Cycle Analysis of Burn

[Technique Support]

Burn is a property mostly but not exclusively found in fire weapons:

Here for instance we have the Radiator, which has a 4% Burn effect. What this means is that should you hit your opponent you will not only cause the usual hit damage but then cause your opponent to take additional damage (Burn) for a further 4 rounds. This damage is a % (for the Radiator this would be 4%) of the initial hit damage.

Once your opponent is effectively “Burning” any further hits from a burn capable weapon will cause the Mech to IGNITE and take what I call “Furious” damage which through observation is 6x the indicated burn %. 

Each hit is treated separately so effectively you can have 4 different burn effects running in parallel, their damage is accumulated and shown in the Battle Log as a single Burn figure.

Each round the burn damage for each hit is reduced by either 1 or 4 depending on the initial damage.
I’ve tried to show this whole process below. Note that in normal battles it’s very difficult to even achieve one IGNITE let alone three!


Radiator 4% Burn

My Boreas hits my opponent causing 176 points of damage. 

Note that the actual damage is reduced by 56 from the Fire Shield and a further 29 points is absorb by overall shielding causing 91 points of actual damage. You can see this reflected in the Health bar.. 913/1004. Initial armour was 1004 and has been reduced to 913 (91). The fact the opponent has been frozen doesn’t make any difference in this example 


Burn Damage 1.1 = 176*4% = 7 (allow for rounding)

We hit our opponent again, causing a further 209 damage, we also start seeing the effect of the previous hit as burn damage. The differences between my calculated values and those shown are due to rounding display errors but they hopefully serve their purpose.


Ignite Damage 1.1 = 209*4% x 6 (Furious Damage) = 50

Burn Damage 1.2 = 7 -1 = 6

Total Burn = 56 (allow for rounding)

Another hit. Here we see the “Ignites!” text so we know we’ve hit an already burning Mech. I’ve tried to show the various burn rounds in the decimal, so we are now in the 2nd burn for the initial hit and the first burn for the Ignite. 

Note that it’s not the Mech that really ignites effectively they are both just normal burn effects but the Ignite hit receives the extra damage modifier.


Ignite Damage 2.1 = 267*4%x6 = 64

Ignite Damage 1.2 = 50 – 4 = 46

Burn Damage 1.3 = 6-1 = 5

Total Burn = 115 (allow for rounding)

Note that the initial burn is being reduced by 1 each round but the larger damage Ignites are being reduced by 4. We now have 3 separate burn effects in parallel.


Ignite Damage 3.1 = 239*4%x6 = 57

Ignite Damage 2.2 = 64-4 = 60

Ignite Damage 1.3 = 46 – 4 = 42

Burn Damage 1.4 = 5-1 = 4

Total Burn = 163 (allow for rounding)

So we reach the maximum of 4 burn runs (3 Ignites and the original Burn)


Ignite Damage 4.1 = 148*4%x6 = 35

Ignite Damage 3.2 = 57-4 = 53

Ignite Damage 2.3 = 60-4 = 56

Ignite Damage 1.4 = 42 – 4 = 38

Burn Damage 1. Expired

Total Burn = 182 (allow for rounding)

The original burn run has now expired and we are left processing the 4 Ignites.
However this hit has destroyed the Mech so whilst the damage is shown it’s all a little late.

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(By Ben Rail - 459199)

The Awakening

[Xenology, History]

According to reports obtained from the Illyrian Hegemony expeditionary forces concerning the planet Vupa 6, an unknown race that calls itself "Yoram" has terraformed the planet through the modification of the atmosphere to make it compatible for them.

Vupa 6
Apparently, the Yoram have remained hidden without showing their existence until the Vupa 6 incidents began to occur between the years 3323 and 3325.

In 3325, it was discovered that the ubiquitous purple haze in the atmosphere of Vupa 6 was not a natural phenomenon, but that it was artificially created by the Yoram, an alien species showing to be insightful and hostile to mankind.

The Yoram sent an ultimatum within a message stating that the process of terraforming was nearing its conclusion, making the atmosphere of Vupa 6 completely viable for them. 

An event that they called "the Awakening".

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(By GJ - 685605)


[Xenobiology, History]

The Yoram are a mysterious alien race located on Vupa 6 and endowed with great mental powers but whose physical form is still unknown. So far, they have shown a clear hostility toward mankind, using mental control to capture and prey on them or to confront the forces sent to Vupa 6 to discover more about the Yoram.

