting from the Gorax effect allowing extra use of hatoraides and stims.

M. - And who could be honoured to be called as your nemesis, if any?

D. - My greatest enemy is the lack of Niodes I always seem to have.

M. - (Laughs) I couldn't agree more with that, for sure! What are your goals for the uncertain future that we will have to live?

D. - I would like to see more expansion in the Galaxy.  New mission zones, new contests like Circuits and KotM. I am enjoying the changes to CW. Like the mandatory special, extra damage specials. These are good additions

M.- Has been an honour Sir. May you lead to the victory the Highlander Forces for a longer time.

Entry & interview with Daniel Scott (164961) by GJ (685605)