Scott Abbott

[Legendary Pilot, Faction Leader]

Dragon CIC. Pilot License number: 468961. 

From the inception of the Clan Tournaments, none other Mercenary Clan or Faction Commander has managed as large factions as he had done, neither reached the success he has achieved in the lead of the Death's Affiliation first, and later, guiding the dreadful Dragon Flights and dominating all the middle and low Tournament divisions, with the only lack of the upper of the Clan War divisions, towards which the Dragons are making their journey slow but sure.

A dragon blooded pilot who once shared the same dream the dragons of legend had: Gold, gold everywhere, and he diligently worked his own path leading his mech armies towards the Glory, the Honour and the Gold.

Brilliant as the gold medals he accumulates, analytical and extremely detailed in a degree where the smaller fringes are under control, measured and cared for. He is a leader who doesn't despise any knowledge or advantage on his way to Bring your Companions, made with many old AFF, RND and BHG elite pilots, now as Dragons, to success.

Of course, he is not alone in his path and he has known to build a crew of marvellous comrades, tacticians, analysts and strategists, technicians and every other discipline that might help to the Dragons reach the victory.

In his own words:

"I am analytical, always 'strategizing' and working to get the best results possible in order to achieve success in as many ways as possible".

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Weapons of Choice (at level 84):

Laser and cannon: 74
Fire: 56
Missile: 20
Ice: 11

First Gold Medals (at each category):

~ ~ ~

Recorded videoptic archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Scott Abbott.
Date: October 14, 3318
Location: Spaceship class Behemoth, Dragon HQ. Conference Room in the main deck.

Mechanomicon -This time, we got invited into the Insignia Dragon Spaceship, in orbit around the planet Aaroun, in the system Serpentaris; with the pleasure to be meeting the Commander in Chief of the Dragon Unite.

But, the now Dragon CIC, who led the Dragons into several golden podium tournament after tournament, was not always the Master Strategist he is now. What could you say to your readers about your first steps as a pilot?

Scott Abbott - I remember being a noob like everyone else thinking levels would make me more powerful.  I settled down and joined a clan, learning the ins and outs of being in a clan.  I remember being in “Blood Oath”, a decently silver clan at the time, and getting beat to a pulp by a very effective “Death's Stalkers AFF” team. It was then that I knew I wanted to be a part of winning teams.

M.- So, you must be referring Sir, the time in which you joined the Affiliation (AFF).

S.A.- Yes, the Death’s Affiliation.

M.- We can see you first joined the Death's Reavers for a decent silver in the 4th division in May 3275... How was the experience among the Death's pilots?

S.A.- Reavers was actually the last war I ever did without having a track in place.  We grouped clans by level and we didn't have enough levels between Reavers and Disciples I believe and we both ended up in the same division. Disciples beat us soundly and we coined the term "Reavered" for a while referring to getting assigned in a "wrong" division.  That was a good learning experience.

M.- I quite know you are a man who likes to step on a solid field, knowing what are you going to face... But by that time, what made you start to track and scan the battle fields and the enemies?

S.A.- Facing Disciples when I was in Reavers is what made me want to track averages.   I did not want same affiliated clans going up against each other.  It also allowed me to know what clans we may end up facing.

M.- So we can assume you were leading the Reavers during your first experience among the AFF?

A.S. I believe so.

M.- And then, the next year, you led the Death’s Disciples achieving your first Golden medal in the Clan Wars tournaments in 3276, a good year for you, as you became champ in the Missile Command KotM in February of that same year, as your second very gold medal, second either in the KotM.

A.S.- Yes, back then I was in my mid 40s churning and burning with 8 infernos.  We had a good run with a very solid team with Bell, Blight, Yan and several others.

Disciples was the AFF golden clan for over a decade straight, I believe we ran off 16 in a row

M.- Extraordinary... Mechanomicon recently interviewed to the AFF CIC Goetz... he keeps a great memory of your intervention on AFF.

A.S. Yes, we had many great achievements under the combined leadership team.