1. Biology

Physical features:  While the physical shape of the Yoram is still unknown, it is known that their body needs the purple atmosphere they have artificially created on Vupa 6 to breathe without help.

Mind features: The few times in which they have communicated with our species, they did so using humans under mental control to use them as messenger puppets.

So far they have shown high mental control abilities, being able to turn armies of Mech pilots against each other.

Feeding: Evidence has been found suggesting that the Yoram have used some of their  human victims as food. Although it is not known whether their food needs are wider, this would explain the fate of many who were telepathically attracted to Vupa 6 and who have never been heard from again.

2. Culture

Rites and customs: Although almost everything about the Yoram is unknown, vestiges have been found that point towards some kind of barbaric animism, with shrines made with organic fragments of their human victims.

Govern System: Unknown

3. Technology

So far, various artefacts have been discovered, all of them appearing to be from an organic-mineral origin. Among the artefacts are noteworthy exo-skeleton plates for Mechs or strange and fine antennae that seem to be applied by piercing their victim's skulls to maintain telepathic control at a distance.

4. History

Since the purple haze that invades the atmosphere of Vupa 6 has been attributed to the atmospheric manipulation by the Yoram, it is estimated that they occupied the planet at least three centuries ago, although the date on which they settled on Vupa 6 could be much earlier.

From the own testimony given by the Yoram, it is believed that the process of terraforming that the planet Vupa 6 has been subjected to culminate in what the Yoram call "the awakening" at which point the Yoram will be able to breathe the atmosphere of Vupa 6 and move freely around the planet, suggesting that as long as this process is not completed, they are subject to some sort of important limitation.

The first reference of the Yoram was obtained during the military campaign by the Illyrian Hegemony on Vupa 6 in 3325, where the purpose was to locate and to destroy the origin of the numerous incidents that were taking place in the sector and had caused Vupa 6 to become purple in colour.

The campaign was a disaster with the Illyrian forces turning on each other, forcing the participation of the mercenary clans.

When the mercenary clans that were summoned to try to save as many of Illyria's troops as possible and managed to control the disaster, the Yoram employed telepathically controlled human puppets, threatening the survivors and forcing them to withdraw from the planet without interfering in what they called their awakening.

The awakening of the Yoram is a new threat to mankind.

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(By GJ - 685605)


[Mech Technology, Organizations]

There is no more mysterious, powerful and influential organization in the galaxy than the Craftsmen.
Apart from the important role they play for the safety of our galaxy and their formidable Mechs, equipment and weapons they are capable of producing in their secret facilities, little is known about them. Their location is maintained in the most rigorous of secrets, beyond the galaxy's borders, and they move their shipments and personnel through seldom-used or encoded gateways with unique niode matrices.

Their influence has grown in so many directions that there are those who call them "The powers that be" and "The developers".

These are some of their many roles:

As one of the most prestigious manufacturers, they produce the highly coveted King of the Mountain trophies: the Nephilax class, the Vizi and the Zadok that they distribute among the respective champions of the tournaments that they themselves have organized from their inception.
Influential Lobby

No one can gauge their political influence, but it is known that outside the Great Powers, there is no organization to shade them.

In the past they favored the creation of a Galactic Senate, with voice and vote in parity with the three Great Powers of the galaxy.

They exert their influence over the mercenary clans like a touchstone, becoming the saviours to the galaxy in numerous occasions.
Military Advisers

Throughout the history of the Galaxy, they have played a discreet but valuable role as military advisers against the endless dangers that beset our galaxy.

Mech Games Sponsors

They have sponsored and organized with great regularity the Great Games and Mech Tournaments (Circuits, KotM, Faction, Clan and Squad Wars), as well as other extraordinary events (Mechalympix and the Metaverse campaign), which serve to channel the incredible potential of the numerous mercenary clans for more constructive purposes, while keeping them well-trained and ready to enter into actual combat.

