Portal Stabilization Device (PSD)

[Astrophysics, Technology]

The Portal Stabilization Device, or PSD, is a tool developed by Dr. Oki o'Conn, from clan Zeon, during the year 3317, in the attempt to counter the Second wave of the Unification's Assault to our dimension.

The opportunity to create the PSD was given by Unification themselves during a blind attack on Zeon facilities (in their belief that Zeon were the same thing as their arch enemies in their own dimension: Xeon). Although the attack was successful, a sudden fluctuation in the gate used by Unification forces caused their PSD to become dislodged and it fell into the warm-tunnel to land in our own dimension. 

In the retreat, Zeon forces managed to spot the strange artefact and captured it from the hands of their assaulters.

This extraordinary stroke of good luck marked the turning point in the war against the Unification invasion.

A cluster of Zeon scientists led by Dr. Oki o´Conn went into a quick, but deep study of the dimensional device, allowing them to emulate a weaker version of the Unification mechanism. While the new Zeon device couldn't fully open a gate to jump into the alternative dimension, it was strong enough as to affect the exit of Unification forces coming through the gate. Dr. Oki o´Conn and his team refined and mass produced the PSD, allowing all the mercenary clans to acquire the tool for the war against Unification. Dr Oki o´Conn's PSD granted greater control to our forces over the gates used by Unification but only on our side of the dimensional warps they were using.

The mercenary clans used PSDs to counter the portals to intercept the Unification's cargo drones, breaking their supply lines and acquiring the necessary advantage during the war in the Clarke Federation Sector, where Unification forces were forced to retreat to their dimension.

The PSD works by tuning a nearby unstable gateway, interfering with the dimensional continuum and granting an expanded duration of the short life on the unstable gateways. The unstable gateways were caused by the recent destruction of the Chroniode, which also allowed them to be disrupted. Although the ability to verify and travel to the Unification's dimension couldn't be completed, the activation of the PSD still requires high amounts of Lisi energy and so, large amounts of Niodes must be used in the activation or control of each gateway.

Further research has shown that the ancient anomaly known as the Mystery Vortex, shares the same scheme as the PSD, connecting different dimensions and opening a chance to lurk supplies from different dimensions to deliver them in our own space and time.

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(By GJ - 685605)