M.- What did you learn in that time as CO and Strategist in Chief of the AFF?

A.S.- I learned that you need to lead by example and that people need to understand what it is that you are trying to create.  I learned that you need to be willing to adapt and flow with the rules that changed from tournament to tournament as the Games’ Organizers tried various rule changes.

M.- Adaptability and exemplariness are indeed feats on any leader of value... What other merits does a leader need in your opinion?

A.S. Availability for sure.  You need to be available not only to make decisions, but to answer questions and help other people when they need it.
Knowledge is also important, if you don't have it, then you need to have several people you can turn to for that knowledge.

M.- Yes, it is said that a leader doesn't need to know if he can provide himself with wise advisors.
In 3294 you conquered the gold for Disciples (CW XXII)… Next year, in 3296, you were in Death’s Silver Star Destroyers…and by means of that name, you achieved a silver in the podium… then, in 3297 you became in Death’s Brethren {AFF} returning to your standards to acquire gold… Why as many movements in three years?

S.A.- I was running after BSLR for a while.  There were many different reasons for the different clans.  I try to keep things fresh.

M.- Black Star Lycan Rangers have been the last years a step above from Dragons... Often close to clash, but always avoiding that battle until the CW on 3318, in which the Games Organizers suddenly altered the configuration of the divisions, forcing a strange confrontation between an unprepared Dragon 1st Flight and their overwhelming unit... What thoughts did you have when you noticed this?

S.A.- At first glance it would appear that the General Nova was throwing Heroes and BSLR a cupcake division. Then, in a closer inspection I would see that all the divisions were closer aligned by level with the addition of the 4 clan D4.

M.- A question that was noticeable for many pilots was the fact that during your time among the AFF you, as Goetz and others relevant pilots made several clones from yourselves... What was the reason that made you take that direction?

A.S.- Why did I make alts?  I have always been a multi-account playing pilot in my old times in the mech academy, when we dealt with strategy simulators I happened to grab a vintage game called Everquest. Did you hear about? Hum… Never mind. I found it was more enjoyable to field multiple clones of myself to control all the different strategies.

M.- We noticed those many clones or alts as other pilots call them, allowed you to control  the large amount of clans back in the AFF days and now your Dragon units... In the assumption that for you the advantages were higher than the disadvantages... What of each one (pros and cons) did you find?

S.A.- A great advantage is the higher control and safety they provide me when I have to make plans in our operations or in the participation in the Tournaments… As they share my same knowledge and brain patterns, our coordination is perfect and I find easier and faster to get ready our units.

M.- I see... I allowed that mad Doctor Drake to create some clones of me... I had to “neutralize” at least three until the remnant stopped trying to kill the original *laughs*
Right, let's move forward.

Why did you leave the Death's Affiliation?

A.S.- Robert had a complete lapse of leadership, I think he was driven mad from his collection of clones.

M.- So you felt AFF was depending so much on your own leadership?

A.S.- I felt like it was me and only me and that isn't what I wanted.  I created Dragons and had several people in leadership positions with me.

The AFF was much too big to only have one person in a leadership role.

M.- from outside the AFF files, the creation of Dragons was seen as a big breach in the AFF, almost a civil segregation... How do you remember that time? After all, you were part of the AFF for a so long time...

A.S.- I heard the whisperings and murmurings of many that felt the same way I did: that Robert had lost his focus on his many clones. We wanted to get out from under that and created what you see today as the Dragons.

A.S.- A fairly close knit family, with common goals (and fairly good communication when the time needs.

M.- What are the most noticeable common goals the Dragons have?

A.S.- Gold or bust mentality, "Be the best you can".

M.- After the General Nova took over the direction of the Mecha Games... What is your opinion about the latest changes in the Circuit Fights?

A.S.- Any change in the Games that requires more participation is good.  It seems as though the rewards aren't "good enough" to stay competitive as the time you have to spend to do them.

M.- Talking about the mechs we, as pilots, are used to drive… Which one is your favourite and why?