Original Craftsmen Crew
  • Nick "BCDC" Shapiro (CEO)
  • Noah Hall (Analytics Engineer)
  • Drew Winget (Loremaster and Frontend Engineer)
  • Jesse Zbikowski (Distinguished Engineer)
  • Pauline Chan (Designer)
  • Evan Bangham (Backend Engineer)

Other Known Craftsmen
  • Artemis Molly (former Craftsmen now MIA)
  • Ambrose Cogsmith (Troublemaker Engineer)
  • Misako Totsuka (Social and Media Manager)
  • Ng Chong Han (Designer)

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(By GJ - 685605)

Purple Fever

[Phenomena, Planetology]

The planetoids known as Vupa 6 remains permanently covered by an insidious purple atmosphere that has shown varying degrees of toxicity in its direct contact with a wide range of mental disorders and motor dysfunctions, which are attributed the withdrawal of the Illyrian garrisons as well as the madness of some pirates who settled on the planet after the Illyrian retired. 


Among the medical community, the set of mental disorders that can be suffered as a result of prolonged exposure to this atmosphere, was denominated Phoebe's syndrome (Dr. Phoebe Ygeia was the Illyrian medical head of the unique serious research on the Purple Vupa 6 environment), although it is more commonly known as purple fever. However, the medical picture is extensive and has not been studied in depth, since the Illyrian authorities protected all their information under a strict confidentiality of military secrecy.
Vupa 6
Atmospheric Composition

The chemical analysis of this mist shows a broad spectrum of gases and metals, with high doses of various sulfur compounds and carbon monoxide, that in the long term and through long direct exposures can cause irreversible injuries to the human organism.


Direct or indirect and prolonged exposition to the purple haze has show very varied clinical pathologies, which includes frequent memory loss, disorientation, in severe cases, various degrees of autism and evident deterioration in cortex tissue, and often many different mental disorders related to psycho pathologies, or most commonly with madness.


The alien species known as the Yoram have altered the Vupa 6 atmosphere to create an environment they could breathe, leading to the event they denominate as "The Awakening". The scientist's belief is that the purple colourization and the adverse effects are directly consequence of the Yoram's manipulations, although this Purple Fever could be direct consequence of the telepathic control of the Yoram on all the intruders entering Vupa 6.


In direct contact with the atmosphere of Vupa 6, the use of medium filters for insidious and toxic atmospheres is recommended.

In the case of direct unprotected contact, it is believed that the purple atmosphere will not begin to affect guests until about nine hours later. With longer exposures, numerous cases of stress and other pathological pictures of great diversity have been described.

Usually, for stays in environments with an autonomous atmosphere, not exposed to the atmosphere of Vupa, filters are often dispensed with because they are considered to be safe from the permissive effects of the fog, but there is a tendency to use lightweight pocket filters, even in the interior Of protected spaces.

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(By GJ - 685605)

Beatdown Day

[Anniversaries, Calendar]

15 July

According the standard calendar, every 15 July the Beatwodn day is celebrated in commemoration of a vicious victory.

During the duration of the day, engagement Craftsmen rules, which reduce duels between Mech pilots to two per day (to minimize unnecessary damage), are ignored, allowing for more intensive individual combat. In this day, all the pilots can attack whoever they want as many times as they were able, outside of Clan Wars as only exception).


Although the origin of this celebration is not clear, according to some unofficial sources, it goes back to the overwhelming victory carried by the first Mech built by the Radix tribe, with which they crushed a conventional army of Old Terra, according to the most reliable resources, or a pirate Warlord according to others.

However, the fact is that the first contingent of war Mechs massacred a strong and numerous contingent of conventional tanks.

To commemorate this crushing victory, or some other whose memory has been lost, buried under the thousands of conflicts that have happened in the galaxy over a couple centuries, many pilots began to officially celebrate duels every July 15.

During this celebration the rules of combat relax, allowing numerous rounds that normally ended in butchers where the authorities turned a blind eye, as the few attempts to cut this event, resulted in riots that caused serious damages in public and governmental facilities.

At present, and sanctioned by the Craftsmen, this day has become a special occasion that provides the facilities of the Craftsmen Mecha Games and Tournaments to surrender to these batteries of duels without rest during the whole duration of the day.

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(By GJ - 685605)


[Astronomy, Planetology]
Other denominations: Caïssa, Scacchia

Polar Radius:  7,054.1 Km.

Equatorial Radius:  7,180.3 Km.

Circumference (equatorial): 45,115.14 km.

Density: 5,210 gr./cm3.

Mass: 6,1735×1000 kg

Average surface temperature

Orbital Radio: 1,30005 ua

Orbital Period (in standard years): 481.3 standard days / 1.317 standard years.

