When evaluating the abilities of a Mecha Pilot, there are several more or less standardized systems across the galaxy. From all the pilot evaluating systems, the most used is the Craftsmen Pilot Evaluation Ratio (CPER), commonly known among the pilots as the "Crapper".
This system raises a value that summarizes all the pilot capabilities, updating it through the vast Craftsmen databases at circuits, duels and the major events such as the Mech Games and Tournaments (also known as the Clan Wars, Squad Wars and Faction Wars).
The CPER Level system grants a value of 1 to a new pilot, and advances to the three digit numbers for the most advanced pilots of the galaxy, most of whom are concentrated in Division One of the various events organized by the Craftsmen.
The CPER may not be a perfect evaluation system, but it is simple, effective and its use has spread throughout the whole Galaxy, to the point of overshadowing many other systems. (K.I.S.S.)
- Mechs and Weapon Market and CPER Limitations.
Because of the limited production of certain high-calibre and extreme firepower weapons, a limitation has been established where a pilot can only access certain amount of each weapon as determined by their CPER.
However the limit doesn't apply to those weapons that can be acquired through the black market, such as the Mystery Vortex or Craftsmen event prizes.
(By GJ - 685605)