A.S.- Well, it has changed through the many years as more and more mechs have become available.  I used to love my infernos back when I first started commanding my squad, and now they play  a big part in my 70 ton formation.  I liked the Torrents as well and still keeping in the hangar over 15 of them.  Now, I think the Boreas is my favourite mech as it seems to be the most dependable that we are able to get in the 80s.

M.- I would ask now what features do you like from the Boreas... but the clear answer could be "all of them" *laughs*

What are your favoured capabilities on a mech?

A.S.- Damage multipliers and Crit Kill.

M.- Well, a bit dramatically concluded, I could say *laughs*

A.S.- And glorious carnage!

Entry & Interview with Scott Abbott (468961) by GJ (685605)

King of the Mountain

[Circuits and Tournaments]

The King of the Mountain (KotM) is a tournament circuit fight created in September 3261 with the support of many sponsors like the Craftsmen, by the famous pilot Velastian Gearnutt.

The goal of those circuits was to test the Galaxy Mecha pilot's mettle in a monthly Mecha tournament, in which every pilot could compete against each other for glory, honour and the chance to win a special Mech developed by the notorious Craftsmen Clan. The designed Mech was the Nephilax, a formidable combat unit only available for the KotM winners with a golden external armour as recognition of the champion status of its owner.

The inaugural KotM tournament took place in the desolation of Vupa-6. 

As anecdote, Gearnutt released the first Super Hatoraide with unstable ingredients, making it fade after a day after its production. These Super Hatoraides were first employed by the participants of the inaugural KotM.

Division: 1 -- Rank: 1Division: 1 -- Rank: 2Division: 1 -- Rank: 12
Second King of the Mountain Medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze)

Today, the tournaments are held throughout the galaxy and have facilities in all capitals of the three great powers of the galaxy to facilitate maximum participation, while the Central Home of the Tournaments is in Cogwerk Port.

Division: 1 -- Rank: 1Division: 1 -- Rank: 5Division: 1 -- Rank: 20
Third King of the Mountain Medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze)

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In 3264 and after four circuits got celebrated, the rules started to include special formations. The first one was the Front Line Fight, allowing for the participants to fight only with their front line, which, of course, was tricky as every smart pilot reassembled his bests Mechs to place them in the front fighting line.

Triple Rainbow Gold
After this special tournament, many others started to include different rules, adding excitement and joy to the pilots as new interesting perspectives mimicked the different environments and tactics that the pilots may face on real fight scenarios.

In 3316, General Nova became the new Director of the Mecha Games and Tournaments; with the support of the Craftsmen, in September 3318, he renewed the style of the Circuit Fights, but kept the King of the Mountain competitions without further changes.

Features of the KotM competition

Division: 4 -- Rank: 1To guarantee matches as balanced as possible, the participants are assigned to divisions per their level of combat (following the galactic standards accepted by the Mecha pilot academies as the military conventions).

The division is based on the pilot level at the time he joined. Once he got inscribed, he could keep training and becoming more skilled by acquiring more levels to gain an edge against the other competitors.

Division: 3 -- Rank: 4Each new KotM, the assignment of levels for every division is varied in a rotation disabling external manipulation of the participants.

The Craftsmen keep a record of the final positions of every KotM circuit. Access here for your query.

Modalities of KotM:

  • King of the Mountain (Classic)
  • Limited Tonnage
    • 10 Red Tons
    • 20 Tons
    • Cruiserweight
    • Dirty 30
    • Fourty 
    • Fifty
    • Limited Tonnage
    • Sixty
    • Smaller Gateways
  • Mech Class Requisite
    • Anzu Zoo
    • Axe Attacks
    • Daemonaide
    • Daemon Deadline
    • Holmes Havoc
    • iMountain
    • Ogguners
    • Ratman
    • Red Ant
    • Red Ant Rush
    • Troopers
  • Rainbows
    • E Pluribus Unum
    • Double Rainbow
    • Triple Rainbow
Other Special KotMs

Related entries:

(By GJ - 685605)

Charles Tomlin

[Legendary Pilot]

Charles Tomlin (aka ONSLAUGHT) - Pilot license number: 177650.