Rotation Period: 37.554 standard hours (1.56 standard days)  

Habitability: Standard terraformed conditions.

Natural Satellites: 2 (Fischer and Kasparov)

Atmosphere (composition) Standard, enriched with high presence of nitrogen, oxygen, and helium.

Other Features: Cold ringed planet.


In origin, Caïssa is a fictional Thracian dryad portrayed as the goddess of chess, as invented during the Old Terran Renaissance by the Italian poet Hieronymus Vida (Marco Girolamo Vida).
Caïssa was firstly mentioned in the Vida's poem "Scacchia Ludus" (Classic Latin for "Chess Game") published in 1527. In this poem is narrated a chess game between Apollo and Mercury in the presence of the other Greek gods. 

In 1763, Sir William Jones, an English orientalist from Old Terra, re utilized Vida's character Caïssa to publish a new poem written in Latin hexameters, as also an English-language version (proto Galactic Standard). In the poem, Caïssa initially repels the advances of the god of war, Mars. Spurned, Mars seeks the aid of the god of sport Euphron, brother of Venus, who creates the game of chess as a gift for Mars to win Caïssa's favor.

GovernmentRepublic of Caïssa

Capital: Carlsen City 

Named in honour of the Old Terra 21st century Chess Grandmaster Sven Magnus Carlsen.


Caïssa is a ringed cold planet but with conditions to be inhabited. Has two moons named Fischer and Kasparov (old Legendary Chess Players from Old Terra).

The Caïssa's rings are made up mostly with water ice and dust, are highly reflective and visible both day and night time.

A 87% of the planet surface is water, with less than a tenth part of habitable land, mostly islands of small area.

The temperatures are low, which makes from most of its surface an icy planet, with frozen seas and dangerous grounds of squeezing crystal ice.

The surface shows everlasting snowy surfaces, covering many of the waters and grounds in an indistinguishable mantle; gleaming glaciers, white cliffs of snow and ice above glittering dark blue seas and the stunning ring system in the sky, ornate with the twin moons, Fischer and Kasparov.


Originally, Caïssa was settled in 3141 by an exploratory missions searching for prospective minerals. It was quickly discovered that the planet did not have any significant heavy metal deposit or bio fuel pockets. However, its natural beauty and low number of Niode gates meant that Caissa became a getaway destination.

From the orbital view and through its grounds, with impressive glaciers, white pure icy surfaces and obsidian cold dark seas, the planet seemed a chess board, hence the first setlers called it as the Chess game Goddess.

Caïssa started as a tourist planet for some high corporate officers and pilots looking for solitude and tranquility, and not long after the arrival of the first settlers, Caïssa became a resting planet in which winter games and resorts are now the major business of the planet, clustered around the Carlsen Gate and the capital city that is situated across the nearby isthmus.

The special features of Caïssa lured the interest of the renowned Mercenary Faction of Chessmen (RND), which arrived on Caïssa in 3273, under the joint command of Chris Daniels and Richard Millich, and the blue, gold and chessboard flag has flown from the frozen northern mesas of their research facilities ever since.


Caïssa took a role of vacation place similar like the one Rizpah acquired, but with an environment totally opposed to the Rizpah' exuberant jungles and warm climate, Caïssa has become a peerless environment to celebrate winter sports and the Mecca for the King Caïssan Game: Chess.

Within the tourism and gaming, fishing became as well a major industry, as the oceans are teeming with abundant marine life. Some rare species from the marine Caïssan deeps constitute now a tasty dish reserved for the most exquisite stomachs of the galaxy.


Caïssa has a high reputation as an educational planet. The scientist approach that the RND mercenary clan brought with them attracted one of the highest concentrations of military and physics scientists in the galaxy, and at one time in the past, this collection of minds was told to rival that of Novum Dolorum. Since then, many scientists have left after the collapse of the old RND, but the Carlsen-Lisi Academy retains a sterling reputation as one of the top 20 best military academies of the galaxy.

Defensive Features

Once a year, the Caissan Navy host a joint military exercise with the participation of the Chessmen Mech Squads, coordinating Mecha warfare with the naval coastal defenses. Invading forces would not only have to deal with the low number of Gateways as bottlenecks, but also with a rough and difficult terrain, large and impassible areas of water and naval bombardment, but also treacherous icy surfaces that makes sea and ground looking a same thing. This is not extraordinary that a Mech sunk suddenly into the deep waters after step on the wrong field.
In addition, the extreme cold requires a special maintenance of the machines, so an unprepaired army could end with their joints broken after a long campaign.

