Shogunate Civil War

[War, History, Society]

Shogunate Flag (By GJ)
The Shogunate civil war took place in the year 3307 and exploded because of the weakening of the emperor, that dragged the Shogunate to the stagnation. This situation generated great discontent both between some of the army's staff generals and within the imperial family. The situation erupted with the uprising of General Fujiwara in rebellion on the one hand, and on the other, that of the Imperial Princes, the Iron Prince and the Prince of Flowers, who rose up as pretenders to become more capable successors of the aging Emperor. As later was discovered, the Gorax manipulations displayed a big paper in all the happenings.

The civil war ended with a partial victory of the Gorax plans, and the total defeat of General Fujiwara, as well as the Prince of Iron.

The Prince of the Flowers, although he did not supplant his father, the emperor, but managed to establish a new segregated domain of the Shogunate: the Sengakuji Reaches, with the military support of a large number of mercenary clans led by Fusion.


3300. The decay of the Shogunate

During the first decade of the 3300’s, the Shogunate was suffering a stagnation in which the Emperor seemed too weak to react and lead to a renovation.

The causes of the decline were diverse, a bad management of Alpha Corp, the only one Manufacturer of the Shogunate, that led them to a significant drop in Market Share and the volume of their business. Also the cumulative loss of numerous small disputes with the Hegemony, as well as an increase of the banditry in the Shogunate borders created a growing sensation of Defeatism that was gradually taking over the ruling elite.

Gen. Fujiwara
In the midst of this bad situation for the Shogunate, a new shadow was besetting the imperial family: Dr. Gorax, whose threat had never been definitively defeated in the past and who only waited for his hour to carry out his evil plans of Destruction prior to its subsequent campaign of conquest, had new plans for the Shogunate.

He developed an invisible pest with which to infect immense amounts of bioptics with two effects, the first being that these infected bioptics developed exuberant growth, greatly benefiting their plans in spreading the pest; The second, it was the plague itself, who would use these bioptics for neural connections with mechs, would suffer severe mood swings, with bouts of depression or more frequently wrath. The manipulations of Gorax had a great erspecific gravity by stirring the spirits in the Shogunate and apparently, causing the fall of General Fujiwara as well as of the Prince of Iron.

Winter 3306. The Rogue General and the Princes
Prince of Iron

One of the most prominent officers of the Shogunate Army, the General Fujiwara, considering that the Meiji Emperor has fallen in his duty as Supreme Leader becoming unable to bring the needed renovation to the Shogunate, attempts a coup against the Imperial Throne. The emperor's sons, Prince of Iron and Kiyomasa, Prince of Flowers exploited the situation of chaos to take their own separated sides and fight the rebel General on their own while trying to establish themselves as the legit successors.

3307. While the imperial troops led by the generals who remained loyal to the weakened emperor tried to counter the rebel forces of General Fujiwara, the imperial princes diverted the efforts of the imperial armies that led in a different direction; Both intended to become the successor of the emperor, and for this reason they fought on the battlefield.
Kiyomasa, Prince of Flowers

Both offered all kinds of promises to the mercenary clans, who would line up between both sides, faced by the dispute between the two brothers. Almost every single mercenary clan took sides in this war. 

The mercenary clans that joined the Prince of Flowers' Army, with Fusion in the forefront, fought against those joining the Prince of Iron's Army, led by PhoenixStorm. The war was fierce, but finally the victory dropped on the side of Fusion and the remnant clans who followed the side of Kiyomasa, Prince of Flowers.

The Prince of Iron left the Shogunate saving his life, but condemned to eternal exile.

The birth of Sengakuji Reaches
Blossom Flag of Sengakuji Reaches (By GJ)
When the Mercenary Clans took sides, the army fighting with the Prince Kiyomasa constituted the stronger army and led by the Fusion Clan overwhelmed the rebel troops of General Fujiwara as to the henchmen of the Prince of Iron. The victory of the Prince of Flowers allowed him to successfully emancipate a wide sector of the Shogunate from the Imperial control, becoming an independent domain under his personal control: The Sengakuji Reaches, within its own growing mecha industry, developed by the Cherry Blossom Mechworks Corporation.

The seeds of War
Sample of plagued bioptics

What no one discovered until the end of the civil war, and when the facts couldn't be undone, was the existence of the Gorax's dark will that had been responsible for sowing the tares in the heart of the Shogunate, causing, through immense amounts of infected bioptics, a rage wave that alienated the General Jujiwara, as to the Princes among many others, and leading to the subsequent civil war.

Gorax, the mad scientist whose eagerness to possess a portion of the galaxy led him to destabilize and weaken the Shogunate, winning with the conflict time enough to prepare his own assault a year later in an attempt to materialize his megalomaniac dreams of destruction and domination.

Related entries:
  • General Fujiwara
  • Gorax
  • Kiyomasa, Prince of Flowers
  • Meiji Emperor
  • Prince of Iron
  • Sengakuji Reaches
  • Shogunate

(By GJ - 685605)