Charles Tomlin is a bold, old veteran pilot who started as a Heroes' warrior, joined the Misfits of Mayhem Incorporation (MMI), happened to become CIC for PhoenixStorm MMI, and now fights in The Isle of Misfits Toys (MMI) as one more warrior amongst his brothers in arms.
As we can deduce from his own call sign, he is an effective pilot and friend to direct and forceful actions. His style is overwhelming and he prefers a frontal assault on the open field rather than an ambush, which isn't to say that he doesn't know the value each opportunity offers the strategist.
In his own words: 
"I have fought so many wars, that I have forgotten where I'm from. 
I have seen so many Battles, that I can no longer keep count of them. 
I've seen Elites rise to god like statutes, and disappear. 
I have seen valleys littered with Mechs, and I've seen Brothers and Sisters go to meet the Maker. 

I have witnessed so much and yet I am a Mech Warrior.
I will fight against you or with you to the end and beyond.
I stand by the law of my convictions and for the Honour of my Lord.

~ ~ ~

Weapons of Choice (at level 254):
He doesn't favour one weapon over another, preferring to master them all, scoring 92 aim on all weaponry types.

First Gold Medals:

~ ~ ~

Recorded videoptic archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Charles Tomlin.
Date: December 27, 3318
Location: VIP's room at Leader LaSalle's Club, Cogwerk Port.

Mechanomicon – Once again we meet another Legendary Pilot, one of the most experienced Mech pilots, he is the renowned Charles Tomlin.

Charles Tomlin - It is a pleasure to be here.

M.- The researchers coming to view your entry might want to know about the origins of the Legendary Pilot that you are... What are your roots, Commander Tomlin?

C.T.- Unknown. I was involved in a horrific crash, they found me passed out in an Ant Mech roaming fifty clicks from where the crash happened. I woke up in the hospital only knowing my name because it was on my shirt.

M.- Well, nothing about you seems to be ordinary Cmdr. So, your first Mech was a Red Ant, or at least your cradle. And what galactic faction did you happen to join as a mech pilot after your dramatic arrival?

C.T.- Well, I first started out as an independent mercenary. I worked for the higher Clans when needed to build up a reputation and then I was recruited by the Heroes Clan.

I joined Heroes in 3266 just before the third clan war. I stayed with them till after my second clan war, which was the 4th in 3268. After that I joined Dark Angels, that's when I won my first gold medal in a clan war. Unfortunately after that it went downhill and all we could get were bronzes. Then the faction war came and after that I joined Isle of Misfit Toys MMI.

M.- *nods* Heroes, they have been well known for a long time as a veteran faction in the tournaments and in the several raids in defence of the civilized galaxy. From their ranks came some extraordinary pilots that happened to become members of some stronger alliances. Dark Angels, an ominous name that did not survive the tumultuos events of the galaxy. What happened in the clan to have lost their name?

C.T.- They had a pretty solid plan in the Dark Angels, but we just couldn't get it together so when the Faction War came, I was invited to join the Storm. After that I ended up being recruited by the Isle of Misfit Toys MMI.

As for Heroes, they were a great bunch of awesome guys and I'm so glad to see that they are still going strong.

M.- From all those crews, which one made you feel at home and what do you miss from those times?

C.T.- Out of all these guys in these clans, I have fond memories of all of them, but the one that made me feel most at home is the one I am in right now (Isle of Misfit Toys). Heroes I think, I miss those guys the most. I did not fight with them but the short time I was with them, I gained a lot of respect for those guys, and I still stay in touch with their leader from time to time.

I forgot to say I almost didn't join Isle of Misfit Toys because of their name I thought “What kind of Clan is this?”… But I did join them and I've never regretted it since.

M.- From all your experiences in your long career as an elite pilot, which one is the most important for you, which one has made you what you are now?

C.T.- Isle of Misfit Toys. I learnt the most from them, pretty much everything from them  except in Heroes where I did learn when you lose to somebody don't keep hitting them.

