
[Planetology, Astronomy]

Planet type 

Rocky-deserted planet with low ecological value and high miner interest. Low atmosphere, not terraformed.

System star 

Quark Star.


Wilderness. In the past run by the Shogunate.


Yomi ("yellow springs or wells") is the land of dead (the inferno or hell) in the Shogunate's mythology, where the dead go after life. Once one has been eaten by the lands of Yomi, it is not possible to return to the land of the living.


Reported pirate hideouts and other outlaw activities. The planet was declared as an interdicted area by the Shogunate when, after leave any interest in the harsh planet because of the difficulties of the extraction of its resources and given the extreme gravity that constantly damaged the mining machinery, the pirates began to use the never ending tunnels of the underground as a hideout and storage for their booties.


Quite superior to the standard terraformed planet’s type, Yomi's gravity is categorized as an averaged 3G planet. There are gravitational surges in the area called Yomi Reefs, where the closest star activity can highly increase its attraction power over the planet.


Very tenuous atmosphere that is barely able to protect the planet from external radiation and meteoric action. The high gravity and extreme solar winds and air pressure, create atmospheric anomalies that often gives rise to deadly magnetic and electric storms.


Poor, with dangerous specimens adapted to its most extreme environments.


The planet is mostly a rock mass with a composition rich in iron and other minerals, which included niobium deposits in the past.
The different substrates show a great geological age with a moderate volcanic activity during its formation. The planet also experienced great tectonic movements greatly influenced by the extreme gravity caused by the proximity with its star.


The surface shows wide areas of shattered and cratered rocky regions with harsh sandy deserts, caused by the meteor action along with the violent storms and winds. The canyons that can be found are evidence of a more benevolent past in which the planet had a higher terraformed degree.

A planet-graveyard 

Yomi is called the Mech Graveyard because over time, thousands of Mechs have been trapped by the extreme environmental dangers; the main cause has been the extremely intense gravity trapping those who approached without skills enough to manoeuvre in the high-G atmosphere.

Underground: Beneath the shattered surface, Yomi has countless tunnels that run for miles, caused by different reasons, such as violent tectonic activity, past water sources, the Vol Wurm ecology and past mining activity.


In 3015, military reports pointed to increasing activity related to Droch'ah's agents in the undergrounds. The mercenary clans were contracted to search and destroy Droch'ah in the high gravity tunnels where he was preparing a large army. The Chroniode was destroyed during the assault, shattered in several fragments and Droch'ah himself was reported to have fallen in combat. Many experienced pilots believe this was not his end, as several times it has been shown he has miraculous resources to avoid the definitive fate.

This incident led, in the opinion of some analysts and scientists, to the disturbances in the gateways and the appearance in 3016 of the Unification Threat.