Charles Tomlin

[Legendary Pilot]

Charles Tomlin (aka ONSLAUGHT) - Pilot license number: 177650.

Charles Tomlin is a bold, old veteran pilot who started as a Heroes' warrior, joined the Misfits of Mayhem Incorporation (MMI), happened to become CIC for PhoenixStorm MMI, and now fights in The Isle of Misfits Toys (MMI) as one more warrior amongst his brothers in arms.
As we can deduce from his own call sign, he is an effective pilot and friend to direct and forceful actions. His style is overwhelming and he prefers a frontal assault on the open field rather than an ambush, which isn't to say that he doesn't know the value each opportunity offers the strategist.
In his own words: 
"I have fought so many wars, that I have forgotten where I'm from. 
I have seen so many Battles, that I can no longer keep count of them. 
I've seen Elites rise to god like statutes, and disappear. 
I have seen valleys littered with Mechs, and I've seen Brothers and Sisters go to meet the Maker. 

I have witnessed so much and yet I am a Mech Warrior.
I will fight against you or with you to the end and beyond.
I stand by the law of my convictions and for the Honour of my Lord.

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Weapons of Choice (at level 254):
He doesn't favour one weapon over another, preferring to master them all, scoring 92 aim on all weaponry types.

First Gold Medals:

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Recorded videoptic archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Charles Tomlin.
Date: December 27, 3318
Location: VIP's room at Leader LaSalle's Club, Cogwerk Port.

Mechanomicon – Once again we meet another Legendary Pilot, one of the most experienced Mech pilots, he is the renowned Charles Tomlin.

Charles Tomlin - It is a pleasure to be here.

M.- The researchers coming to view your entry might want to know about the origins of the Legendary Pilot that you are... What are your roots, Commander Tomlin?

C.T.- Unknown. I was involved in a horrific crash, they found me passed out in an Ant Mech roaming fifty clicks from where the crash happened. I woke up in the hospital only knowing my name because it was on my shirt.

M.- Well, nothing about you seems to be ordinary Cmdr. So, your first Mech was a Red Ant, or at least your cradle. And what galactic faction did you happen to join as a mech pilot after your dramatic arrival?

C.T.- Well, I first started out as an independent mercenary. I worked for the higher Clans when needed to build up a reputation and then I was recruited by the Heroes Clan.

I joined Heroes in 3266 just before the third clan war. I stayed with them till after my second clan war, which was the 4th in 3268. After that I joined Dark Angels, that's when I won my first gold medal in a clan war. Unfortunately after that it went downhill and all we could get were bronzes. Then the faction war came and after that I joined Isle of Misfit Toys MMI.

M.- *nods* Heroes, they have been well known for a long time as a veteran faction in the tournaments and in the several raids in defence of the civilized galaxy. From their ranks came some extraordinary pilots that happened to become members of some stronger alliances. Dark Angels, an ominous name that did not survive the tumultuos events of the galaxy. What happened in the clan to have lost their name?

C.T.- They had a pretty solid plan in the Dark Angels, but we just couldn't get it together so when the Faction War came, I was invited to join the Storm. After that I ended up being recruited by the Isle of Misfit Toys MMI.

As for Heroes, they were a great bunch of awesome guys and I'm so glad to see that they are still going strong.

M.- From all those crews, which one made you feel at home and what do you miss from those times?

C.T.- Out of all these guys in these clans, I have fond memories of all of them, but the one that made me feel most at home is the one I am in right now (Isle of Misfit Toys). Heroes I think, I miss those guys the most. I did not fight with them but the short time I was with them, I gained a lot of respect for those guys, and I still stay in touch with their leader from time to time.

I forgot to say I almost didn't join Isle of Misfit Toys because of their name I thought “What kind of Clan is this?”… But I did join them and I've never regretted it since.

M.- From all your experiences in your long career as an elite pilot, which one is the most important for you, which one has made you what you are now?

C.T.- Isle of Misfit Toys. I learnt the most from them, pretty much everything from them  except in Heroes where I did learn when you lose to somebody don't keep hitting them.

M.- That one seems to be a hard lesson to accept for many rookies.

C.T.- Yeah, unfortunately it is a major mistake we all seem to make.

M.- Matter of ego, I guess. For some pilots it is hard to accept when they cannot win against someone stronger than themselves.

C.T.- I was that way for a while and I got tired of getting stepped on, so I started beefing up because I got a spirit of Vengeance in me. I wanted to take these guys out good. Now I can say I can but there's still others who are stronger than me. All respec to them.

M.- What were the ways you employed to improve yourself?

