Battle of Yomi

[War, History]

The Battle of Yomi took place in the year 3315, in the hostile undergrounds of the Yomi planet, and pitted the Forerunner Droch´ah and his League of Ages against a coalition of the most powerful mercenary clans.

Beneath Yomi's Darkness

Beneath the perilous surface of Yomi, there are miles and miles of endless tunnels or caverns, some natural ones, others a product of past intensive mining exploration, that create a maze in which only the most brave dare to enter, and where being trapped by the terrible gravitational force isn't the worst thing that could happen to you.

In these tunnels, the last Forerunner and archvillan of the galaxy known by the name of Droch´ah, concentrated the majority of his forces, mainly composed of clone armies commanded by his close henchmen of the League of the Ages.

A maze at war

The development of Yomi's underground battle was anything but orderly, since during its course the forces of both sides engaged not in battles, but in multiple confrontations of life or death. Subject to the terrible rigor of the planet, as well as the confusion generated by the thousands of tunnels, some mercenaries are still roaming, lost, and many others found an unforeseen tomb, buried beneath thousands of tons of rock.

But finally, using the maps of some of Droch'ah's commanders defeated in the skirmishes, the mercenary clans managed to locate the underground fortress of the villain, and began the real battle.

The destruction of the Chroniode

During the final battle, the Chroniode was destroyed (an artifact that allowed Droch'ah to travel through time, escaping numerous ambushes and employing it to reunite his League of Ages); although it is unknown whether because of the mercenary clan action or if Droch'ah himself destroyed it in desperation, an attempt to prevent the mercenaries from appropriating the artifact.

Although some mercenary pilots maintain the opinion that Droch´ah was killed during the battle, this information has not been verified, since, although some affirm to have finished his life by beating down his legendary Regis, Droch'ah´s mortal remains haven´t been found.

After the battle, shards of the Chroniode were found and reported to provide the ability to accelerate the mecha upgrading process in an incredible way.

A space-time breach

Another collateral result of the destruction of the Chroniode has been the apparent destabilization of the space-time continuum, causing phenomena such as the proliferation of smaller gateways over a long period of time.

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(By GJ - 685605)