M.- That one seems to be a hard lesson to accept for many rookies.

C.T.- Yeah, unfortunately it is a major mistake we all seem to make.

M.- Matter of ego, I guess. For some pilots it is hard to accept when they cannot win against someone stronger than themselves.

C.T.- I was that way for a while and I got tired of getting stepped on, so I started beefing up because I got a spirit of Vengeance in me. I wanted to take these guys out good. Now I can say I can but there's still others who are stronger than me. All respec to them.

M.- What were the ways you employed to improve yourself?

C.T.- I invested in the best I could. Using my earnings, I started building up the weapons, then when equipment started to become available, that was the Ace in the hand for me.

M.- Yes, in the last few decades, Mech Technology has been making big advances, unlocking old Forerunner secrets and allowing pilots to upgrade and improve the different Mechs in unexpected ways.

So, talking about Mechs, which one is your favourite, Commander?

C.T.- Right now  I'd say the Antithesis,  but I also have my eye on the Notos and Reaper.

M.- Antithesis, a front line Mech to sweep the enemy lines when built smartly. That must come from your call sign... "Onslaught". Do your comrades share your preferences?

C.T.- Yes, my comrades are starting to follow my example. I've seen other clans doing the same thing.

M.- Which one is your job or position in the Isle?

C.T.- My call name says it all (smiles), but in truth, I first started out as a scout and then I was made leader of Phoenix storm MMI. I became the general for these guys after PC Wong retired.

M.- PhoenixStorm, the sucessors of the mythic CyberStorm in many senses. What happened with that excelsior clan? They looked like they were quickly demoralised after their battle with Fusion.

C.T.-  Yeah, it was a heart-breaking moment for me. I tried my best to keep everybody together, but some lost heart, left altogether, while others left and joined Zeon. I kept trying to assure them we could do this, we just needed the time. But they just wanted the gold and I finally disband a clan and went back to the Isle of Misfit Toys.

M.- Sad. If your crew had kept their morale high and stayed, we could have seen some very interesting and exciting battles in the Tournaments.

C.T.- Well they're not completely dead, PhoenixStorm may rise again.

M.- And that could make a big portion of the galaxy keep carefully watching your clashes against the all mighty Fusion. As a Misfit member, can you divulge any of the goals of your clan? Are Misfits planning to assault Zeon, or are they more conservative and looking to keep your current position as the third strongest Clan?

C.T.- Answering the first part of the question even Fusion was upset that Phoenix Storm disbanded as they were looking forward to the challenge and I was more than happy to give it to them. As to the second part we're pretty much staying where we're at but we do have plans to move up.

M.- Yes, they keep the hope that a strong clan may arise to make them work hard for their victory.

C.T.- I'm in hope that we are the ones to do it.

M.- From the time you were a rookie, until now when you became to be known as a Master Pilot of Legend, what has been your preferred way of fighting? What big lessons do you think are waiting for the new pilots?

C.T.- Well, in my case it's always been tooth and nail, as for rookies, my advice to them is learn your machines and what they can do and how they work best and never be afraid to ask for advice.

M.- You mentioned that you are seen as a sort of General among your fellows. Do you think you might claim an army anytime to lead it again? Like resurrecting the Storm as you said before?

C.T.- Right at the moment, it's mostly inside members, but I would like to find others who would join.

M.- In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good general and what role do you fulfil?

C.T.- Diplomacy is important. Mostly for the purpose of diplomacy I was given the leadership of both Clans from P.C. Wong and even after Phoenix storm disbanded I kept the title, but I still negotiate with my fellow clan members before any decision is made

M.- So you use that title as a kind of honorary award.

C.T.- When I was asked to take over it was a bombshell to me. I never expected to be put in that position. P.C. Wong and I talked a lot, especially about our clan and the members and how to build, he was the backbone for us.

M.- Regarding your current crew. Does Misfit like to use the specialist formations? Which one is your favourite spec?

C.T.- Never have been big on the specialist, but in my clan, we all have an Ant Army. We also use other specs.

M.- So there are specs you haven't covered yet?

