Evil Santa

[Galactic Menace]

For longer than many pilots could remember, there is an old threat that periodically, every Christmas time, tests the various governments of the galaxy as to the mercenary clans.

He is Evil Santa, an insane Arch Villain pilot and engineer, and mad genius.

Some veteran pilots mention that he was in the past a skilled pilot and brilliant engineer who unlocked some pieces of the forbidden Forerunner Technology. In his research he dared to directly link his mind into the remains of one of the ancient alien AI´s, experiencing a technologic enlightenment that led him into the madness.

From his deviant mind, was born the Jottun, an efficient crystal quality ice mech employed by his minions in the "Xmas Days" of 3277 to 3278, year in which he swarmed Shogunate and Cogwerk systems. Both powers had to ally and summon the Mercenary Clans and the aggression was repelled. Some exemplars of the Jottun were captured and through reverse engineering by Consolidated Mecha, the main faction of the Society of Cogwerk Planets, the Jottun was made available on the open market.

Elf class mech in duty commission
He has also created an army of deviant Xmas themed mechs, piloted by his minions who serve him in his naughty goals: Xmas Trees, Reindeers and Elves Mech Classes feed his army to punish the galaxy every Xmas. He is known to use a special Santa looking mech for his theft and evil deeds as the epitome of distorted irony and mad wickedness.

Although his real identity is unknown, some silly hypothesis pretend that he could be the evil twin of "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas", other even link him with Droch'ah, suggesting he could have been a clone gone out of the Forerunner control, or even a betrayed old collaborator of the Forerunner, which could explain his approach to the Forerunner Technology.

Another mystery is his real motivations and goals. Where is he getting the huge resources to build his freak Xmas Army, made with raving and seemingly harmless but in fact dangerous mechs class Elf, Reindeer or Xmas Tree...

The Days of Xmas

Long time gone are the days of the original Christmas Eve, in which mankind celebrated the end of a year and the entry on the new one in which all sort of vows and good purposes were renewed.

Currently now, the "Days of Xmas" as some pilots call them, are not seen as a celebration but as a time of troubles.

The last recorded massive attacks made by Evil Santa were in the years 3277, 3291, 3318 and 3330.

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(By GJ - 685605)