Sheila Retherford

[Legendary Pilot]

Pilot license number: 705335

Sheila Retherford, a woman among a family of fierce and skilled pilots and proud member of the Zeon Clan, is an Amazon of few words, and clear thoughts. 

She doesn’t like to go into deep and complex reflections or plans, but to strike first to sink your Mecha into a stasis field of freeze and slowness while her firepower burns all your systems to the status of a barbecued roast Snavurm.

Known among her crew as “Big Mama”, she is also recognized by the veterans to be one of the Legendary Pilots of our galaxy, who became famous by the superb performance that she reached at the command of a squad of overwhelming Ammonites.

In her words:
“I'm just a Big mama who loves to blow things up. I'm a Rum drinkin' Grandma of six who loves drivin' in my Mecha”.
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Weapons of Choice (at level 153):

Cannon, Ice, Fire & Missile: 61
Laser: 60

First Gold Medals:

Clan War Gold: Clan Wars XVI with Heroes II. August 3285
Circuit Gold: Circuit 261, November 3287
KotM Gold: Triple Rainbow Champion in Division 3. Baconary 3290
First Faction War Gold: September 3293. Champion in Division 1 with “The Storm”

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Recorded videoptics archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Sheila Retherford.
Date: March 10, 3320
Location: Leander LaSalle’s VIP Club in Cogwerk Port.

Mechanomicon - We have the honour and pleasure to meet a legendary woman pilot and proud member of the also legendary mercenary clan, Zeon, where she is known as "Big Mama". 

Greetings Mistress Sheila Retherford.

Sheila Retherford – Hello, Big mama here.

M - Is not so frequent to find a woman among the rude Mecha pilots in this galaxy full of perils and dangers... How did you start as one of the rare Mecha warriors?

S.R. - My husband started himself as a Mecha pilot and I began to get familiarized with everything concerning the Mechas and found I loved them as well; then happened that I could successfully connect to the Mechas' AI to pilot them"

M - Amazing indeed. Only one among one thousand persons are allowed to get the needed neural link with a battle mechanized unit, then, among those few warriors, there are Valkyries and Amazons able either to pilot the titans of war...  What do you think about that outlaw clan known as the Valkyries? 

S.R. – The Valkyries are female as I am. What can I say but, "You go girl."

M. - Do you recall your first time piloting a Mecha?

S.R. - Yes, I do. I started with the Red Ant and Warhorse. I had no idea at the time what I was doing.

M - The Red Ant was the very first combat Mecha in the history, build by the Radix tribe from a miner extraction unit. This is a proper start for a mecha pilot indeed.
Where in the galaxy are you from, Big Mama?

S.R. – I am from Terra Prime, from California, a state in the United States in the continental area of North America.

M - I find many pilots have their origins in Old Terra; maybe their genetic pattern is stronger?

S.R. - Of the one's I know of, I would have to agree.

M - I heard once a vintage digital recorded song from the Beach Boys... I enjoyed that and made me remember the beaches of Tau Cauri or those in Rizpah, the Legionnaires' holidays verdant planet...
How a Californian woman happened to join the Zeon?

S.R. - Oh yes, The Beach boys. Good music to listen to as I sit in my Mecha fighting the good fight. Truth to be told I started out with the clan Heroes. A Clan friend now retired, was being recruited by Zeon and asked if my Husband and I could join too. Pleased to say they saw something in me and let me join.

M - How were your days among the Heroes gang?

S.R. - I enjoyed the clan, but I outgrew them. I'm still friends with many of them.

M - During the CW XVII, the Rise of the Specialists, you continued as a member of Heroes, a clan that achieved a gold medal... Do you recall that tournament? And what was so different between this one and the older Clan Wars?

S.R. - Yes, I remember. I believe it was our first Gold. The Specialist sure threw a wrench in the tournaments. You now have to have many builds and mechas at your call.

M - Your first gold among the Heroes clan, but the year before you already got gold with heroes II. 3285 Gold in Heroes II, 3286 Gold in Heroes, 3288 Silver with heroes.

Then, in 3289 a Faction Wars event happened and you joined the Smurf Legion. How this? Were Heroes merging with them by the ongoing time?

S.R. - When I was with Heroes there was no Heroes ll. We did join with the Smurf Legion as I remember a few times.

M - In 3290 you conquered the gold in a Triple Rainbow KotM as also you were acquiring Circuit Fights gold on a regular basis. Were these events what granted you a seat among your current fellows of Zeon?

S.R. - I would have to say it didn't hurt me. I'm sure when they looked they could see I could hold my own. A fellow clan mate was recruited and asked Zeon to consider for myself and my husband. We all got the invite. I was very happy to be with such a well formed clan and felt I needed to build my pilot skills and squad stronger as I was at the bottom at the time.

M - What actions did you follow in order to guarantee your rise in power?

S.R. – I worked on stronger mecha and equipment. Weapons are the last thing for me.

M - On a Mecha, which are your favourite capabilities?

S.R. - I think I would have to say freeze and burn.

M - A chose quite deadly in conjunction. So might I make the assumption your favourite Mecha classes are the Boreas and Notos?

S.R. – I don’t like just them. As a crystal the Magnus can be good with the right build and the Ignis can be strong as well.

M - But the problem with crystal Mecha is that they can't carry as wide weaponry arsenal as a niode Mecha, not to mention the superior capabilities that an elite Mecha can perform. Do you disagree?

S.R. - Shielding can make a difference.

M - Well, you use a deadly frontline of Boreas, so we could assume you appreciate them.

S.R. – Yes, and they carry a lot of fire weapons. I also love the freeze of the Boreas.

M - Talking about destructive capabilities. What could you tell me about the favourite tactic of Zeon, the so called "Colony Drop"?

S.R. - If I told you I would have to kill you (laughs).  

M - I am used to avoid death situations. Give us at least some approach that gave a slight idea for the scholars coming through your entry, Big Mama? We can avoid the confidential details.

S.R. - We all just build as strong as we can and share our tactics and ideas. We are like a family and we always do our best to Drop everything we have and then some.

M - Since 3290 you have been a part of Zeon. along the time, which one has been your best enemy in the Mecha Games and Tournaments among all the opponent clans?

S.R. - As all know, Fusion is at the top clan and the one to try to beat.

M - In the past Zeon got some silver medals in tournaments in which you participated, don't you recall any Nemesis of past times for your crew?

S.R. - Cyber Storm. Yes. The AFF would change things up and try.

M - Well, a quick analysis shows Isle of Misfit Toys way above the power of Death’s Collectors, the top AFF clan. Don't feel isle of Misfit Toys closer to stand as an opponent for Zeon?

S.R. - AFF would try. Zeon I think has beat isle of Misfit Toys. Zeon right now is the number two. We can beat all others.

M. - What values have you earned as a mecha pilot woman? How did this harsh life contribute to make the Big Mama you are now?

S.R. – I am my own value: I am the only woman in the clan and am the big Mama.

M - Who gave you that pseudonym and why, if I may ask?

S.R. - I love the vintage karaoke and I so often sing "When you’re good to mama" from the movie Chicago. That is where the name came from.

M - What advice would you give to the future pilot generations?

S.R. - Have fun!

M - From all the real menaces that stalk our galaxy, which one has been the most dangerous in your opinion?

S.R. - The Evil Santa!!! As I remember that one was tough.

M - Thought and he still an undefeated threat to the galaxy! I suspect we will hear more about him the next Xmas days... 

Fine enough. Thank you very much for this chance to interview you and good luck in the battlefield milady.

Entry & Interview with Sheila Retherford (705335) by GJ (685605).