C.T.- Actually, I have others I have been working with and others that are set up but they just haven't been fully upgraded.

M.- Choose an option:  Frontal Assault or Deceptive Guerrilla?

C.T.- Interesting question you have asked there. I'd have to say both; I first started out with deceptive guerrilla warfare now on frontal assault.

M.- “Kill the meat and save the metal”, or “scrap the metal and hire the meat”?

C.T.- Pretty much “kill the meat and save the metal”.

M.- Would you prefer a Niode BFM built with crystal gear or a Crystal BFM build with Niode gear?

C.T.- That is a very interesting question, but if I have a choice, I would take the Niode Mech with Crystal gear.

M.- Do you have any words for the younger or the veteran pilots, or any other question that you may want to add?

C.T.- One thing I have learned in all these wars is never put a label on someone. There's always room to negotiate between fights. I talked to a lot of Pilots from other clans, but once the war starts the gloves come off. Negotiation with others is always better than holding a grudge against them

M.- Smart attitude. Thank you very much for your time General.

C.T.- Has been a pleasure to meet you.

Entry & Interview with Charles Tomlin (177650) by GJ (685605)

Brian Kelley

[Legendary Pilot - Memorial]
Gone but never forgotten
Forever in our hearts
Resultado de imagen para eternal flame

Commander Kelley was a true blue-blooded Smurf throughout his career as a mecha pilot and that's not bad at all for those who know what we are talking about.

It takes sheer willpower and nerves of steel to live under the rigor with which the Smurf Clans face each new day. Lately the Smurf clans have been in the shadow of more radiant clans, yes, but they are unaware of the unshakable tenacity of the Smurf family.

And in this, Brian Kelley, leader of the Smurf Brigade, was a champion of great courage and tenacity.

Some commanders believe that a leader of warriors should be the ultimate warrior: a paragon of bravado and physical strength. Brian Kelley took a different approach by quietly gathering intelligence and assessing weaknesses to determine his strategy. His favourite mecha was customized for this style of warfare - Kelley's own Ammonite was a precise and devastating sniper equipped specifically to find and exploit the gaps in enemy formations opened by the rest of his squadron. Any opponent who thought himself safe behind multiple ranks of Heavy or Huge mecha was fatally underestimating the capabilities of such an Ammonite.

Brian Kelley's KotM gold medal could have been more, but he has now achieved the true gold from the hearts of the many who won't forget him. 

~ ~ ~

He joined up with Smurf Patrol in his first Tournament in 3281, for Clan War XIV, achieving a Silver Medal in the 14th division. After such a successful start to his Smurf career, he became an inseparable member and key asset of the Smurf Brigade. In his first Faction War appearance for the Smurf Brigade in 3282 he achieved a silver medal in the 5th division. Then in Clan War XV in 3284 Kelley and his Smurf Brigade fellows won another silver as they finished second in the 11th division. In August 3286 at Clan War XVII 'Rise of the Specialist' Kelley had a memorable year as his unit conquered division 7 to take home the gold.

Smurf Brigade Medals

His comrades-in-arms fondly remember his motto:

"If it moves, Shoot it! If it Bleeds, Shoot it! If it Speaks, Shoot it! If in Doubt, Shoot it! If it twitches still, Shoot it! Then I suppose you can ask questions, but ye may get shot... You think we Smurfs are surrounded, but ye all fail to realize, ye all are in a target rich environment to be shot at!" 

Cmdr. Brian Kelley passed away December 15, 3318 (2016).

About the Mechanomicon

Welcome to the Mechanomicon, an encyclopedic project for Mecha Galaxy.

                                                             German J. (Id. 685605)


                                                                    Nick Shapiro

                                                                        Ben Rail


KotM & Weapon Freelancer Press: Sten Hugo Hiller (Id. 627184)

Proofreader: Rod Skilton (Id. 899155) (Retired)


If you want to contribute or you find that any important concept from MG is missing, you can submit it HERE so it could be added into the Mechanomicon (all contributors will earn niodes for their works).