Several bunkers and camouflaged batteries will deal with any aerial force that tried to counter the naval defenses, as also offer haven to the Caïssan forces during the worst winter storms.

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(By GJ - 685605 & Richard Millich - 291875)


Biological Classification

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Class: Reptilia
  • Genus: Terror Vester
  • Common name: Dreadwing

Gigantic winged pseudo-draconian reptilians of oviparous reproduction. The study of some Dreadwings specimens have revealed that they are sentient and capable of gesture based communication, like many domesticated animals.

Scientists from every Major Power are studying the Dreadwings. While they have not yet agreed on where these new creatures originated, the scientists have determined that Dreadwings evolved naturally. They don't bear the markers of a lab-grown monstrosity.

Physical Features

Full grown adults measure on average 5 ½ meters at the shoulder and over 20 meters nose to tail. 
Hardened and highly energy resistant skin (which makes them resilient to laser weaponry), with possible high concentrations of ferrite and crystal and strong muscles. In their head, they have four boned horns of great hardness, containing some undetermined element that allows them to channel powerful electric shocks. Strong jaws with painful razor-teeth. Four extremities finished in powerful claws, armored wings that allow them a limited flight of low maneuver (their short agility in flight turn them vulnerable to missile attacks) and a long thorny tail.

The way in which their bodies conduct the energy unleashed through their horns is not known yet. However, the reports indicates the adult Dreadwings can project a energy ray over a kilometer.


As true oviparous, the fertilization is internal and the female lays eggs containing zygotes with a certain quantify of yolk to feed the embryo while it remains in the egg and afterward, as a hatching. 


Droch'ah had enslaved and holding their eggs and young hostage assured the Dreadwing staying subject to his war plans. Dreadwings developed a great distrust and animosity against the humanity, since Droch'ah used his human thralls as overseers to these creatures, thus they were fearful and aggressive toward humans. Either they couldn't understand the division of those working for and those fighting against Droch'ah or they didn't care. Their hatred of humans is rooted in their enslavement. While they were freed by the Mercenary Clans in 3314, they still are wary of humans and keep away from any contact for the most part.

(By GJ - 685605)


[Mercenary Clan]
Foundation date: 3324, 27 September.

Crew and Founders (by alphabetical order)

The original crew that started Aeon, was made with former members from Black Star, The Brotherhood, Dragons and Zeon:
  • Chris Zimmer  
  • Donald Anthony Alligood   
  • Don Fugate   
  • Germán Jaramillo
  • John Thorson 
  • Roy Cheah   
  • Sheila Retherford   
  • Travis Retherford   
Leader: Donald Anthony Alligood


"A sudden rain of fire covered the starry night like a curtain that announced the beginning of the end.
It was not a colony drop. It was... Something new and terrible.
And the fear was reflected in the faces of those who witnessed this herald of destruction and renewal.
A new aeon was beginning."
The Book of Mechanized Prophecies
Last Chapter.


During the Clan War of 3324, two of the stronger clans belonging to the mighty factions of Black Star, and the Brotherhood-Dragons alliance, collided in the Third Division.

On a side, the Black Star Lycan Rangers, who were reinforced with three former members of Zeon, a formidable and recently disbanded clan and a long time champion among those in the top divisions. On the other side, the Northwind Dragons, the head clans of the Brotherhood and Dragons, who were champions on the Third Division since their inception.

From the battle, the Black Star Lycan Rangers emerged as the new champion after a great show, but from the clash a spark of a plan took shape in the minds and wills from some of the pilots concerned in the fight.

During a meeting between Scott Abbott, the Dragons CIC and Donald A. Alligood, the Black Star CIC, both leaders found they had similar goals and that it would be good join forces in pursuit of their common purpose.

Thus Aeon was born.

Aeon debuted in the Squad Wars of 3325, in the 2nd division with a deficit of 60 levels with the top unit, and achieving silver after a close battle (scoring 58 vs. 66) for the gold against Phoenix Overdrive, a squad half composed by Juggernaut/Fusion pilots. 