C.T.- I invested in the best I could. Using my earnings, I started building up the weapons, then when equipment started to become available, that was the Ace in the hand for me.

M.- Yes, in the last few decades, Mech Technology has been making big advances, unlocking old Forerunner secrets and allowing pilots to upgrade and improve the different Mechs in unexpected ways.

So, talking about Mechs, which one is your favourite, Commander?

C.T.- Right now  I'd say the Antithesis,  but I also have my eye on the Notos and Reaper.

M.- Antithesis, a front line Mech to sweep the enemy lines when built smartly. That must come from your call sign... "Onslaught". Do your comrades share your preferences?

C.T.- Yes, my comrades are starting to follow my example. I've seen other clans doing the same thing.

M.- Which one is your job or position in the Isle?

C.T.- My call name says it all (smiles), but in truth, I first started out as a scout and then I was made leader of Phoenix storm MMI. I became the general for these guys after PC Wong retired.

M.- PhoenixStorm, the sucessors of the mythic CyberStorm in many senses. What happened with that excelsior clan? They looked like they were quickly demoralised after their battle with Fusion.

C.T.-  Yeah, it was a heart-breaking moment for me. I tried my best to keep everybody together, but some lost heart, left altogether, while others left and joined Zeon. I kept trying to assure them we could do this, we just needed the time. But they just wanted the gold and I finally disband a clan and went back to the Isle of Misfit Toys.

M.- Sad. If your crew had kept their morale high and stayed, we could have seen some very interesting and exciting battles in the Tournaments.

C.T.- Well they're not completely dead, PhoenixStorm may rise again.

M.- And that could make a big portion of the galaxy keep carefully watching your clashes against the all mighty Fusion. As a Misfit member, can you divulge any of the goals of your clan? Are Misfits planning to assault Zeon, or are they more conservative and looking to keep your current position as the third strongest Clan?

C.T.- Answering the first part of the question even Fusion was upset that Phoenix Storm disbanded as they were looking forward to the challenge and I was more than happy to give it to them. As to the second part we're pretty much staying where we're at but we do have plans to move up.

M.- Yes, they keep the hope that a strong clan may arise to make them work hard for their victory.

C.T.- I'm in hope that we are the ones to do it.

M.- From the time you were a rookie, until now when you became to be known as a Master Pilot of Legend, what has been your preferred way of fighting? What big lessons do you think are waiting for the new pilots?

C.T.- Well, in my case it's always been tooth and nail, as for rookies, my advice to them is learn your machines and what they can do and how they work best and never be afraid to ask for advice.

M.- You mentioned that you are seen as a sort of General among your fellows. Do you think you might claim an army anytime to lead it again? Like resurrecting the Storm as you said before?

C.T.- Right at the moment, it's mostly inside members, but I would like to find others who would join.

M.- In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good general and what role do you fulfil?

C.T.- Diplomacy is important. Mostly for the purpose of diplomacy I was given the leadership of both Clans from P.C. Wong and even after Phoenix storm disbanded I kept the title, but I still negotiate with my fellow clan members before any decision is made

M.- So you use that title as a kind of honorary award.

C.T.- When I was asked to take over it was a bombshell to me. I never expected to be put in that position. P.C. Wong and I talked a lot, especially about our clan and the members and how to build, he was the backbone for us.

M.- Regarding your current crew. Does Misfit like to use the specialist formations? Which one is your favourite spec?

C.T.- Never have been big on the specialist, but in my clan, we all have an Ant Army. We also use other specs.

M.- So there are specs you haven't covered yet?

C.T.- Actually, I have others I have been working with and others that are set up but they just haven't been fully upgraded.

M.- Choose an option:  Frontal Assault or Deceptive Guerrilla?

C.T.- Interesting question you have asked there. I'd have to say both; I first started out with deceptive guerrilla warfare now on frontal assault.

M.- “Kill the meat and save the metal”, or “scrap the metal and hire the meat”?

C.T.- Pretty much “kill the meat and save the metal”.

M.- Would you prefer a Niode BFM built with crystal gear or a Crystal BFM build with Niode gear?

C.T.- That is a very interesting question, but if I have a choice, I would take the Niode Mech with Crystal gear.

M.- Do you have any words for the younger or the veteran pilots, or any other question that you may want to add?

C.T.- One thing I have learned in all these wars is never put a label on someone. There's always room to negotiate between fights. I talked to a lot of Pilots from other clans, but once the war starts the gloves come off. Negotiation with others is always better than holding a grudge against them

M.- Smart attitude. Thank you very much for your time General.

C.T.- Has been a pleasure to meet you.

Entry & Interview with Charles Tomlin (177650) by GJ (685605)