Kanabo Krushers

[History, Units, War]
(Kanabo Krushers banner by GJ)
Formed by the Prince of Iron in the wake of the Shogunate civil war, the Kanabo Krushers are comprised mostly of Shogunate loyalists from the newly formed nation of Sengakuji Reaches. Their original charter contained letters of Marque and they were dispatched to raid commerce in the fledgling nation. Eventually they began to move beyond their mandate a took targets of opportunity across the galaxy. 

In 3325 they began a campaign of heavy raiding alongside the forces of the Pirate King in Cogwerk space. They were without a doubt the most effective force in the entire pirate war. The fact that they were a sanctioned unit in the employ of the Shogunate came to light 3330 when Duke Crimson ordered a few captured pilots to be executed as pirates. 

The eventual outcome of the political incident was that Kanabo Krushers were ordered to disband and return to the Shogunate, The pilots would be assigned among regular army units and offered a general discharge or non-combat postings. The Krushers felt this was an insult at best and betrayal at worst and refused the recall.

It is assumed they are currently working with or for the Pirate King. With the extensive contacts the unit has developed the Kanabo Krushers are likely to continue to be a threat to galactic peace for long time.

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(By Daniel Scott - 164961)