
[Tournaments Rules]

"Specialist" is a type of formation created under special rules, such as maximum total tonnage limitation, or a limit on the weight of each mech, or any of the other types listed below.

History and purpose:

The specialists were introduced by first time in the Clan Wars XVII (Rise of the Specialists) in August 3286, and were designed by the organizers of the Clan Wars Tournaments, with the intention to keep the pilots as prepared as possible for the different possible battle situations (like the need to fight in small underground galleries, where higher mechs than Red Ants would turn impossible to maneuver), as well as maintain the public interest of the tournaments.


Types of specialist:

Spec. type
Requirements/Applied rule
Min Pilot Level
Max Pilot Level
Single Rainbow (SRB)
No more than 1 mech of every class
(a certain mech repeated will leave one of them not entering in combat)
Double Rainbow (DRB)
No more than 2 mech of every class
Triple Rainbow (TRB)
No more than 3 mech of every class
10 Tons
None mech over 10 Tons can enter in combat
20 Tons
None mech over 20 Tons can enter in combat
30 Tons
None mech over 30 Tons can enter in combat
40 Tons
None mech over 40 Tons can enter in combat
55 Tons
None mech over 55 Tons can enter in combat
65 Tons
None mech over 65 Tons can enter in combat
70 Tons
None mech over 70 Tons can enter in combat
80 Tons
None mech over 80 Tons can enter in combat
90 Tons
None mech over 90 Tons can enter in combat
Laser weapons do 80% additional damage
Missile weapons 80% additional damage
Cannon weapons do 80% additional damage
Fire weapons do 80% additional damage
Ice weapons do 160% additional damage
2600 Total
All the mechs emplaced in your squad must have no more than 2600 total tons.
1200 Total
All the mechs emplaced in your squad must have no more than 1200 total tons.
950 Total
All the mechs emplaced in your squad must have no more than 950 total tons.
630 Total
All the mechs emplaced in your squad must have no more than 630 total tons.
420 Total
All the mechs emplaced in your squad must have no more than 420 total tons.
230 Total
All the mechs emplaced in your squad must have no more than 230 total tons.
150 Total
All the mechs emplaced in your squad must have no more than 150 total tons.

Specialist Rules on Wars Tournaments:

In the case of tournaments (Clan War, Faction War or Squad War), the rules of specialist are applied only when the defender has a specialist assigned. 


The defender has been assigned the specialist “10 Tons”.

This means that when the fight starts, the only mechs available for the battle will be those with 10 or less Tons. In this case, the only mech satisfying that rule is the Red Ant.

If any or both of the opponents (attacker or defender) were using a mech with higher tonnage, that mech won’t enter combat (as being disabled by the remote inhibitors of the tournament)


A. Defender is set (with the proper spec formation) & the attacker is offset (without any of the required mechs in his formation):

The attacker will enter combat with zero mechs, hence will automatically lose, giving a point of victory to the defending clan.

B. The Defender is offset (forgot to select his Red Ant squad) & the attacker is set, using the proper Red Ant Squad:

The attacker will enter combat with his full Red Ant force, but without opposition from the defender, who will have zero mechs to fight. The attacker will automatically win.

C. Both, attacker and defender forgot to select their Red Ant squads.
None mech will enter in combat, but the point of victory will be given to the attacker.

D. One of them, attacker or defender, or both, has only a few units matching the requirements, in this case, has a mixed squad with Red Ants and other mechs of higher tonnage:

The combat will start with both forces fighting, but every mech above Red Ant tonnage won’t enter combat. This will play in detriment of the pilot who was using inappropriate mechs, as his squad will be weakened.

E. The pilot with the assigned spec decides to attack an opponent with a different specialist assigned or without specialist (with his unlimited force):

The attacking pilot’s spec rule won’t operate while attacking others (unless the targeted opponent had also assigned the same specialist), and if he was attacking with his Red Ants Squad against an unlimited formation, he will be fighting in inferiority and probably losing the match.

Other questions:

Assigning Specialist: In tournaments, only the Clan Leader can assign the available specs.

Amount of available specialists: Each Tournament, can be available a different number of specialists. From none up to the totality of the crew, but usually only a few spots are available.

When specialists can be assigned: Only once the registration to join the Tournament started, the specs can be assigned. The time to assign them, usually ends the previous day to the First Battle Round.

Pilot level requirements: The level requirements only affect to who can get a certain specialist assigned, but anyone can use a specialist formation to be allowed to attack a defender who had assigned a specialist.  

Can an assigned specialist be changed during the Tournament duration: No. No matter if the pilot may change his formation, he will continue as the assigned specialist, or as unlimited if he didn't got a specialist assigned. So a pilot with a specialist assigned shall be careful and don't forget to switch back to his specialist force after every attack.

The Official Rules about Specialists can be found here.

(By GJ - 685605)