
[Forerunner Technology]

In our far past, the Forerunner Race developed the niobium technology. Through its processed Niodes, they created a huge gateway net that absolutely transformed the notion of travels, unlocking the capability to instantaneously travel among distant points of the Galaxy.

To unlock the Gateways, the Forerunner created Niode Matrices in which the destination signature had to be synchronized.
A Niode Matrix could this way, store one or several signatures that may be used to travel to every one of those Gateway destinations through the right linked gateways.

But the ability to bend space to instantly travel through several parsecs in a blink is not the only capability the gateways seems to have.

Among the Forerunner creations they made the Chroniode. A sort of Niode Matrix, but attuned with the special property to be used for time travel. The Chroniode simply seems able to unlock the Gateway capabilities to travel not only through space, but also through time, allowing the destination to be a point in our past or even in our future.

Chroniode Known Timeline

It is unknown how many Chroniodes might have been created.

The first notions about the existence of a device called "Chroniode" led General Nova to commission several mercenary pilots to investigate and capture, if possible, the artifact. The research led to a trace that guided them through half the galaxy to the Forerunner Droch'ah.

The Chroniode was apparently discovered in forgotten Forerunner ruins. While being transported to a scientific facility for his study, Droch´ah´s network of spies informed him of the Discovery and the Forerunner sent in his henchmen to intercept and steal the relic.

From the Pirate Moon in Tremulus, through the Cogwerk Port, Vupa 6, Novum Dolorum, Rizpah Moon and finally Yomi Reefs, the Chroniode travelled under the custody of a large collection of Droch'ah's servants until it finally arrived in the hands of the Forerunner.

Once in his hands, Droch'ah frequently used the Chroniode to acquire DNA from legendary military and warrior heroes with which he created a clone army, known as the League of Ages. He also used the time travel device as a successful way to escape from the mercenary clans every time they defeated his forces and chased him.

Year 3315

In his last attempt, Droch'ah restarted his plans to create a new army using Yomi as his final Stronghold. The major powers and the Mercenary Clans reacted quickly and laid siege to Droch'ah's Army. After a vicious battle, Droch'ah's army was finally defeated, but the victory came at a high cost. The artifact was shattered into many pieces and these shards are still being found here and there along the Yomi planet.

The destruction of the Chroniode seemed to generate a disturbance in the space-time continuum, creating several small and sudden gateways that apparently connected our galaxy with a parallel dimension. This newly discovered parallel dimension became the staging point from where the Unification Army attacks originated.

A little while ago, in this parallel dimension, the faction known as Xeon (a counterpart of the Zeon clan from our own dimension) had attempted to conquer their entire galaxy and impose a tyrannical hegemony. Their almost unstoppable advance was only hampered by the army of free governments, led by Unification. In the final battle, in synchrony with the one that took place in our dimension against Droch'ah, Xeon developed a nuclear weapon called 'Doomsday' with the existing Chroniode in their parallel dimension. Xeon then activated 'Doomsday' to obliterate the Unification army and during this action both Chroniodes, each in their respective universe, were destroyed.

The resulting fallout of the destruction of both Chroniodes at the same time in both dimensions has created a disturbance in the space-time continuum that now generates random gates allowing travel through the different dimensions to those owning a Chroniode shard, which seems to keep dimensional and time properties to be able to unlock the gates.

Years 3316/3317

Both, Unification and Scientist Groups in our Galaxy, led by the Zeon Dr. Oki, have developed intense research on this theme, reaching different degrees of success.

3318, during "the Days of Xmas"

It is unknown if more Chroniodes still exist. It is also unknown if Droch'ah has the ability or resources to rebuild the Chroniode that was destroyed, or even create a new one. Droch'ah owned the Chroniode for a considerable length of time and rumours are rife that during this time Droch'ah carried out an intensive study with the intention of producing another Chroniode. Only time will tell if these rumours are found to be truthful.

There are also reports about Evil Santa's expeditionary Xmas army prospecting coal deposits. Not unusual behaviour considering so many Mecha pilots found lumps of coal in their actuators from Evil Santa, but there is more to this story. A now classified report, since leaked, alleges that profuse Xeon forces hid a Chroniode deep inside a coal deposit, a Chroniode that was stolen from the Foreruner whilst in this parallel dimension. If these reports are true, then it's only a matter of time before Evil Santa or someone else recovers this Chroniode.

3319, ChronoPower and the New Technologies

The discovery of a new Chroniode by Harlan Harrison and the consequent creation of ChronoPower Inc, has opened a new line of research and creation of new technologies, based in the progressive disclosure of the Chroniode Powers.

By manipulation of the Lisi fields through the Chroniode, it has been available the production of advances like new and more powerful Portal Stabilizer Devices; Advanced Structural Mech Modules to improve equipment and ttemporary but powerful boosts to existing Mechs

As ChronoPower Inc continues the research of all the Chroniode capabilities, it is expected to see new marvels released by the Harrison's enterprise.

Risks of the Chroniode and Balance of Power

The possession of this Relic may destabilize the balance of Power, as open a dangerous Pandora's Box. To prevent incidents from the manipulation of this still unknown and mighty technology, there was created a surveillance Committee to keep control on the ChronoPower activities: The Chroniode Research Oversight Committee.

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(By GJ - 685605)