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(By GJ - 685605)

Rizpah Moon

[Planetology, Astronomy]
Planet type
Terraformed satellite moon. Tropical standard ecology.
Unique moon of the planet Ecclesia-4.
Cogwerk Society of Planets, governed by the Legionnaires of Galactic Trade.

Rizpah's moon is one of the most favored vacation and rest places for officers of the Galactic Trade Legionnaries, one of the five main factions of the Cogwerk Domain.

The fabulous and opulent palaces built in the coast or in deep corners of the verdant moon are surrounded by idyllic gardens that look like authentic replicas of the biblical Eden.

Geology and Ecology
The soil is rich on substrates that favors an exuberant biology. A verdant biosphere covers the 93% of the land's surface. Near the coast there is are the Rizpah Mountains with Mt. Coffleppot as highest point. Beneath the mountains, there are underground natural complex where the smugglers hiding from the Legionnaires put in safety their shipments.

Among an almost endless list of species, many of which remain unclassified, Rizpah has the largest known population of Snavurms, and its succulent meat has become an exotic dish for which they are hunted for import.
Only a 15% of the Rizpah surface is inhabited by Cogwerk citizens, while in the emerald sea of jungle there are reports about big populations of indigene tribes who time to time enter in conflict against the Legionnaires of Galactic Trade (LoGT), who keep the tribes under control with their overwhelming higher technology, pushing them back into the dense jungle.
While the peaceful and idyllic coasts under the LoGT control are safe areas used as vacation retirement havens, like Esmeralda Cove as the more renown, the jungle is plenty on odd and bizarre fauna and perils, as the aggressive Snavurms, rebel native tribes and ancient shrines and temples that by the opinion of some anthropologists and historians seems remnants of an ancient Forerunner civilization.

~ ~ ~

Etymology and origin of the Rizpah name.

Rizpah (Ancient Earthen Hebrew word meaning "coal" or "hot stone"). Rizpah is a biblical woman who gave her mother’s love with courage in the most difficult hour, witnessing the death of his children and guarding them.

Given the links of the Legionnaires of Galactic Trade with a monastic life, it is not strange that they chose a name related to the sacred ancient texts.

Among all the heart-moving episodes in the Ancient Earthen Bible, none is as compelling and touching as the story of Rizpah and her care of the dead. 

The name of Rizpah is venerated and remembered as the name of a mother who protected with courage her dead sons sacrificed by reasons of State. She protected them from injury from the vultures in their dead and finally recovering the corpses to give them the proper sepulture.

Saul, King of Israel, broke an oath he had made with the Gibeonites for Joshua. Although the idolatrous Gibeonites had deceived Joshua, the treatise with them had been made, and the oath not to destroy them by the sword was sealed in the name of the Lord. But when Saul came to power, he devoted himself to the obliteration of the enemies of Israel, and treating the Gibeonites as a pagan settlement in a holy land, he tried to annihilate them. As soon as Saul met his death on Mount Gilboa, the Gibeonites sought redress for the desecration of Joshua's oath. 

Then, a severe famine lasting for three years overtook the land of Israel, and David, who succeeded to Saul as King, was divinely informed that the famine was in consequence of Saul’s slaughter of the oath-protected Gibeonites. They demanded by way of compensation that the seven sons of Saul should be hung up “before the Lord” in expiation for what had been done there. It thus came about that innocent children had to bear heavy punishment for the sin of their father. The five sons of Saul by Merab, and Saul’s two sons by Rizpah were taken and hanged upon a hilltop for all to see. Thus vengeance, a divine prerogative, was taken out of God’s hands, and executed by revengeful men in God’s name upon seven innocent men. They were cruelly slaughtered, not to appease divine wrath, but to satisfy a human thirst for vengeance. History affirms that innocent people suffer for the sins of their rulers. 

Rizpah watched through the days and weeks during barley harvest with those seven blood-covered bodies hanging on the respective trees, and noble Rizpah protecting them from the vultures waiting to gorge themselves on the corpses. 

Even during the rain, Rizpah continued watching the moldering bodies of the dead standing out stark against the sky. Her beautiful, sacrificial motherhood. David heard of her motherly devotion and long vigil and he commanded that they should be recovered and buried in the family grave at Zelah and Rizpah’s desire for proper respect for her dead was fulfilled.

~ ~ ~
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(By GJ - 685605)